Autism Sources for your Essay

Psychometric Assessment of Autism

Also, the professionals in this field don't like breaking the bad news while others think that a particular individual is not suffering from autism (Alpern, 2007). Paul and Wilson (2009) in their study found that the current literature advises on screening process and transfer-programs to ensure that family members are aware of the impending danger whilst the child is sent for proper diagnostic assessments as soon as possible (Paul and Wilson, 2009)

Psychometric Assessment of Autism

This just complicates matters for ASD adults having complex sensory aberrations (Gense & Gense, 2011). ASD is being diagnosed on a greater frequency now and is this remains the case then it seems that the adult population is suffering from ASD, which puts the healthcare industry, families and community under strained pressure (Piven & Rabin, 2011)

Psychometric Assessment of Autism

Therapists also cannot oversimplify a strong point centered on one particular skill alone (for example, having great memory of movies he has seen). Sattler (2002) argues that this doesn't mean he was born intelligent as that's rarely the case (Sattler, 2002)

Autism Is a Neuro-Developmental Disorder. Language and

A late diagnosis may occur because the signs of autism may appear to be another childhood disorder; however, early diagnosis is important (Goin and Myers 5-12). Even though children are not typically diagnosed with autism until three years of age, autism is present from birth (Barrett 8-9)

Autism Is a Neuro-Developmental Disorder. Language and

The use of photographic or pictorial schedules is a technique that uses pictures to show the stages of a desired task. Peer/sibling tutoring involves a peer or sibling modeling the desired task (Carothers and Taylor 102-104)

Autism Is a Neuro-Developmental Disorder. Language and

Boys are much more likely than girls to have autism. Some symptoms of autism are speech problems, avoiding eye contact, impulsive behavior, need for routine, and repetitive movements (Goin and Myers 5-12)

Autism Is a Neuro-Developmental Disorder. Language and

Social Stories are another effective tool in helping autistic children. "A Social Story is an individualized short story that can be used to assist individuals with ASD in interpreting and understanding challenging or confusing social situations (Sansosti et al

Autism Is a Neuro-Developmental Disorder. Language and

There is a spectrum of disabilities related to autism, sometimes called pervasive developmental disorders. These disorders can range from mild to severe (Sathrum 36)

Autism Is a Neuro-Developmental Disorder. Language and

Currently, scientists are testing the theory that "autism is a systemwide lack of communication among otherwise functional brain areas." In other words, this theory suggests that people with autism have normal areas of the brain, but the areas are not connected to each other (Strand 26)

Autism Is a Neuro-Developmental Disorder. Language and

Scientists continue to study the causes of autism, since an exact cause is not yet known for sure. It was recently thought that vaccines are the cause of autism, but scientists have proved that theory wrong (Wong 133)

Mental Retardation With Autism

While there are several potential causes of mental retardation, there are broad distinctions typically made between: a) cultural-familial retardation, characterized by mild impairment in response to environmental deprivation, and b) organic retardation, involving more severe impairment and emanating from organic pathology or genetic factors. "Mental retardation is chronic," they say, "and early intervention is needed to maximize developmental and cognitive potential" (Ammerman & Hersen 268)

Mental Retardation With Autism

For example, Bauman notes that a number of national and local organizations provide educational puppet programs that enlighten children on the issues of disability awareness and to encourage non-disabled children to interact with children who have disabilities. The author points out that past studies have shown time and again that students who are educated together, rather than in segregated settings, are all more likely to learn tolerance and acceptance; consequently, it is reasonable to assume that inclusive recreation would provide the same benefits (Bauman 2004)

Mental Retardation With Autism

According to Boyer and Lee, "Her challenges become successes through the support of an induction program that includes a mentor who also teaches young children with autism, insightful administrators, and school district resources" (75). Based on the experiences of this educator, Boyer and Lee offer the following tips for developing and maintaining a successful physical education program that specifically meets the needs of special educators and their students alike: Take responsibility for understanding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (IDEA97) and their implications for classroom teachers and special education students; Acquire knowledge of special education forms, state and district accommodations for instruction and testing, the district's special education resources, the district's modified curricula for specific populations, and the district's alternate assessment system; Collaborate with general educators and with occupational, speech, and physical therapists in planning and providing for services required by students; Develop effective professional relationships with paraprofessionals, who work as partners in providing services to students; Clarify the school culture around issues of inclusion and the role of special educators in advocating for their students; Acquire knowledge of curriculum content that allows effective adaptation to the general curriculum that students may be accessing; Determine the availability of assistive technology devices and of training to use them; Develop a schedule that meets each student's needs for group and direct instruction based on assessments and the student's Individualized Education Programs; Educate themselves concerning any complex medical procedures required by their students and their responsibility to provide or coordinate those procedures; Document each student's progress toward IEP goals; Collect data when working with students with challenging behaviors; Develop a daily communication system between school and home (Boyer & Lee 2001)

Mental Retardation With Autism

According to Bauman, "Adapted physical education provides students with the opportunity to participate in a regular physical education program" (6-7). Professional physical educators and the growing body of research in the field support the use of the term "adapted physical education" for students who require "individualized physical education" (Close & Matthew 423)

Mental Retardation With Autism

According to MacMillan and his colleagues, the AAMR now differentiates cases of mental retardation based on the levels of support students will require across four domains. In fact, the new definition tends to cloud these previous distinctions between subgroups regarding their etiology given that: (a) the majority of cases of mild mental retardation (MMR) are of unknown etiology while a much larger percentage of cases of more severe retardation have "known etiologies"; and (b) students with mild mental retardation do not generally have the same types of impairments and problems that typify students with more severe forms of mental retardation (MacMillan et al

Mental Retardation With Autism

Within his special education classroom, Joshua was beginning to work on vocational tasks designed to increase his time on task, promote independence at jobs, and teach general work habits. His days were very well-rounded and included integration activities, functional academics, and vocational tasks (emphasis added) (Nuehring & Sitlington 24)

Mental Retardation With Autism

Based on this glaring need, educators have traditionally taken one of two courses of action: 1) excuse the student from participating in physical education activities entirely and 2) place the student in a "corrective program"; however, these authors emphasize that, "These are not the answers to a student's total needs or the potentialities of the entire school for the need of the students" (Close & Matthews 423). In fact, today, many special needs students report that they experience their greatest school behavioral difficulties in the specific areas of art, music, library, and physical education (Roberts 1996)

Mental Retardation With Autism

, the rarity with which children with autism had parents with autism), on the very low rate of autism in siblings (estimated at that time at about 2%), and the lack of identified chromosome anomalies associated with autism" (4). In recent years, there has also been a growing body of evidence that suggests there is a genetic factor involved, but that there are a number of conditions that mirror autism but are not due to the same genetic component (Rutter 2000)

Mental Retardation With Autism

"Children with autism lack the usual desire for social contact," he says, and "The attention and approval of others are not important to them in the usual way. Autism is not an absolute lack of desire for affiliation, but a relative one" (Siegel 1998:9)

Mental Retardation With Autism

However, paradoxically, the child in such a state has little awareness of being a 'self'" (1). Generally speaking, autism is used to denote an early developmental situation, as well as some type of development that has not proceeded along normal lines (Tustin 1995)