Pregnancy Sources for your Essay

Ectopic Pregnancy: Etiology, Modern Diagnosis

And the rest of the data suggest that a female fetus, which gets exposed to tobacco smoke while in the womb, incurs an increased risk of future infertility (Cooper & Moley). Odds Higher among Heavy Smokers A population-based study with 803 women-respondents who suffered from ectopic pregnancy in central France identified heavy smoking and history of sexually transmitted disease as main factors (Hollander 2003)

Ectopic Pregnancy: Etiology, Modern Diagnosis

An ectopic pregnancy can be distinguished from a normal intrauterine pregnancy through a rise in quantitative HCG levels. Declining B-hCG levels is indicative of an ectopic pregnancy (Kulp & Barnhart 2008)

Ectopic Pregnancy: Etiology, Modern Diagnosis

He may also direct the patient to undergo blood and liver function tests (Chen). Medical therapy has become the preferred approach for ectopic pregnancy in place of surgical removal in many instances (Lipscomb 2007)

Ectopic Pregnancy: Etiology, Modern Diagnosis

AD & C, laparoscopy and laparotomy tests will confirm the diagnosis (Chen). An early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy with transvaginal ultrasound scan or TVS provides the clinician with conservative options (Madani 2008)

Ectopic Pregnancy: Etiology, Modern Diagnosis

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 17,800 in 1970 and this increased to 108,800 in 1992 (Sepilian & Wood). A gradual increase in the rate of ectopic pregnancies has been observed in the last three decades (Selway 2006)

Ectopic Pregnancy: Etiology, Modern Diagnosis

Ectopic Pregnancy: Etiology, Modern Diagnosis and Treatment An ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal kind of pregnancy, which occurs outside the uterus or womb (Chen 2008). The term "ectopic" was adapted from the Greek word, ektopos, which means "out of place (Sepilian & Wood 2009)

Versus Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy

Pregnancy raises risk of Type II Diabetes This will be a special area of focus as "each successive pregnancy may slightly elevate a woman's risk of developing Type II Diabetes later in life, according to a new epidemiologic study. " (Fackelmann, K

Versus Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy

A useful overview of gestational diabetes can be found in the Summary and recommendations of the Fourth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. (Metzger BE, 1998) Another aspect that is contentious is the scanning and treatment of GDM

Versus Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy

Our data suggests a role for the chronic effects of hyperglycemia in the impaired vascular responsiveness in such women. (Sattar, Naveed, 2003) 2

Physiological Perspective, the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Among numerous other physiological changes, the mother's nutritional intake needs (which include vitamins and minerals) increase substantially, so nutrition is crucial. The avoidance of alcohol is necessary to avoid birth defects caused by the substance: as Blackburn notes, "drinking alcohol at any stage of pregnancy can affect the brain and other areas of development" (Blackburn 2007, 221)

Teenage Pregnancy the Disadvantages of Teen Pregnancy

The result of the financial burden however is that resources that may have been utilized for education and other investments in the teen must now be used for immediate survival of the baby. This financial reallocation limits the future prospects of the teen and may reinforce the negative consequences of poverty (Manlove 1997)

Teenage Pregnancy the Disadvantages of Teen Pregnancy

Dating someone new has two problems firstly there is the problem of the time to do so, since large blocks of time are dedicated to child care. Additionally, if the father of the child is still in the picture he may become jealous of new individuals coming into the life of the mother (Redmond 1985)

Teen Pregnancy in Los Angeles Provide a

As a result, one can easily establish the fact that there is an inequality in the kinds of preventive treatment that is offered to select demographics of the population. (Biggs, 2011) Provide a reasonable description, with sufficient detail, of the community resources and partners currently involved with the health concern

Teen Pregnancy Young Lives at

Program policies include funding and facilities to support the programs, expansion of employment funding and internship opportunities in businesses, which participate in these issues (CCGI). Community-Based Doulas for Disadvantaged Pregnant Teens A recent descriptive study conducted with 24 pregnant and disadvantaged teens revealed that the adjunctive role of community-based doulas provides vital and primary support during their difficult time (Breedlove, 2005)

Teen Pregnancy Young Lives at

The OAH oversees the implementation and evaluation of the grants (HHS). Evaluation studies of earlier programs show that many are not effective or not too well evaluated (Johns, 2000)

Teen Pregnancy Young Lives at

At the same time, technical assistance in adopting and implementing these best practices and in program evaluation has been extended (Johns). Sex Education Programs -- These include group discussion and emphasize the importance of peer influence (Orecchia, 2009)

Teen Pregnancy Young Lives at

Intervention with young Native American girls involves trusted family, school and community leaders and greater access to contraceptives (Orecchia). Practitioners' Perceptions Qualitative interviews with 58 teenage pregnancy prevention practitioners elicited insights into the realities in implementing culturally sensitive programs (Russell et al

Teen Pregnancy Young Lives at

). Focus on Older Female Teens Eight out of 10 teen pregnancies and births belong to older teens or those aged 18-19 (Suellentrop, 2010)

Condoms Prevent Teen Pregnancy Millions and Billions

While looking at the other end of the spectrum, I am on the proponents' view who strongly believes that condoms are one of the useful and effectual methods to prevent pregnancy amongst the teens and have multiple positive characteristics. Indeed, it has come to notice that plentiful of people of all ages share similar views that condom is an effectual method that helps the teens and adults in preventing unwanted pregnancy (Campbell & Orr, 2011)

Condoms Prevent Teen Pregnancy Millions and Billions

However, few of these social issues have emerged on a global platform, where scores of nations are confronting these issues on a mutual basis. One of the social dilemmas that have grabbed the public attention in the current times is teen pregnancy (Feinstein, 2009)