Bipolar Disorder Sources for your Essay

Bipolar Disorder in Children: The

It was once largely considered an adult condition, usually beginning in adolescence. Now, the pediatric version of the diagnosis has become common, even in children as young as six (Geller 2004)

Bipolar Disorder: Abnormalities in Brain Structures and

" The researchers did realize that much of this resort could be linked to other causes, but finding that such a high percentage had bipolar-like symptoms could mean that there was some link between the two. However, after an exhaustive search "the prevalence of true manic depressive illness in epilepsy has been demonstrated to be in line with that reported in the general population (about 2%)" (Mula, et al

Bipolar Disorder: Abnormalities in Brain Structures and

However, nothing has been discovered yet. It has also been found that "the manifold signs and symptoms of manic depression may be viewed in terms of dysregulation of three major neurobiological systems: those that involve reinforcement-reward functions, central pain mechanisms, and psychomotor activities" (Murphy & Sahakian, 2003)

Bipolar Disorder: Abnormalities in Brain Structures and

Recent studies have found that a certain gene may be one reason that some people lack the ability to produce adequate levels of serotonin. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) "was reported to promote the function and growth of serotonin (5-HT) neurons in the brain, and infusion of BDNF in the adult rat brain induced sprouting of 5-HT nerve terminals" (Neves-Pereira, et al

Bipolar Disorder: Abnormalities in Brain Structures and

5% [Mula, et al. (2008) suggests that the number is 1%-2%] and a predominantly genetic etiology, based on twin-study data" (Segurado, et al

Bipolar Disorder

DSM's major depressive disorder is heterogeneous nature and includes 40% of hidden bipolar a factor that contributes to under recognition. Therefore, there will be a need for systematic screening for hypomania in patient's history for the DSM-IV to detect the hidden bipolarity (Angst, 2013)

Bipolar Disorder

In addition, the occurrence of bipolar II and I was found in patients with bulimia nervosa, including patients with binge eating disorder. Nevertheless, anorexia nervosa patients show symptoms of mania and depression, including a history of suicidal ideation (Campos et al

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a complex mood and brain disorder, characterized by unusual energy levels, shift in moods, and the capacity to carry out routine tasks. People living with this disorder experience numerous symptoms amid episode (Hawke, Velyvis and Parikh, 2013)

Bipolar Disorder

9% of individuals with the disorder have at least one anxiety disorder at some point of their life. The disorder is a major health care challenge that results mortality risk, which is the primary cause of global disabilities to young and adults (Rock et al

Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder in

"Difficulties in diagnosing early, especially prepubertal onset, bipolar disorder are not specific to the past half century. As early as 1931, Kasanin reported that nearly 25% of childhood-onset cases were misdiagnosed" (Geller, DelBello, 2003)

Bipolar Disorder: A Biological Overview

Mania is what distinguishes bipolarity from the mood disorder of depression. "A single manic episode is sufficient for the diagnosis of bipolar illness" (Belmaker 2004)

Bipolar Disorder: A Biological Overview

e., that a specific level of a neurotransmitter is not as important as its amount in relation to the other neurotransmitters (Read 2007:1)

Bipolar Disorder. The Writer Explores

htm). Symptoms The hallmark symptom of Bipolar as compared to other types of depression is a roller coaster of highs and lows (Kopetskie, 2001)

Bipolar Disorder Genetics, Brain Structure & Behavior

Bipolar Disorder Genetics, Brain Structure & Behavior Bipolar disorder is biological problem which affects the brain that causes unusual shifts in mood (Kowalski & Westen, 2009)

Bipolar Disorder Genetics, Brain Structure & Behavior

One of the main reasons ECT is a last resort is because of its severe side effects such as heart attack, memory loss and seizures. In the ECT treatment an electric shock is administered to the scalp of the patient's head that is sent to the brain, this is a very quick way of relieving severe mania or depression (Pinel, 2009)

Bipolar Disorder Genetics, Brain Structure & Behavior

If the patient is misdiagnosed as depressive and treated for depression, it could enhance their manic phase. "In other words, the treatment chosen should be efficacious in treating acute bipolar depressive symptoms; must have efficacy in preventing further depressive and/or manic episodes; should not have a propensity to induce a manic/hypomanic switch or worsen the course of bipolar illness by inducing rapid cycling" (Yatham, Calabrese, & Kusumakar, 2003, p

Processing Effects of Cognitive and Emotional Psychotherapy on Bipolar Disorder

But a strict overarching biological etiology has not been demonstrated by the research. A long-standing clinical observation is that stressful life events precede rather than follow bipolar and almost all other psychiatric disorders (Alloy et al

Processing Effects of Cognitive and Emotional Psychotherapy on Bipolar Disorder

As one would expect, the effects of CBT were more salient on depression than on mania. It appears the addition of psychoeducation programs oriented towards symptom management have stronger effects on mania than depression (Butler, Chapman, Forman, & Beck, 2006)

Processing Effects of Cognitive and Emotional Psychotherapy on Bipolar Disorder

Medication is almost always a part of the treatment course regime for bipolar disorder. The types of medical interventions commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder include the following (Goldberg, 2004; Goodwin, 2007): 1

Processing Effects of Cognitive and Emotional Psychotherapy on Bipolar Disorder

Etiology The etiology of bipolar disorder is much more speculative than that of clinical depression. Neurotransmitter dysregulation has long been suspected, but the perspective of focusing on a single neurotransmitter or neurotransmitter system has shifted to one that focuses on studying neurobehavioral systems, neuroregulatory systems, and neural circuits (Goodwin, 2007)