Zappos Sources for your Essay

Information Security at Zappos

Rather than using an interactive voice response (IVR) system, Zappos employs live humans beings who are intensively trained before being allowed to deal with customers (Cusick, 2009). In fact, trainees are paid during their training and even offered a $2,000 bonus to not take the job after completing training, a practice that seems to pay off by providing the company with employees who are truly committed to the company's vision and ideals (Vincent, 2012)

Zappos Recruitment and Selection

All stakeholders of the company can look at these values and point to them -- their existence gives everybody who deals with Zappos, either internally or externally, the ability to hold Zappos to account if the company does not live up to these core values. Once the values have been built into the corporate culture, they will also play a valuable role in guiding ethical behavior at the company, because people within the company will hold each other accountable to upholding these ten core values as well (Duh, 2010)

Zappos Recruitment and Selection

So Zappos has a pretty good cultural fit with what I want in a workspace even if maybe the roles available aren't the best fit. Nevertheless, they seem to have tapped into something that younger workers want to see in a workplace, and that is the idea that a workplace should be fun, not dreary and that this does not have to come at the expense of working hard (Kerr, 2014)

Zappos Recruitment and Selection

4. The "offer" is that after the first week, Zappos offers new hires $3,000 to quit (McFarland, 2008)

Zappos Recruitment and Selection

It is important that you enjoy your work in life, and Zappos has recognized the value of this in employee retention. For example, they emphasize fun and close social bonds among their workers, and both of these things are correlated with employee satisfaction (Twitchell, 2009)

The Trend on Zappos Couture

Year : 2011

The Trend on Zappos

Year : 2013