Animals Sources for your Essay

Animals Have the Same Rights

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Crows, too, mourn their dead, according to a story in Mother Nature Network. It is known that crows form life-long bonds, and it is also known that when a crow dies, other crows "…flock to the bodies of their deceased, diving and swooping and emitting a call that summons other birds" (Moss, 2013)

Animals Have the Same Rights

Meanwhile there is a growing movement of citizens worldwide who believe that animals have feelings and that they should not be abused especially when it comes to the entertainment and amusement of the public. There are ongoing protests about zoos and about displaying wild animals in public places; for example students at Somerville College, Oxford, are planning to boycott a college party / ball if the plans go ahead to display "…a live shark in a tank as entertainment" (Rustin, 2013)

Animals and Their Place Inside the Fast Food Nation

One-third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese." (Food, Inc

Animals in Captivity Zoological Parks

Dissemination of professional information and advice should be done fairly. Zoos have always advanced that they take animals into their facilities to save the endangered species from going extinct and educate the public (Hediger, 1964)

Animals in Captivity Zoological Parks

Animals kept in the zoo have been invaluable in behavioral research since they are free from predation. Such animals also exhibit a wider range of physical and behavioral characteristics that animals in the wild do not show (Lin, 2013)

Animals in Captivity Zoological Parks

The zoo goers see the need for co-operating with other scientific bodies to secure perpetual preservation of higher vertebrates. Zoo goers learn the physiology and behaviors of various animals, the survival of endangered species and to be compassionate about animals (Leahy, 1991)

Animals in Captivity Zoological Parks

The argument by those advancing that keeping animals in the zoos is unethical because such animals health requirements are not properly looked into is neither here nor there. The records that reflect the animals' health, diet and behavioral characteristics are integral for the management when it comes to making appropriate decisions regarding the future management of these animals (Peterson, 1989)

Animals in Captivity Zoological Parks

Acquisition is normally done in such a manner that it never impacts the wild population negatively. In fact, it always the endeavor of the zoos to ensure that, the source of animals is confined to those born in human care (Ralls, Brugger & Ballou, 1979)

Ethical Treatment of Animals the

Most of us would not harm a human on purpose, so we should not think that it is okay to harm an animal. In looking at animals as fellow creatures, we can recognize that it is a common life that we share (Gruen 2011)

Ethical Treatment of Animals the

We would know instantly that this kind of behavior is wrong and that these boys must be stopped and taught that this is wrong. There are also many people who would agree that randomly murdering animals is wrong, yet they will defend hunting and fishing; they will call it sport (Hursthouse 2000)

Ethical Treatment of Animals the

More pointedly, a kind person can be relied on to behave in a kind way when a situation requires it. A person who has the virtue of kindness doesn't act kindly out of some non-rational habit such as instinct -- like a lioness defending her cubs (McDowell 1997)

Ethical Treatment of Animals the

Still, the matador would probably say that he respects that bull's life as well -- and maybe even more so. Virtue ethics holds that one must act how a virtuous person would act and that one "cannot isolate the making of ethical decisions from your personality" (Panaman 2008

Ethical Treatment of Animals the

Merely questioning the problem and asking one's self why they believe in the ethical treatment of animals makes the issue one that is subject to reasoning as opposed to emotion. In his book Animal Ethics, author Robert Garner (2005) says that, "Animal ethics seeks to examine beliefs that are held about the moral status of non-human animals

Ethical Treatment of Animals the

Some may take an ethical egoism approach and decide that their enjoyment of life is more important than the ethical treatment of animals. Virtue ethics has been called a rather loose tradition of ethical thinking (Rowlands 2009)

Psychological Research on Animals Is

The purpose is to determine whether the "face-processing system of humans" and in this case, the tamarin, share characteristics. By finding out if humans' face-processing systems and the face-processing systems of the tamarin are similar, the researchers will be more readily be able to allow "early and quick processing of socially salient stimuli" (Neiworth, et al

Testing Make Up on Animals

Regardless, they put thousands of animals through pain, all in vain for a cause that has no backing and no use to make a successful product. (Bekoff) While some uses of testing on animals are justified such as those related to the field of medicine because they save human lives, most of the other uses have no reason

Testing Make Up on Animals

One renowned test done to ensure a cosmetic product is safe to use is the Draize Test, in which substances are put into the eyes of rabbits and then the damage done to the eye tissue is observed. As easy it may sound, during the process, rabbits can even go blind! (Carbone ) It is hard to understand why companies still continue to test their cosmetic products when there are new ways of test substances to ensure their safety

Testing Make Up on Animals

Such cruelty brings forth a multitude of reactions by people who are aware of this issue. (Judson) The first argument for those who do not pay heed to this issue is that it does not matter if animals are tested this way and are put in pain

Testing Make Up on Animals

However, once it is well developed, scientists should reduce their tests on animals directly by bioprinting human cells and testing their products on such skin cells that would react to toxicity just the way animals and humans would. (Mironov) Studies also show that animal testing for cosmetic products is not the most effective method of ensuring that a product is safe because it only tests the toxicity of substances rather than the potential health hazards that humans can face

Exploration the Structure of Animals

Nematoda are roundworms. There are more than 15,000 known species, with scientists estimating there may be as many as half a million species yet to be discovered (Waggoner, 2009)