Hypertension Sources for your Essay

Treating Hypertension Among a Population of Combat Veterans

Explain how this health concern is linked to a health inequity for the population of interest. Although there remains a paucity of timely and relevant research in this area, veterans in general and believed to be at higher risk of hypertension compared to their non-veteran counterparts (Findley & Shen, 2011)

Treating Hypertension Among a Population of Combat Veterans

, mission, activities, and websites) currently involved with the health concern. Gulf War veterans from the United States have consistently reported suffering from a broad array of healthcare issues and symptoms; however, the rates of hypertension for veterans are comparable for those that were deployed into combat zones and those that received hazard-free assignments (Schneider, 2009)

Hypertension in This Text, I Concern Myself

Control and Treatment To avoid complications, Individuals diagnosed with hypertension must make the necessary adjustments to their lifestyles by amongst other things modifying their diet and participating in regular physical activities (ACSM - 2010). In seeking to keep their blood pressure in check, individuals with hypertension should ensure that their diet contains lots of fiber and potassium (Dunford, 2006)

Hypertension in This Text, I Concern Myself

Some of the drugs utilized in this endeavor include but they are not limited to rennin inhibitors, ace inhibitors, diuretics, etc. (Harvey and Champe, 2009)

Hypertension in This Text, I Concern Myself

Further, I will also highlight treatment and control options with a particular emphasis on lifestyle changes, exercises, etc. Causes Hypertension could either be secondary or essential (Toth and Cannon, 2010)

Hypertension in This Text, I Concern Myself

Underlying Diseases Which Could be Caused by Hypertension According to the American College of Sports Medicine -- ACSM (2010), underlying diseases which could be caused by hypertension include but they are not limited to chronic kidney disease, heart failure, CVD, etc. Other underlying diseases caused by the condition are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia (Waldstein, Wendell, Katzel, 2010)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

The low level of control rates occurs because of lack of consciousness, breakdown of improved treatments, non-adherence of patients suffering from therapies, and the significance of accentuating supportive and non-pharmacological approaches. This paper will focus on hypertension among the African-Americans in the community of Irvington New Jersey (American Fact Finder, 2013)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

The SDS model provides a straightforward way that assists in evaluating hypertension incidences among the African-American population living in the townships of Irvington, New Jersey. The models provide limelight and a perspective in viewing the African-American Community as a program that engages in various internal and external mechanisms, applying copying techniques both recognized and trained (Blixen, Singh, & Thacker, 2006)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

These risk factors are preventable. It is the obligation of the healthcare providers to encourage and offer mutual health supportive activities by advocating for behavior modification, for instance, modifying dietary trends, physical exercise habits among others (Bopp et al

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

Copying patterns Generally, three trends of high blood pressure condition require special attention, they include; severe hypertension, hypertension in the aged population and patients suffering from high blood pressure with extra cardiovascular conditions. Prior to the treatment of these conditions, one should weigh the balance between the treatment and cost, that is, whether there is a need to treat the condition based on its severity (Campinha-Bacote, 2009)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

When started during the early stages, it becomes very effective in treating the disorder. This is a common disorder affecting the African-Americans residing in America, and it becomes severe or rather prevalent when discrimination by the white counterparts becomes dominant (DeSimone, 2009)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

From the five sub-systems of the SDS model, namely, Biological, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Non-human environmental and Socio-cultural models, this literature uses, the biological and intrapersonal models. The prevalence of hypertension predilection for cardiovascular disease is approximately 32% elevated in the Black and most of the medications applied in treating hypertension are ineffectual in decreasing blood pressures of the Blacks than for the whites (Douglas, Barkris, Epstein, Ferdinard, & Flack, 2003)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

The prevalence for the coronary disease and stroke swells increasingly with high-rise in blood pressure, above 115/75 mmHg. However, it is essentials to prove beyond reasonable doubts the causes of high blood pressure because the increase can result from other factors, such as increased body gain linked with dyslipidemia, high glucose concentration, and the metabolic syndrome (Garvin, 2007)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

Healthcare providers play a larger role in helping patients change their eating habits, by restricting and recommending intake of some foods, for instance, the adoption of the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) and accentuate the significance of losing weight for obese patients. Under the Intrapersonal sub-system, I shall discuss on psychodynamic issues and copying patterns (Giger, Appel, Davidhizar & Davis, 2008)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

Garvin, (2007) suggest that, some African-Americans do not believe nutrition or exercise has any impact on disease. Identified barriers to physical activities among African-American women include; lack of childcare, nobody to exercise with, competing responsibilities, lack of space in the home, inability to use exercise facilities at work, lack of understanding and motivation, fatigue and unsafe neighborhoods (Glutsu & Tovin, 2010)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

Introduction Hypertension is an example of a chronic disease that causes major health problems to numerous Americans and a key issue to almost every racial group residing in the United States. Hypertension is one of the major challenges affecting the African-Americans society since America reports the highest rates in the entire world (Heckler, Lambert, Leventhal, Leventhal, Jahn, and Contrada, 2008)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

Africans Americans reports the highest rate of hypertension and severe blood pressure regulation than their white counterparts, and lack of proper medication may worsen this condition. Most patients suffering from established hypertension cases experience severe blood pressure cases, and African-Americans are inexplicably among this group (Kressin, Wang, Long, Bochour, Orner, Rothendler, Clark, Reddy, Kozak, kroupa, and Berlowitz, 2007)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

The beliefs of African-Americans, which culturally influenced, can greatly affect self-management behavior and the perception of illness. Research indicates that Blacks attribute higher meaning to the idea of an external power of control that is greater than an individual is (Livingston, 2004; Hekler et al

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

This explains the reason that numerous African-Americans dislike the United Healthcare System, because of its inconveniency. In many locales, Whites views African-American as valueless, even in medical institutions (Middleton, 2009)

Hypertension Among African-Americans Nursing Process and Health

This programs help in development of culturally significant contexts, in terms of personal incentives and communal support required for African-Americans, since culturally responsive, community related programs might play a tremendous role in managing the incidences of hypertension (Cowart, Biro, Wasserman, Stein, Reider, and Brawn, 2010). Even though present levels of hypertension tends to be high among the African-Americans, introduction of community interventions might assists in reducing the risk factors (Paschal, Lewis, Martin, Shipp, & Simpson, 2006)