Animals Sources for your Essay

Exploration the Structure of Animals

Nematoda are roundworms. There are more than 15,000 known species, with scientists estimating there may be as many as half a million species yet to be discovered (Waggoner, 2009)

Do We Owe a Duty of Mercy to Animals?

that is, a being altogether different in rank and dignity from things, such as irrational animals, with which one may deal and dispose at one's discretion." (Kant, LA, 7, 127) At another occasion, Kant called animals 'things' because they were not rational beings like man

Do We Owe a Duty of Mercy to Animals?

they too must be viewed as the experiencing subjects of a life, with inherent value of their own." (Regan, 1985) Krosgaard also advocates more kindness and mercy towards animals

Do We Owe a Duty of Mercy to Animals?

that is, a being altogether different in rank and dignity from things, such as irrational animals, with which one may deal and dispose at one's discretion." (Kant, LA, 7, 127) At another occasion, Kant called animals 'things' because they were not rational beings like man

Do We Owe a Duty of Mercy to Animals?

that is, a being altogether different in rank and dignity from things, such as irrational animals, with which one may deal and dispose at one's discretion." (Kant, LA, 7, 127) At another occasion, Kant called animals 'things' because they were not rational beings like man

Do We Owe a Duty of Mercy to Animals?

.the question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? (Bentham 1781) Animals, we know, can suffer

Scientific Research With Animals, and

An animal research veterinarian writes, "I think of my mother's angioplasty and cardiac bypass, miraculous procedures, really, in whose development animal studies played a crucial role. I think of the animal patients for whom I have prescribed vaccines and antibiotics developed in animal research laboratories" (Carbone 19)

Scientific Research With Animals, and

Monkeys, after all, like to roam around, explore things, play, and spend time with other monkeys. Severe constraints on movement often cause pain and bodily discomfort" (Degrazia 58)

Scientific Research With Animals, and

An analyst notes, "It was not until the early twentieth century that cosmetic and household products were tested on animals. In 1933, a product called Lash Lure blinded over a dozen women, and one woman died after an ulcer caused by the product became infected" (Katrink)

Animals Generally Are an Example

In 1998, the Russian government adopted a strategy for the conservation of the Amur leopard."(Fomenko, Pavel) in recent years Amur leopard lovers have started to raise funds and to encourage others to support the cause

Animals Conscious? Evaluating Animal Consciousness

A brief analysis of the history of the study of consciousness reveals that the principle problem associated with animal consciousness actually has to do with language. Martin Schonfeld has found that biases related to the proving or disproving of consciousness actually relate to what the word itself means, as determined by its definition in "what language one speaks" (Schonfeld 2)

Animals Conscious? Evaluating Animal Consciousness

As such, it is extremely interesting to note the fundamental similarities between humans and animals, in both behaviors, cognition, and their processes, that is also extremely suggestive of animal consciousness. This is particularly true of mammals, which share many similarities in their "anatomy, physiology, neurochemistry and electrical activity" (Baars 6) with humans

Animals Conscious? Evaluating Animal Consciousness

There are countless examples of this fact, such as the ability of herons to bait minnows which are then eaten, or for chimpanzees to remember the location of specific tools used to crack nuts for consumption, as well as for monkeys and apes to communicate with one another via a sophisticated series of alarms that inform group members of the presence of prey. There can be no disputing the notion that "many animals adapt their behavior to the challenges they face either under natural conditions or in laboratory experiments" (Griffin 10-11)

Animals Conscious? Evaluating Animal Consciousness

Despite the somewhat subjective nature of the language in which one considers the meaning of consciousness, it is highly important in establishing whether or not there is animal consciousness to confirm the fact that consciousness does exist within humans. Even those who widely dispute the notions of animal consciousness, such as Dennett, will readily quickly confirm the fact that in contemporary times, consciousness in humans is generally acknowledged and does "not require absolute, Cartesian certainty that our fellow human beings are conscious" (Dennett 16)

Animals - Siberian Husky Domestication

In this respect, the Siberian Husky has retained more wolf-like characteristics than other breeds. Whereas breeds selected more specifically for companionship greatly appreciate focused human attention and affection, the Siberian Husky, like tamed wolves, seem merely to tolerate human interaction (Budiansky 2000)

Animals - Siberian Husky Domestication

Because they generally hunt prey that is much larger than themselves, they typically must identify the weakest individuals for any reasonable chance of success. In addition to requiring extensive pursuit from far enough away from the prey to avoid detection, they must then pursue the targeted animal for miles, sometimes through thick snow before their first actual opportunity to initiate an attack (Conniff 1999)

Animals - Siberian Husky Domestication

According to this theory, ancient man would have lived in fairly close proximity to wild wolves who scavenged our refuse for nourishment. Occasionally, we would have had the opportunity to raise orphaned (or captured) wolf cubs and by breeding them selectively for traits valued by humans (such as friendliness, intelligence, and tameness), we created a new species with all the characteristics now familiar to us in domestic canines (Coppinger 2001)

Animals - Siberian Husky Domestication

According to that view, wild wolves would have gradually become accustomed to living close enough to ancient human societies to scavenge for food, ultimately losing their fear entirely. Their cubs would have been very easily tamed through early exposure to people during the critical imprinting phase and thereafter through their development in much the same manner as domestic dogs (and other animals) are so much more easily tamed and trained before adulthood than as feral adults (Coren 1995)

Animals - Siberian Husky Domestication

They do not take very well to corrections and are prone to protesting after being given commands with which they disagree, especially when followed by corrective techniques using tension on the leash. They will sometimes yowl or even shriek as if in extreme pain after corrections; needless to say, they are not well suited to inexperienced trainers or to owners who are sensitive to external appearances (Derr 2001)

Animals - Siberian Husky Domestication

Similarly, Siberian Huskies are more prone than other breeds to running off, stealing food, and destructive digging. In their natural habitat, Siberian Huskies often dug snow holes to escape the bitter cold and wind-blown snow; consequently, they will transfer that behavior to domestic environments, digging under even well-constructed fences until they manage to wriggle out completely (Gladwell 2006)