Nationalism Sources for your Essay

Nationalism in Singapore. It Is

These are the reasons that the Singaporean nationalist gives for promoting nationalism. (Malik, online)

European Nationalism: Creed of the 19th Century

However, it is worth noting that the origins of Germany's fractured political situation in religious difference would provide the last major obstacle to Bismarck: it would be the political intransigence of south German Catholics, largely led by their Parliamentary spokesman Ludwig Windthorst, who would provide substantial resistance to Bismarck's policy of Kulturkampf. Margaret Anderson notes that "the Catholic population had suddenly dropped from rough equality with Protestants under the old German Confederation toa a minority of 36% in Bismarck's new creation" thus leading Bismarck's unification scheme to be "trumpted by its greatest enthusiasts as the Protestant empire" (Anderson 77)

European Nationalism: Creed of the 19th Century

But as Arblaster notes, "Britain was not unsympathetic to liberal revolution, France was all for it. Austria, Prussia, and Russia were aghast." (Arblaster 179)

European Nationalism: Creed of the 19th Century

As a result Franz Josef himself believed, in Palmer's words, that "rulers and governments wished to manipulate the popular belief in nationalism" were the "real villains" of late nineteenth century statecraft. (Palmer 146)

Nationalism of Spain and Russia -- Destabilization

Further illustration will be given that explained how Russia was portrayed by the westerns. Moreover, it also demonstrates Russians 'self' was defined based on the expectations of westerns (Kaempf, 2010)

Nationalism of Spain and Russia -- Destabilization

Yet, soon after the introduction of Catalan and Basque movements, the Spanish nationalist once again unified for the identification of various regions. It is said that the Spanish nationalism is clearly seen in the 20th century which is followed by great struggle among the periphery and the centre (Muro and Quiroga, 2005)

Nationalism of Spain and Russia -- Destabilization

The conservative rulers tried to highlight and focus the ethnic elements. However, as observed, the nationalism of Spain has never been purely civic or ethnic (Rogozen-Soltar, 2007)

Nationalism / National Building Process

One moment at which such challenges tend to arise most forcefully is when industrial development and political centralization have led to concentrations of job opportunities in key urban centers and to the need for trained personnel to fill the new positions. It is at this point also in pluralistic societies that the issue of language becomes critical because the choice of the official language and the medium of education determine which groups have favored access to the best jobs" (Brass, 1991)

Nationalism / National Building Process

The idea of nationalism takes form historically in tandem with the doctrine of popular sovereignty: that the ultimate source of authority lies in the people, not the ruler or government." (Crawford Young, 2004)

Nationalism / National Building Process

Belgium proclaimed its independence in 1830 and the Belgian elite found themselves into the situation of having to give a national identity to the new state and they tried this by creating a national feeling. The 1830s were a decade of romanticism in Europe and the Belgian bourgeoisie was willing to be proud of its Volksgeist as all other European nations were at the time (Deprez & Vos, 1998)

Nationalism / National Building Process

The first claim of Flemish political movements was that the Flemish speaking regions should be bilingual, but as the leading class refused to accept the bilingual status, the movements became more radical, going as far as collaborating with the German invader during the First World War. On this background, the idea of regional autonomy grew more after the Second World War as there was a small separatist minority (Maddens, Beerten & Billiet, 1998)

Nationalism / National Building Process

This led to the situation that the Belgium state is more an empty framework, than a state as the classical definition. The decision-making process is made at regional level, while policies are implemented to one of the two segments of nation, while central administration concentrates on some general powers (defense, finances, security) which are themselves growing limited by the process of European integration (Magnette, 1997)

Nationalism / National Building Process

" This is the Belgian model that is so unique, the model of consociative democracy. However, the origins of this model do not lie in the national divide, but in a historically anterior and equally powerful cleavage, the one which opposes catholic and non-confessional citizens (Seiler,1999)

Ethnic Conflict Why Is Nationalism

The spectacular postwar recoveries of Japan and South Korea, and the recent developments of China and India offer enormous hope for Asians. Moisi also argues that the West needs to recognize the existence of threat emanating from the emotion of humility by Arab and Muslim countries, and needs to take measures to eliminate the threat by "instilling a sufficient sense of hope and progress in Muslim societies so that despair and anger do not send the masses into the radicals' arms" (Moisi)

Nationalism and Martyrdom: Symbolic Deaths

Part One Role of Symbols in Nationalist Movement (Selection, Function) The work of Jonathan Githens-Mazer (2007) entitled: "Ethno-Symbolism and the Everyday Resonance of Myths, Memories and Symbols o f the Nation" states that the power of symbols "determine the course and shape of everyday life and political behavior" and that this is often underestimated and even "taken for granted." (Githens-Mazer, 2007) Symbols are stated to range from "flags to anthems, from paintings to passports, from saints to martyrs" and all are stated to have the "ability to set agendas, add legitimacy to elites and institutions, and inspire powerful popular protests against colonial powers

Nationalism and Martyrdom: Symbolic Deaths

Use of Figures Labeled Martyrs in the Contemporary Discourse Regarding the Nationalist Movement The concepts of nationalism and the effects of Nationalism on language are stated to be based on Joshua Fishman's essays entitled: "The Nature of Nationalism" and "the Impact of Nationalism on Language Learning and Language Planning." (Sharon, 1995) Sharon states that Nationalism is defined by Fishman (1972) as "the organizationally heightened and elaborated beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of societies acting on behalf of their avowed ethnocultural self-interest

Nationalism and Martyrdom: Symbolic Deaths

" (Anderson, 2004) Nathan Hale Nathan Hale is stated in the work of Stuart and Hale (1855) entitled: "Life of Nathan Hale: Martyr Spy of the American Revolution" to have been born in Coventry Connecticut, June 6, 1755, the sixth of twelve children, nine sons and three daughters, offspring of Richard and Elizabeth Hale, and was the third in descent from John Hale, the first minister of Beverly, Massachusetts." (Stuart and Hale, 1855) Hale's father is described as a man of "

Nationalism and Martyrdom: Symbolic Deaths

The white Saxon, exclusive and haughty even in his burial, must have his place of rest proudly apart from the grave of the African he had once enslaved." (Nell and Stowe, 1855) Nell and Stowe very poignantly note that "after seventy-five years have passed, the bones of the forgotten victims of the Revolution are shoveled up by Irish laborers, carted off, and shot into the sea, as the rubbish of the town

Singapore Nationalism Global City Cosmopolitanism

The representative of every nation holds great responsibility, because he is the mover of the nation. The direction set by any representative depicts the future of the nation and whenever a nation progresses or declines its responsibility is majorly upon the leader of the nation (Gellner, 1983)

Singapore Nationalism Global City Cosmopolitanism

The classical nationalism views, which were prominent in the 19th century and later become an important jurisprudence in the Europe and Latin American nations, were that the territorial state as political unit is considered to be associated with people from same ethnic cultural group and are vigorously responsible for protecting and propagating their traditions. The liberal nationalist Ernest Renan have defined the national identity as people forming association and getting together in order to lead independent lives with liberal democratic political needs and national identity to live a meaningful and organized lives (Lim, 2011)