Philosophy Sources for your Essay

Learning Philosophy

This theory helps to account for my belief that virtually anyone can be reached and learn accordingly if an instructor simply understands how that person learns. Gardner posited the viewpoint that intelligence is not simply something measured in terms of intelligence quotient, but that there are actually multiple distinct types of intelligences that are related to music, kinesthetic learning, linguistics, logic and others (Helding, 2009, 193)

Learning Philosophy

I want them to learn from me, but I also want them to see that what I am teaching them is only part of a larger, evolving truth related to this profession. I desire for them to understand that they too, can conduct research and attain a status within this profession in which they can learn more and in turn, make evidence-based discoveries (Mattila et al

Learning Philosophy

This theory implies that a teacher must simply identify the type of intelligence that is a student's strong point and leverage that to his or her advantage. Additionally, Callista Roy's theory of adaptation propounds the notion that people incorporate a variety of different mechanisms -- specifically those pertaining to society, psychology and biological processes -- to adapt to a constantly changing world (Moreno-Fergusson and Alvarado-Garcia, 2009, p

Learning Philosophy

I have chosen this career choice because I was largely inspired by one of my former teachers; if I can do the same for at least one of my students then I will have attained my personal objectives for teaching. PHILOSOPHY OF TEACHING/LEARNING My personal philosophy of teaching and learning is that anyone can learn if they have sufficient motivation and adequate teaching (Stanistreet, 2012, p

Philosophy: Empiricism Empiricism: Does it Collapse Into

So, for the purposes of this paper, if the question is, will empiricism collapse into idealism, the answer in part must be that the man who perhaps best exemplifies empiricism was also known as an idealist. He also wrote, in the New Theory of Vision, that his objective was (Flage, 2004) "to shew the manner wherein we perceive by sight the distance, magnitude, and situation of objects

Philosophy: Empiricism Empiricism: Does it Collapse Into

Philosophy: Empiricism Empiricism: Does it Collapse into Idealism? What is Empiricism? It is important at first to identify the fact that "empiricism" may refer to a method -- for example, the "empirical method" of observing child behavior, or an "empirical study of cancer in rats" -- and it also may refer to the philosophy (or the theory) that embraces empiricism. That philosophy of empiricism, by one definition, "has its roots in dualist theories of perception and communication" (Vesey, 1976)

Descartes in Philosophy, There Is a Theory

From the deduction then flows other propositions in a finite, logical manner -- even though those deductions may change, it is the movement and flow logically that forms the basis of the Cartesian Method. In basic principle then, there are four laws of the Cartesian Method: 1) Accept nothing as true which is not absolutely clear and distinct; 2) Analyze a problem and break it into its components -- then discuss those components individually, part by part; 3) Arrange any thoughts from simple to complex, let those thoughts evolve in the organization of the mind; 4) Ensure that enumeration must be complete, in total, and nothing should be omitted -- thus the truth will then emerge (Descartes)

Neo-Confucianism Is a Philosophy Which Was Born TEST1

Different Models of Supervision Examined Reports state that models of social work supervision are "differentiated by levels of agency control." (Shadbush, et al

Literary Philosophy of Postcolonialism

Novels such as Things Fall Apart depict how internal power structures and constructions of masculinity left the native African population vulnerable to infighting and colonization and that the act of colonization is an intellectual as well as a physical one. "Postcolonial theory has brought fresh perspectives to the role of colonial peoples -- their wealth, labor, and culture -- in the development of modern European nation states" (Brewton 7)

Literary Philosophy of Postcolonialism

"In it, she describes the circumstances surrounding the suicide of a young Bengali woman that indicates a failed attempt at self-representation. Because her attempt at 'speaking' outside normal patriarchal channels was not understood or supported, Spivak concluded that 'the subaltern cannot speak'" ("Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty," Postcolonial Studies @ Emory)

Renaissance Art Philosophy

This provided the basis for developing theories while artists started to acknowledge that the way they painted patrons had an impact on the public understanding of that individual. Art theories started to record the new ideas on visual arts as part of attempts to highlight their effect for the audience (Winter, 2013)

Student Philosophy of Behavior it Is Necessary

This possibility is reinforced by the high degree of self-reliance that Jackson evinces -- he only wants to read books he selects and do the activities he decides, etc. This behavior can be described as difficulty with social interaction, which is a hallmark of this condition (Borremans et al

Philosophy of Science as Developed by Empiricists David Hume and Logical Positivist Group

The world's real circumstances, unlike numbers or abstract Ps or not-Ps, are always in a state of flux. (Boyd, 2004) Empiricists stressed the need to verify statements with sensory data in all possible situations, thus providing one of the founding philosophies of the sceintific method of experimentation

Philosophy of Science as Developed by Empiricists David Hume and Logical Positivist Group

One can only imagine a horse after one has seen a horse in life, or at least a picture of one. (Morris, 2001) Hume calls ideas feebler because of his copy thesis; he argues that all ideas are ultimately copied from impressions

Science and Philosophy

Perhaps he should be the patron saint of scientists." (Dawkins, 1997) Dawkins ironically shows his own Christian-centric perspective of religion in this quote, however, and his presumption that because biological science require verifiable physical evidence, it is better than faith

Science and Philosophy

" Even in science, biology, chemistry, and physics do not always offer complementary views of the natural world and human experience, but exist in conflict and multiplicity. (Latour, 2000) Such a view of science is relatively new, although modern semiotic theory in the humanities has long stressed, in contrast to 19th century scientific rationalist theories of literature, that all disciplines are not perfect and holistic in their scope, but culturally constructed

Nursing Philosophy

¶ … nursing profession has debated the relevance of nursing models to nursing practice and it is clear that most nurses, particularly practicing nurses, continue to judge them to be not relevant" (Meehan, 2012, p

Nursing Philosophy

¶ … nursing profession has debated the relevance of nursing models to nursing practice and it is clear that most nurses, particularly practicing nurses, continue to judge them to be not relevant" (Meehan, 2012, p

Nursing Philosophy

Furthermore they will be more open to follow instruction and carry out goals to better health. "Community nurses may end up playing a big part in deciding where patients might be cared for and eventually die, hence the importance of forging strong therapeutic relationships with relatives" (Nyatanga, 2010, p

Nursing Philosophy

Society also plays a big role in many different ways, from rules and regulations to observing how people react to behaviors in person and in the media. "…disaster and its causes coincide with our moral reactions since Acts of God are reduced in their impact as being 'natural' disasters -- and yet disaster that could be read as human in its origin is read through the same lens -- nature and culture are the same" (Rudge, 2011, p