Diabetes Mellitus Sources for your Essay

EBP Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Has Become

EBP Type 2 diabetes mellitus has become a common condition afflicting individuals worldwide. There are an increasing number of women in the reproductive age group presenting with type 2 diabetes, which necessitates appropriate risk management in order to reduce the likelihood of any negative effects for mothers and fetuses (Mahmud & Mazza, 2010)

EBP Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Has Become

Results of this study indicated that nurse educators were generally aware of the concept of preconception counseling although the majority had not received specific training in the practice. Furthermore, survey results from the study determined that 30% of nurses in the study did not regularly provide preconception counseling to adult clients with type 2 diabetes, and 40% of nurses did not provide this counseling to adolescent clients (Michel & Charron-Prowchownik, 2006)

Analyzing Case Study on Diabetes Mellitus Type II

gain ks P = Previous similar occurrence Feel dyspneic with strenuous exercise Nothing indicated in the symptoms Pain in his legs when he walks Not clearly stated in the diagnosis Not stated in the symptoms O = Onset Type 2 diabetes is familial Adult-onset diabetes As an adult In his adult life In his adult life As an adult L = Location Developed country In an industrialized country In an industrialized country Living in a developed nation Developed country D = Duration Over a period of one month For one week In the last 30 days For the last 30 days Over a period of one month C = Characteristics (radiation, quality, associated symptoms, setting) Dyspnea is unpleasant or uncomfortable breathing. Muscle infarction caused by atherosclerosis and diabetic Microangiopathy leading to ischemia of the muscle resulting in an intense inflammatory Response (Imran, Ardasenov Brown, Maz & Magadan, 2015) Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), due to nerve damage His blood sugars on his finger sticks have been high -- 190 fasting in the morning and 290 before evening meal Weight 225 lbs +10 pounds since his last visit 1 month ago, BMI 30 A = Aggravating Being overweight since dyspnea is related to overweight Prolonged standing Walking for long Hi lifestyle His lifestyle R = Relieving Stopping and resting until breathing returns Muscle activity of the lower leg Optimal glucose control helps to prevent it

Analyzing Case Study on Diabetes Mellitus Type II

The impairment is characterized by the toxicity of glucose and lipotoxicity. If left untreated, the conditions are known to cause pancreatic secretion reduction (Kohei, 2010)

Analyzing Case Study on Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Indeed, the existence of the condition in the body is an indicator of insulin resistance. This also means that there is a risk of developing type II diabetes (Leontis & Hess, n

Analyzing Case Study on Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Tompkins feels some pain as is the case in such conditions. The lower parts of his legs are warm to the touch and feel remotely painful (Mandal, 2016)

Analyzing Case Study on Diabetes Mellitus Type II

The differential diagnosis can be narrowed down by a range of factors, including the number of pillows a patient needs during sleep, chest pain complaints, how smooth the sleep sessions are, exertion during the day or at night and tolerance to exercise, among others. Other important factors include: the history of tobacco usage, allergies from the environment, occupation lifestyle, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, valvular complications and asthma condition (Morgan & Hodge, 1998)

Analyzing Case Study on Diabetes Mellitus Type II

It is also observed that such regular exercise may lower blood lipids and help deal with stress effects. These two elements are important in forestalling complications and treating diabetes (Quillen & Kuritzky, 2015)

Analyzing Case Study on Diabetes Mellitus Type II

e. insulin secretory dysfunction, impaired insulin action, obesity and a high rate of endogenous glucose output (Weyer, Bogardus, Mott & Pratley, 1999)