Hypertension Sources for your Essay

Hypertension: Development and Prevention

The ingredients include renal disorders like renin-producing tumors, renal renovascular disease, sodium retention, and primary parenchymal disease. Endocrinologic disturbances resulting in hypertension are inclusive of exogenous hormones, carcinoid, adrenal disorders, and thyroid disease (Lilly, 2012)

Hypertension: Development and Prevention

This shows that undetected high blood pressure and misleading cases of improper BP measurement may result in deaths. Symptoms such as lifestyle habits, organ dysfunction, diet, and other psychosocial factors must be monitored continuously (Montezano & Touyz, 2012)

Hypertension: Development and Prevention

The lymphatic and cardiovascular systems' diseases affect various systems due to their infectious agents that are easily disseminated by lymph and blood. Although blood remains sterile, moderate numbers of microorganisms are not harmful (Vlodaver, Wilson & Garry, 2012)

Medical Interventions for African-American Males With Hypertension

John Flack, et al., writes in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs that most African-American male patients' hypertension will "not be controlled to below goal BP levels consistently over the long-term with single-drug therapy" (Flack, et al

Medical Interventions for African-American Males With Hypertension

As for medicines, NIH suggests diuretics, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, and alpha blockers. African-American Men and Hypertension African-Americans have "significantly higher" blood pressure in routine examinations than non-African-Americans do (Gulledge, et al

Medical Interventions for African-American Males With Hypertension

What is the best treatment for hypertension for those older African-American males? This paper discusses these issues using available literature. Hypertension Hypertension is a problem with people worldwide and is found in all populations "except some primitive communities that live in cultural isolation" (Nadar, 2015)

A Case Study Involving Hypertension

. shift of the pressure natriuresis relationship toward abnormally high pressure levels is a pathophysiological characteristic of essential hypertension" (Bolivar, 2013, p

A Case Study Involving Hypertension

What this means is the small arteries or arterioles have been remodeled and are characterized by higher media/lumen ration. There is also a stiffening of large conduit arteries like the aorta influencing the progression and development of hypertension, particularly systolic hypertension (MacGregor & Kaplan, 2010, p

A Case Study Involving Hypertension

Healthy kidneys filter creatinine and other waste products from your blood. The filtered waste products leave your body in your urine" (Mayo Clinic, 2016)

A Case Study Involving Hypertension

The pituitary gland helps maintain a stable amount of T# or triiodothyronine and T4 or thyroxine. Doctors order a TSH test when patients complain of constipation, dry skin, and fatigue (Podzolkov & Fadeyev, 2009)

A Case Study Involving Hypertension

This is especially common with ACE inhibitors. "Although all 3 classes of antihypertensive drugs have been associated with cough as a side effect, the causal explanation differs between classes, and the level of evidence is strongest with angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors -- a first-line antihypertensive drug class for many patients" (Van Amburgh, 2011)

Case Study of the Introduction to Hypertension

The pathogenesis of essential hypertension is multifactorial and highly complex (Tong, 2015). Multiple factors moderate the blood pressure (BP) for suitable tissue perfusion and consist of humoral mediators, vascular reactivity, vascular caliber, mingling blood volume, blood vessel elasticity blood viscosity, cardiac output, and neural inspiration (King, 2015)

Case Study of the Introduction to Hypertension

What are the different types of hypertension and its pathophysiology. The pathogenesis of essential hypertension is multifactorial and highly complex (Tong, 2015)


Year : 2001


Year : 1967


Year : 2012

The Kidney's Tale: Of Salt and Hypertension

Year : 1998