Diseases Sources for your Essay

Older Adults the Connection of Depression With Diseases

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Flinders (2003) sees aging in terms of a series of struggles: These struggles are stimulated by the aging itself and all the related implications, such as physical challenges, mental impairment, out-of-home residential placement, and the ultimate approach of death. And the struggles arise in the aged themselves, their loved ones, their caretakers, their therapists and anyone else with whom they cross paths (Flinders, 2003, para

Older Adults the Connection of Depression With Diseases

One of the more devastating forms of deterioration is seen in Alzheimer's patients as they gradually lose mental ability and even physical functioning. Gruetzner (1988) discusses the experience of the caregiver under these circumstances and states: "The caregiver experience is characterized by the adjustment of the Alzheimer's patient and his family to the illness" (Gruetzner, 1988, p

Older Adults the Connection of Depression With Diseases

Schnie and Willis (2002) note some of the different models of development proposed to explain the course of adult life, the two types being the continuous model and the stage model, each with different features to recommend. They note that the stage approach provides "a sharper contrast between periods of development that are different in important theoretical aspects" (Schnie & Willis, 2002, p

Aorta Diseases of the Aorta

Opposite the caudal border of the fourth lumbar vertebra, it narrows to about 1.75 cm in diameter and branches into the two common iliac arteries (Glanze, 1990, 83)

Aorta Diseases of the Aorta

The second type "occurs more often in men and can cause pain in the lower back, hips and abdomen." This type of aneurysm "usually means that it could burst at almost any time" (Henein, 2004, 167)

Aorta Diseases of the Aorta

" The results of both of these conditions may encompass a fatal rupture or some type of obstruction which affects the heart's ability to pump blood throughout the body. In contrast to these few clinical manifestations, "an array of disease processes can involve the aorta" and not surprisingly, "there is considerable overlap in the clinical presentation of these disorders," an indication that diseases associated with the aorta may occur concurrently (Lindsay, 2007, Internet)

Aorta Diseases of the Aorta

The most common method is to remove the bulging portion of the artery wall and replace it with Dacron fiber material. As to the prognosis, less than 2% of those who undergo surgical repair for an aortic aneurysm die; however, "if the aneurysm is left untreated and is allowed to rupture, less than 50% will survive" (Otto, 2004, 215)

Aorta Diseases of the Aorta

To assess aortic disorders," especially via the use of three-dimensional echocardiography. According to a study conducted to "explore the feasibility and potential of 3D reconstructions of the aorta," 36 studies in both adults and children via 3D echocardiographic imaging revealed "six atheromatous lesions, four aortic dissections, ten coarctations, one aneurysm with a thrombus and one dilated aortic root" (Suqeng, Cao, et al

Aorta Diseases of the Aorta

Since the blood is under pressure, it splits or dissects the middle layer of the vessel, thus creating a new channel for the flow of blood. The length of this channel grows incrementally and can result in "the closing off of the connection points to other arteries, thus causing a heart attack, stroke, abdominal pain and nerve damage" (Walsh, 1999, 235)

Diseases West Nile Virus, Malaria, Plague, and

The heaviest time of contraction is during the rainy season in areas where the disease exists. The symptoms of the disease include symptoms resembling the flu, such as vomiting and headache, to "severe hepatitis and hemorrhagic fever" (Barwick, et

Diseases West Nile Virus, Malaria, Plague, and

One scientist "discovered that those who were spared had an abnormal version of a gene known as CCR5-delta 32. This mutation provided them with protection against the plague" (Boston, 2002, pg

Diseases West Nile Virus, Malaria, Plague, and

A., and its range within the western hemisphere is expected to continue to expand" (Campbell et

Diseases West Nile Virus, Malaria, Plague, and

The mosquitoes contract the disease from the blood of infected persons they bite ("Malaria," 2004). One of the problems with control is that mosquitoes have developed resistance to the malaria parasite, and so they pass on the disease without succumbing to it (Tenenbaum, 2002, pg

Diseases West Nile Virus, Malaria, Plague, and

Often, the host dies from the disease. It can infect a variety of animals, including birds, "horses, bats, chipmunks, skunks, squirrels, and even alligators" (Ward, 2003, pg

Diseases West Nile Virus, Malaria, Plague, and

Because of continued study, scientists also have come to understand why the plague can suddenly occur and then disappear, too. The simple answer is plague pathogens can see an opportunity to explode and capitalize on it (Wills, 1996, pg

Icd-9-Cm Codes the International Classification of Diseases

Coding for an unconfirmed diagnosis may erroneously label a patient, potentially making it more difficult to obtain health insurance coverage in the future. (Hill, 1999) The next step in the process is to find the patient's condition in the Tabular List

Icd-9-Cm Codes the International Classification of Diseases

(Centers for Disease Control [CDC], Classification of Diseases, Functioning, and Disability, 2011) As American healthcare evolved over the 20th century and insurance providers, rather than patients, bore responsibility for the direct costs of care, nosology, or the systematic classification of disease, acquired a new visibility and influence. (O'Malley, Cook, Price, Raiford Wildes, Hurdle, & Ashton, 2005) As the ICD is the international gold standard in this particular field, its counterpart, the ICD-CM, is an important part of the American healthcare system

Icd-9-Cm Codes the International Classification of Diseases

The Tabular List is comprised of 17 chapters, each of which is further divided into sections, and then into categories, subcategories, and sub-classification. (Preskitt, 2004) This tiered system affords a great degree of specificity, allowing the condition to be more accurately described

Diseases I.E. Lung Cancer, Childhood Leukemia, Obesity

It is a type of a dementia that can be described as the "progressive deterioration of thinking abilities severe enough to interfere with social, occupational and intellectual functions that causes severe and permanent loss of intellectual function." Thus, in the same connectiom, the patients having Alzheimer's start to become forgetful and then step forward to have an irretrievable memory (even including their family memories) and other well-learned skills acquired by them in their early lives (Nowotny, Kwon & Goate, 2001)

Diseases I.E. Lung Cancer, Childhood Leukemia, Obesity

It is the Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer for all human beings as it is due to lung cancer that more people die each year as compared to other cancers that occur in breast, colon, and prostate. The older adults are more likely to have lung cancer and rarely affect people who are less than 45 (Roth, Hong & Cox, 2008)