Ethical Dilemmas Sources for your Essay

Ethical Dilemmas: Forensic Psychologists Assessing

One area where forensic psychologists interact with death-eligible defendant is in death-mitigation cases, where the role of the psychologist is to help humanize the defendant and explain why he committed the crime. "The objective is not to con done the offense, but rather to understand how it could have occurred in light of the defendant's background" (Fabian, 2003, p

Ethical Dilemmas: Forensic Psychologists Assessing

One area where forensic psychologists interact with death-eligible defendant is in death-mitigation cases, where the role of the psychologist is to help humanize the defendant and explain why he committed the crime. "The objective is not to con done the offense, but rather to understand how it could have occurred in light of the defendant's background" (Fabian, 2003, p

Ethical Dilemmas: Forensic Psychologists Assessing

One area where forensic psychologists interact with death-eligible defendant is in death-mitigation cases, where the role of the psychologist is to help humanize the defendant and explain why he committed the crime. "The objective is not to con done the offense, but rather to understand how it could have occurred in light of the defendant's background" (Fabian, 2003, p

Ethical Dilemmas: Forensic Psychologists Assessing

For those who do face it, we cannot be too emphatic: the question should be considered very seriously. The option to refrain from participation should be treated as a viable one" (Heilbrun & McClaren, 1988, p

Ethical Dilemmas: Forensic Psychologists Assessing

As soon as an inmate is scheduled for execution, a forcible medication regimen ceases to be medically appropriate and becomes simply a component of the capital punishment to be inflicted by the state. Furthermore, the government's interest in execution is not strong enough to override both the inmate's significant liberty interest and the state's own interest in preserving the ethics of the medical profession, given that a sentence of execution would be replaced by a sentence of life without the possibility of parole (Sewall, 2010, p

Ethical Dilemmas: Forensic Psychologists Assessing

Another area where forensic psychologists may be asked to assess death eligibility is when attempting to determine whether those defendants who do not rise to the level of criminal insanity are still so impaired by mental illness that they should not be eligible for execution. One of the complicating issues is that there has never been a blanket prohibition against executing the mentally ill (Vuotto & Ciccone, 2006, p

Business Law Ethical Dilemmas What

In fact, anger management is not targeted at ending family violence. In contrast, "anger training is often mandated by courts for spouse abusers, violent criminals, bullying adolescents and aggressive drivers" (Carey)

Business Law Ethical Dilemmas What

Unfortunately, family violence is not a simple problem, therefore: In order to intervene effectively in these cases, it is important to understand the complex issues of violence within intimate relationships, including the (1) intent of the offender, (2) the meaning of the act to the victim and (3) the effect of the violence on the victim; the context within which any given act of violence occurred. Other relevant factors include the particulars of the incident, and how much violence, coercion, or intimidation accompanied the violent event (Frederick)

Business Law Ethical Dilemmas What

In addition, many jurisdictions adopted a zero tolerance policy and zealously prosecuted domestic violence offenders. Almost everyone agrees that a zero tolerance policy towards domestic violence is appropriate, largely because "research on men who assault their wives/partners suggests high rates of recidivism" (Hart, "Data")

Business Law Ethical Dilemmas What

In addition, many jurisdictions adopted a zero tolerance policy and zealously prosecuted domestic violence offenders. Almost everyone agrees that a zero tolerance policy towards domestic violence is appropriate, largely because "research on men who assault their wives/partners suggests high rates of recidivism" (Hart, "Data")

Business Law Ethical Dilemmas What

Therefore, some advocate mandatory counseling, which frequently this counseling has two components: family counseling, which is aimed at resolving the underlying causes of disputes in the relationship in question, and anger management, which is aimed at teaching the batterer how to control their reactions. However, as well-intentioned as advocates of counseling may be, the fact is that couples or family therapy is not a "safe intervention after a man has abused a woman" (Kaufman)

Business Law Ethical Dilemmas What

Almost all of the experts agree that family violence will not stop until batterers are held accountable for their crimes, both by the criminal justice system and by society in general. A batterer's community can provide valuable goals for a batterer seeking to remain non-violent (Went)

Ethical Dilemmas in Counseling

would not prevail," which thankfully straightaway resolved any doubt of my own professional standing and interests, and that of the school being affected in handling the case. It was also very clear that such a report would have to be filed immediately, both with the government agency as well as the high school authorities (Remley & Herlihy)

Ethical Dilemmas in Counseling

To aid the decision making process, I looked at several models available such as the Four-Component Model (Rest, 1983), the Five-Dimensional Model (Woody, 1990), Handelsman (1991), Haas & Malouf (1989), Kitchner (1988) and Gottlieb (1986), but finally used a decision making model proposed by Dr. Younggren, which provides a simple step-by-step questionnaire (Gottlieb; Younggren)

Ethical Dilemmas in Counseling

In an article that appeared in the American Psychologist, Henry David Thoreau's famous words have been quoted: "if a law requires you to be an agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law." The same article reports the findings of an anonymous survey where upto 21% of respondents admitted to not reporting cases of child abuse in light of their ethical judgement that such reporting would be detrimental to their clients' welfare (Pope & Bajt)

Ethical Dilemmas in Counseling

.disrupt the therapeutic relationship," I was forced to re-evaluate the existence of a dual relationship (Younggren, 2002)

Technology Integration Poses New Ethical Dilemmas for Healthcare

What would one find from his or her research? Is there a possibility that policies need changed? How does this affect one's licensure? One will study in depth this trend and find ways to solve the issues that arise before it is too late. Within the United States, "globalization of healthcare encompasses both exporting patients (medical tourism) and importing medical services (outsourcing)" (Herrick, 2007)

Technology Integration Poses New Ethical Dilemmas for Healthcare

"A potential solution is for American health care providers to collaborate with low-cost providers in developing countries by having them perform these labor-intensive tasks" (Herrick, 2007). Many health care plans do not help with medical travel or cover it for the individual (Hogenbirk, Brockwayw, Finleyz, & Jennetty, 2006)

Technology Integration Poses New Ethical Dilemmas for Healthcare

Regardless, this does allow for health care providers that are both American and foreign to collaborate. The outcomes can improve if they choose to work together to improve healthcare by means of the treatment and management of it (Johnson, 2010)

Technology Integration Poses New Ethical Dilemmas for Healthcare

Not only that, but their physican speaks Spanish as well as understands one culture (Herrick, 2007). Here are some more options as medical tourism grows (Smith, 2010)