Heart Disease Sources for your Essay

Link Between Stress and Heart Disease

In these studies, psychological stress and coronary artery disease combine to reduce blood flow. This occurs mainly via coronary artery spasm or artery constriction as a result of endothelial (the inner lining of the artery) dysfunction (Smith & Ruiz, 2002)

Diet and Heart Disease Over

Then, we will compare these results, with sample from the general population. (Fraser, 1999, pp

Diet and Heart Disease Over

This is from: increased time off at work and the direct impact of the utilizing an increasing amount of health care services (as this is necessity for most people who are affected by the condition). (Yeung, 2009, pg

Diet and Heart Disease Public

The results were that both groups would see a large decrease in the overall amount of weight loss (as a large increase of 14% and 22% was reported). (Annessi, 2010, pg

Diet and Heart Disease Public

If you can understand how this is influencing their decisions, this will help to change their thought process of the individual (resulting in change of behavior). (Ness, 2009, pp

Diet and Heart Disease in

This study seeks to identify if there is a correlation between consuming a diet enriched in fiber and oxidative stress in cardiac tissue. Previous studies have shown that dietary fiber has been integrated into dietary programs as a manner by which glucose serum and cholesterol can be lowered (Diniz et al

Diet and Heart Disease in

Diet and Heart Disease In exploring the impact of diet on heart disease it will be important to consider the theoretical perspective of the health belief model (HBM) which is the most commonly used model in health promotion and education. The HBM claims that health behavior is determined by personal beliefs about the disease and the specifics surrounding prevention and treatment (Glanz, Lewis, & Rimer, 1997)

Diet and Heart Disease in

Many recent studies have indicated that higher stored iron in the body can increase the incidence of heart disease. This risk was increased when combined with high levels of cholesterol intake and are also confounded by diabetes, hypertension, and smoking (Malaviarachchi et al

Heart Disease

The genetic factors underlying the importance of inheritance in atherosclerosis are starting to be understood. Genetic variation, such as mutations or common polymorphisms has been shown to be involved in modulation of a range of risk factors, such as plasma lipoprotein levels, inflammation and vascular calcification (Biros, Karan & Golledge, 2008, p

Added Sugar Leads to Heart Disease

The third is the fact that sugar exists in so many varieties of food products (especially those that are available in the United States), that it is extremely difficult to avoid it -- unless one makes a dedicated effort to do so. In addition to the sugar that already exists in such food and beverage products, American consumers have to contend with the prevalence of added sugars, which include: "table sugar, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, molasses, and other caloric sweeteners in prepared and processed foods and beverages" (Hellmich)

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options of Coronary Heart Disease

Declines in mortality rates have been reported, which may be as a result of improved treatments and reduction of the risk factors. Over the years, the risk factors that have been identified include high levels of cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, lifestyles with no physical activity, and an established family history of premature vascular disease (Shah, 2006) Epidemiology The process that leads to CAD is referred to as atherosclerosis

How Rheumatic Fever Can Turn Into Rheumatic Heart Disease

This will lead to valvula regurgitation plus stenosis. The result of all of this is heart failure (Burke, 2010)

How Rheumatic Fever Can Turn Into Rheumatic Heart Disease

Pharmacological treatment modalities consist of: the administering of antibiotics, which attack the infection. This may be penicillin or erythromycin and may need to be administered for a number of years (Wallace, 2014)

Reducing Stress as a Help for Heart Disease

He needs to have an opportunity to escape these worries by caring for someone other than himself and placing trust in a spiritual solution, as Kyziridis (2005) discusses. However, this is only one option and there are others that can be discussed such as a possible stint or increase in medication (Ben-Dor, Battler, 2007)

Reducing Stress as a Help for Heart Disease

Care Plan The client is at risk of heart failure and aside from his physical health issues he carries a great deal of external burdens that contribute to his overall mental and emotional stress. He needs to find some activity that can relieve him of these pressures and volunteering at a local religious organization or charity may provide an outlet as well as a suitable means of making some connection to the community, which could alleviate the internalizing of his pressures as well as provide some spiritual benefit, which researchers have identified as having potential positive effects (Kyziridis, 2005)

Obesity Heart Disease Diabetes and Disaster Management

"A healthy lifestyle was defined as not smoking, performing at least 150 minutes/week of walking, bicycling, and other exercise, adherence to a Mediterranean diet, and maintaining a body mass index of 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2" (Fleg, 2016, p

Obesity Heart Disease Diabetes and Disaster Management

"Weight loss is recommended for overweight and obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. Intensive lifestyle intervention produced clinically meaningful improvements in hemoglobin A1c, especially over the first year of the intervention, that were at least partly sustained throughout follow-up" (The Look AHEAD Research Group, 2013, p

How to Prevent Heart Disease

There are even other issues caused by poor diet including type II diabetes, osteoporosis and certain forms of cancer. However, heart disease will be the focus of this report from this point forward (Vorvick)

Proposal on Enhancing the Dental Health of Children Suffering Congenital Heart Disease

This latter condition may be said to be due to cardiac health problems, whose care and attention may lead to the under-estimation of oral health and inadequate consideration. Additionally, continual administration of liquid drugs containing sucrose as sweetener may cause caries and gingivitis cases in children (Andersson et al

Proposal on Enhancing the Dental Health of Children Suffering Congenital Heart Disease

This latter condition may be said to be due to cardiac health problems, whose care and attention may lead to the under-estimation of oral health and inadequate consideration. Additionally, continual administration of liquid drugs containing sucrose as sweetener may cause caries and gingivitis cases in children (Andersson et al