Imperialism Sources for your Essay

Emergence of New Imperialism

Most other critics and analysts tie the poem to the British Empire, particularly given Kipling's long history living in India, and his experience with British colonialism in India. The sentiments shown by Kipling through his poem are as relevant today as they were when the poem was written (Foster and McChesney, 2003)

Emergence of New Imperialism

However, after commercial capitalism it was merchants who provided support to the monarchs. (Goucher, LeGuin and Walton) Investment of the capital present in industry began to be vastly expanded during the late 18th century; this was the period when agriculture and commerce were the major sources of capital

Continent Africa After Imperialism

An example of a good result is seen via the West Africa Today video whereby Chinese and Lebanese entrepreneurs are making a concerted effort to invest and pour money into West Africa ("West Africa Today," 2015). Given the struggles they are facing now with Ebola and so forth, that is no small thing because of the risks and political dimensions involved (CDC, 2014)

Imperialism in Iraq and Iran

The country has made considerable investments in Iraq since the American invasion, in order to secure its own energy needs going forward. China is the largest importer of Iraqi crude (Butch, 2015)

Imperialism in Iraq and Iran

One theory is that the Hashemite family, to whom power over Iraq (among others) was awarded had assisted by way of the Arab Revolt the conditions under which the British were able to take the areas from the Ottomans in the first place. The family was well-respected among Sunnis, tracing from the Prophet (pbuh) and having been governors of Mecca for centuries (Dawson, 2014)

Imperialism in Iraq and Iran

The British Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (BP) was the primary company that was nationalized by Mosaddagh, and British response was to defend its economic interests in the region. The only way it felt it could do that was to overthrown Mosaddagh and install a leader in the country that was friendlier to British and American interests (Dehghan & Taylor, 2013)

Imperialism in Iraq and Iran

This situation is only going to get worse for China as its economy grows, so it has begun to express its imperialistic ambitions in the oil-producing regions. In Iran, China has become involved in Iran's nuclear program negotiations, along with other major imperialist powers, to exert control over Iran's energy capabilities, and to potentially use Iran in the same way it uses North Korea as a cudgel against Western ambition (Jones, 2015)

Imperialism in Iraq and Iran

Knowing that they were going to control Iraq at that point, the British sought to extend Iraqi territory into Kurdistan. The result of this is that Kurdistan would be split between Iraq, Syria and Turkey (Malanczuk, 1991)

Imperialism in Iraq and Iran

The religious sector was perhaps the first to reject this imperialism, in part because it clashed with their Islamic worldview but also in part because it reduced their political power, as Iran was essentially run as a secular state under the Shah. The underlying principle that modernity is associated with progress was not challenged by many, but it was within strict Islamist circles in Iran (Rouleau, 1980)

Imperialism in Iraq and Iran

The Sykes-Picot Agreement between England and France was the first attempt at creating such boundaries. The San Remo Agreement redrew the boundaries of the modern nations of Iraq and Syria (Stansfield, 2014)

Imperialism Effect on Culture

Indeed, the feelings and passions of the woman depicted in Fantasia was very much echoed and copied in the real life of Djebar. There is very much a melding between what is depicted in the book and what Djebar did in her own real life (Culture Base)

Imperialism Effect on Culture

Indeed, the girl in the novel is fighting a dual fight. She is fighting for her native Algerian culture but she is also fighting for the independence and cultural value of women and girls in her homeland as well (Djebar)

Down with Imperialism

Year : 1953