Breast Cancer Sources for your Essay

Breast Cancer Survivors in This

Because of this, they have a unique opportunity to inform everyone, especially young women, about the dangers of breast cancer and how serious of a threat it can be, as well as how important exercise is in recovery. Most of the research for this study centered around the fact that fatigue in cancer patients is a very real issue (Berger, 2003) and that there are many different ways that have been looked at in the past to treat it

Breast Cancer Has Been Controlled Across Many

A previous study had examined whether women in higher income brackets had more breast cancer diagnosis because they did receive the better care, but this was refuted. Women in the lower income bracket who did get breast cancer screenings, had a mortality rate 15% lower than women in the higher income bracket (Fugate, 2011)

Breast Cancer Has Been Controlled Across Many

Researchers at the California Breast Cancer Research program found that certain ethnic groups in their state were more susceptible. The conclusion was that Hispanic women, followed in sequence by blacks, whites, and Asians, were more susceptible to breast cancer (Wright, 2000)

Pathophysiology of Breast Cancer Is

Typically, the first sign of breast cancer is a lump that feels different from the rest of the breast tissue. Nearly 80% of diagnoses of breast cancer are made because of the discovery of a lump (Gotzsche & Nielsen, 2011)

Pathophysiology of Breast Cancer Is

Nearly 80% of diagnoses of breast cancer are made because of the discovery of a lump (Gotzsche & Nielsen, 2011). There are other symptoms in some women, however, including a change or thickening of breast tissue, a breast that is becomes lower or larger than the other, swelling near the collarbone or under the armpit, a rash that develops on or around the nipple, an inverted nipple or one that changes shape or position, and discharge coming from the nipple (Saini, et al

Pathophysiology of Breast Cancer Is

The discharge may be clear or it may be bloody. Pain can also be present in breast cancer, but for the most part it is not a reliable indicator of whether the disease is present or not (Sariego, 2010)

Breast Cancer Is a Type of Cancer

These can be non-cancerous breast lumps which include ductal hyperplasia; dense breast tissue is another risk factor whereby women who have dense breast tissue are more likely to develop breast cancer. Other risk factors are alcohol consumption, lifestyle, obesity, treatment with radiation therapy and so on (MediLexicon International Ltd., 2012)

Breast Cancer Is a Disease

When clinical information and patients' personal values are "on the table," the patient and the physician can discuss the alternatives and together decide on the course of action. However, shared decision making is not a common phenomenon yet (Molenaar et al

Breast Cancer Is a Disease

" The article also explains that the decrease in the number of breast cancer cases was the most apparent in women aged 50 and over. In addition the decrease was most evident in cancers that tend to be estrogen-receptor -- positive instead of those that were estrogen-receptor -- negative (Ravdin et al

Breast Cancer Is a Disease

"Screening MRI is recommended for women with an approximately 20 -- 25% or greater lifetime risk of breast cancer, including women with a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer and women who were treated for Hodgkin disease. There are several risk subgroups for which the available data are insufficient to recommend for or against screening, including women with a personal history of breast cancer, carcinoma in situ, atypical hyperplasia, and extremely dense breasts on mammography (Saslow et al

Women\'s Issues Breast Cancer Awareness

It used to be thought that the disparity in racial survival was attributed to the fact that black cancer patients have less access to quality care, are diagnosed when their cancer is in later stages, and don't receive the same standard of care as white patients. Many recent studies have shown that even with good treatment, black patients with cancer are more likely to die than patients of other races (Cancer Gap Between Whites, Blacks May Be Biological in Part, 2009)

Women\'s Issues Breast Cancer Awareness

References Cancer Gap Between Whites, Blacks May Be Biological in Part. (2009)

Women\'s Issues Breast Cancer Awareness

Treatment is more likely to be successful when the cancer is detected early. A doctor may suggest any of the following screening tests for breast cancer: screening mammogram, clinical breast exam, beast self-exam (Stoppler, 2009)

Breast Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Is Not

Along with this, nature of a woman in general also influences the outcome. A pessimistic woman who only thinks about the worst outcomes will never be motivated about the mammography screening, as compared to an optimistic woman who always picks out the good things from every decision (Clarke, Lovegrove, Williams, & Machperson, 2000)

Breast Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Is Not

Unfortunately, health care providers also ignore the need for annual screening which leaves the impression that it is just a waste of time and money. (Davis, Emerson, & Husaini, 2005; Lukwago et al

Breast Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Is Not

This is evident from the fact that the ratio for endurance is 98% for those women whose cancer was diagnosed at an early stage as compared to 26% for those women whose cancer reached the advanced stage (American Cancer Society, 2005a). Research has revealed that African-American women mostly become victims of advanced stage cancer increasing the death rates for this demographic (Ghafoor et al

Breast Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Is Not

These obstacles include conveyance issues resulting from cost and transportation issues, not having access to health care facilities and insufficient information about cancer screening and its treatment. The most powerful obstacle in the way to improvement is perception of women who believe that the disease is incurable and a thing to be ashamed of, because people start looking at you with sympathy and regret (Jernigan, Trauth, Neal-Ferguson, & Cartier-Ulrich, 2001; Powe, 2001; Shankar, Selvin, & Alberg, 2002)

Breast Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Is Not

4 per 100,000) (ACS) Although the actual reasons behind this inconsistency have not been documented, researchers have proposed a few in an attempt to resolve the query. These reasons include lack of awareness about cancer and the fact that it is curable, ineffective communication, lack of financial support and limited access to health care (Paskett et al

Breast Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Is Not

Therefore, it takes a crisis orientation approach rather than a prevention orientation approach (Shankar et al., 2002) Now, mammography screening is a requirement recommended by doctors when cancer is predicted and not part of normal health care routine as it should be (Powe, 2001)

Breast Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer Is Not

Therefore, it takes a crisis orientation approach rather than a prevention orientation approach (Shankar et al., 2002) Now, mammography screening is a requirement recommended by doctors when cancer is predicted and not part of normal health care routine as it should be (Powe, 2001)