Achievement Gap Sources for your Essay

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

There are black and Hispanic students everywhere, including those whose families are poor, who succeed impressively. Nor, for their part, do schools create the disparity" (Evans, ¶ 3)

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

S. 18-year-olds met the minimum qualifications to attend college (Foley, 2004, ¶ 8)

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

To improve the well-being, academic achievement, and life opportunities of vulnerable children, it is critical that these different explanations be assessed in light of the contemporary, social work's professional knowledge base, Fram, Miller-Cribbs and Van Horn (2007) stress. "Specifically, social work's commitment to social justice, and its conceptualization of individual functioning as intertwined with social and structural context provide an important framework for understanding and responding to achievement gaps" (Fram, Miller-Cribbs & Van Horn, ¶ 2)

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

They know that parents have to parent, that children can't achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white." Barack Obama, Keynote Address, Democratic National Convention, 2004 (Fryer, 2006, ¶ 1)

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

They know that parents have to parent, that children can't achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white." Barack Obama, Keynote Address, Democratic National Convention, 2004 (Fryer, 2006, ¶ 1)

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

The principals of the schools are often the instigators of collaborative efforts, and with their support and encouragement their efforts can often pay off in improved learning by the students. One study (Gajda, & Koliba, 2008) showed that in order to facilitate substantive school change principals had the responsibility to cultivate an environment that promoted collaboration

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

59 a year per black student as opposed to $68.15 per white student" (Gardner, ¶ 7)

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

" In that article, Berliner makes a case that testing for quality teachers makes no sense at all, and in fact might make more sense not to test the teachers at all. Berliner argues "the simplistic curriculum-delivery models of teaching underlying many of these tests (for licensure and accountability purposes) ultimately serve to demean and cheapen the teaching profession" (Granger, 2008, p

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

Then the question is whether schools and colleges recognize these differences and work effectively to reduce them, or whether they ignore inequalities and leave them to students themselves and parents and successive levels of schooling to correct -- or fail to correct. (Grubb, 2007, ¶ 2) According to Grubb (2007), when students begin their formal schooling at age 5 or 6, their initial differences continue to grow

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

"Remarkably high correlation value was observed between motivation and students characteristic. The highest correlation value was observed between family environment and students' characteristics" (Halawah, 2006, ¶ 1)

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

The middle-class child begins school with a vocabulary equivalent to that of the lower-class Black adult. (Hatheway, 2006, ¶ 4)

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convert the first year of teaching to a residency training year, offer classroom training with expert veteran teachers while corps members also complete coursework toward certification 3. offer incentives for teaching longer than three years (Hopkins, 2009, p

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Glenn, an assistant professor at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Jaime Lester, Old Dominion University and Jonathan Nakamoto (2008), University of Southern California, purport in the study, "Examining organizational contextual features that affect implementation of equity initiatives," examine learning barriers. These authors note that in addition to racial factors, "The individuals' willingness to learn, defensive reasoning, cognitive limitations, and organizational habits" (Kezar, Glenn, Lester & Nakamoto Contextual conditions… section, ¶ 3) affect learning

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Some studies have found that providing role models from the student's own culture helps in changing the environment to one that is more comfortable to the student. One recent study showed that "increasing the percentage of math teachers who are black has a nontrivial, positive impact on the likelihood that a black geometry student will enroll in a subsequent rigorous math course" (Klopfenstein, 2005, p

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

New York City Public Schools spend $11,627 per pupil for a student population…72% Black and Latino, while suburban Manhasset spends $22,311 for a student population that is 91% White. (Ladson-Billings, 2007, ¶ 6) Academic outcomes reviews reflect significant differences in achievement related to ethnicity, Alexis Miranda, Linda Webb, Greg Brigman, and Paul Peluso (2007), all with Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, report in "Student success skills: A promising program to close the academic achievement gap for African-American and Latino students

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

In China, early childhood educational opportunities tend to focus on speech and hearing. "Elementary and secondary school curricula reflect low expectations for deaf students and lack the same academic content provided to hearing students" (Lytle, Johnon, & Hui, 2006, p

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

that provides an interesting basis for the accountability of allocations. The article states, "Edison's approach to managing schools is comprehensive…simultaneously addressing both the resources and assistance provided to schools and the accountability systems under which school staff operates" (Marsh, Hamilton, & Gill, 2008, p

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Once method that is being used with some degree of success is the student-weighed allocation rather than traditional staff-based allocation policies. One article defines this type of allocation in the following manner, "student-weighted allocation uses student need, rather than staff placement, as the building block of school budgeting" (Miles & Roza, 2006, p

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

Access to a quality education for African-Americans might not be the only deciding factor in why an achievement gap exists, as the culture in which the students are raised may have an effect as well. One recent study showed that "cultural incongruence is one among many explanations for this previously described inaccessibility" (Parsons, Foster, Gomillion, & Simpson, 2008, p

Achievement Gap \"Go Into Any

"According to the National Education Association Higher Education Research Center the graduation rate of African-American students within a six-year period at four-year institutions is 45.7% in comparison to White students 66.8%" (Phillips, ¶ 2)