Urbanization Sources for your Essay

Papua New Guinea: Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land Reform

29), "passes through various stages during its development." The process the author in this case suggests has got to do with the "formation of various nuclei, expansion of older nuclei and intensification of the oldest" (Agnihotri, 1994, p

Papua New Guinea: Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land Reform

Part 2 Slum Upgrading and the Delivery of Land and Provision of Basic Services in the Context of Urban Growth and Governance Most of the land -- more than 97%, in Papua New Guinea, as Cooter (1991) points out has historically been under customary ownership. This has meant "that boundaries have not been surveyed, title has not been registered, and the applicable law is custom" (Cooter, 1991, p

Papua New Guinea: Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land Reform

According to Florida (2014), "despite major advances, the world's slum population will likely double to 2 billion by 2015." Why exactly do slums persist? What is it that makes then endure the best efforts to contain their growth and expansion? In the year 2011, efforts by the Indian government to realize a 'slum-free India' became a cropper after "the country's Committee on Slum Statistics came out with a sobering estimate," just two years after the said efforts were launched (Florida, 2014)

Papua New Guinea: Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land Reform

" This figure represents an enormous increase from the 1964 figure of only 4,500 immigrants. The total population of Port Moresby, as of a census conducted in the year 2000, was 254,158 people (Jones, 2009)

Papua New Guinea: Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land Reform

In the past, attempts to unlock customary land for economic and other business opportunities have not been so successful. For instance, established in the late 1970s, Special Agriculture and Business Lease -- SABL, despite being a noble and welcome development, was misused by unscrupulous persons, leading to skewed reduction of land held under customary tenure (Numapo, 2013)

Papua New Guinea: Urbanization, Slum Formation and Land Reform

In Port Moresby for instance, rural-urban migration has been occurring since the 1960s. However, the said migration has only gained significant momentum within the last two decades (Repic, 2011)

Babes in Warland Agrarian Reforms Urbanization and Child Abuse

Conflicts that have been witnessed in southern Africa have largely been occasioned by inequitable land distribution and slow land reform programs. This can be cited in Zimbabwean case where many white owned commercial farms were invaded (Cotula, Toulmin & Hesse, 2004)

Babes in Warland Agrarian Reforms Urbanization and Child Abuse

The Zimbabwean case echoes the need for land reforms and reparations. Private investors' activities have also generated conflicts (Moyo, 2008)

Urbanization the Harris-Todaro Model of

As the productivity of urban workers improved, this spurred greater investment and again this was focused in urban areas. This in turn drew more workers (Hassan 2004)

Urbanization the Harris-Todaro Model of

In Curitiba, public transport and education are the bedrocks of the compact development. The transit system functions well and over 70% of the city's population uses it (Kotkin, 2009)

Urbanization the Harris-Todaro Model of

The city has envisioned trip patterns that are shorter than most other cities, such that residents can live and work in the same spaces without the need for long commutes. This reduces greenhouse gas emissions and allows for a more livable urban environment (Magalhaes & Ortiz, 2009)

Urbanization the Harris-Todaro Model of

There are instances where Harris-Todaro does not hold. While rational economic considerations can explain part of the rapid urbanization of Kinshasa, many other migrants leave their rural lands simply to avoid armed conflict (Misilu, Nsokimieno, Chen & Zhang, 2010)

Urbanization and City Planning Considerations:

The first priority of any future urban development, planning, or growth should be sustainability. Since the population of the planet is set to double in the next 30 years, it will become increasingly important that people wishing to live in urban environments, those environs with the highest environmental impact and largest human footprint, be willing and able to do so in a sustainable way (Rees and Wackernagel, 550)

Urbanization and City Planning Considerations:

In a developed nation, this could be a challenge since much of the urbanization has already occurred, leaving little room for retrofitting or modification. However, with green room technologies and traffic flow and gas consumption optimization, developed nations could take the lead in sustainable urban planning and living (Termorshuizen, Opdam, and van den Brink, 381)

Industrialization Immigration Urbanization and Transportation in United States Post Civil War

However, during the industrialization period, the flow of immigrants that set foot in the United States became employed in more specialized sectors of the economy, more precisely the ship building industry, crafts, and other works that became of success in the industrial America. In this sense, Italian immigrants came to regions of Baltimore (Davison, 1998), Eastern Europeans, Germans, and even Chinese came to either seek employment or an escape from their own countries (Rise of Industrial America, 2004)

Industrialization Immigration Urbanization and Transportation in United States Post Civil War

The result was obvious. "In 1860, America was fourth in the world in manufacturing but by the turn of the 20th century was the biggest industrial nation in the world by far" (Katers, 2006)

Industrialization Immigration Urbanization and Transportation in United States Post Civil War

However, during the industrialization period, the flow of immigrants that set foot in the United States became employed in more specialized sectors of the economy, more precisely the ship building industry, crafts, and other works that became of success in the industrial America. In this sense, Italian immigrants came to regions of Baltimore (Davison, 1998), Eastern Europeans, Germans, and even Chinese came to either seek employment or an escape from their own countries (Rise of Industrial America, 2004)

Industrialization Immigration Urbanization and Transportation in United States Post Civil War

In this sense, it is rather famous the story of the Bonanza and the mines of the West. These were considered to be a myth and many wanted to prove the truth (Wolle, 1953)

Roman Urbanization Why Was Urbanization

The work Roman Pompeii, does more to express this essential conflict. (Laurence, 2007) Yet, it can also be said that the act of submitting indigenous populations to the Roman city plan and Roman ideas and laws, most often just before and after military conquest, also helped glue the society together as the indigenous populations eventually felt at least protected by if not a part of the centralized identity of the empire, through public building

Roman Urbanization Why Was Urbanization

20-31) the foundations for Roman conquest and protector-ship began insidiously through Roman building and organization of space and public works. In Becoming Roman the urbanization and identity building of the Guals is discussed at great length (Woolf, 2003, pp