World War I Sources for your Essay

World War I Tactics and Weaponry in

Forty or fifty of these machines [would be enough]" (quoted in Childs at 3). Finally, the First World War was also fought above and below the sea, with navies on both sides that battled it out on the Atlantic while the British high command became increasingly alarmed at the offensive nature of the German's improved U-boat fleet and lighter-than-air capabilities as the war progressed (Seligmann 142)

War World War II Nuclear

6% of the United States' electrical producing capacity but supplies about 20% of the electricity in the United States. As well the long-term storage or redevelopment of used nuclear fuel, another practical disadvantage of nuclear energy is that nuclear power plants must maintain high levels of safety regarding the ability to control the necessary nuclear reaction (Childress, 2010)

War World War II Nuclear

Deterrence is plausible only if a nation is able to successfully convey the first two points to its opponent, that it is capable and willing. Successful deterrence depends on the psychological components of communication and perception (Gaddis, 2010)

War World War II Nuclear

Therefore, there was no threat of direct military aggression to deter. Moreover, the possessors of nuclear weapons have never been able to find much military reason to use them, even in principle, in actual armed conflicts (Mueller, 2010)

Ernest Hemingway and World War I

Jake expresses this new emasculation; most probable physically ineffective, he is not able to have any kind of sex and, for that reason, can never have the voracious Brett. As an alternative, he is controlled by her "Sexuality and bull-fighting,"), much in the same way Cohn is in the story, who is also mistreated by the other women in his life (Allen)

Ernest Hemingway and World War I

Even travel, a rich source of possible experience, typically turn out to be an excuse to drink in exotic settings. Because of World War I, recklessness also marked the Lost Generation; Jake hardly ever interferes in other's businesses, even when he could help (especially with Cohn), and Brett hastily hurts men and reflects herself as being some that is powerless to stop doing so (Leed)

Ernest Hemingway and World War I

It appears that Jake is the one that embodies these cultural changes. It is clear from the novel that World War I rendered his manhood (that is, his penis) inadequate as a consequence of injury (Moore)

Race and World War II:

Reportedly, over 120,000 people were removed from their homes after Executive Order No. 9066 was issued in February of 1942 by then President Roosevelt (Daniels 1)

Race and World War II:

Here, Dower suggests that "to scores of millions of participants, the war also a race war. It exposed raw prejudices and was fueled by racial pride, arrogance, and rage on many sides" (Dower 4)

Race and World War II:

This dominated the American perception of their Japanese enemies. As such, "Americans saw Japan though the black-white racial prism" which the image of Japanese as foreign and inferior to many Americans as the image of African-Americans had in the earlier nineteenth century (Lie 175)

Race and World War II:

S. military imposed curfews and other restrictions on persons of Japanese descent living on the West Coast, including both naturalized native American citizens, and eventually 'excluded' mot Japanese-Americans from certain Western areas, interning those who lived there in military camps further inland" (Primus 200)

Race and World War II:

Essentially, elements of racism intensified the war in the Pacific between the Japanese and the Americans. Racial hatred has long fueled tensions that have erupted in violence and military aggression (Shy 15)

Causes of World War I

France has traditionally struggled with being seen as a weak nation, both politically and militarily, and the lack of punishment of Germany by France would continue to make the nation appear weak. However, the need for retaliation had to be weighed against the possibility of retaliating against Germany and then being blamed for "re-starting the war" or causing further problems (Barnes, 1970)

Causes of World War I

When he was reelected in 1916, he focused on WWI and the Treaty of Versailles. While it was ultimately rejected by the United States Senate, Wilson felt that it was very important as something that would work to end the First World War (Marston, 1981)

Causes of World War I

Without the War, Germany might have continued to grow in strength and would have taken over as much as it could. This would have been unfortunate for many other nations that were already struggling, because they would not have been strong enough on their own to stop Germany from invading, taking over, and basically doing whatever it wanted (Rothberg & Moltke, 1986)

World War I The Reasons

Austin and Walter F. Horne 1920) (the Minor Powers During World War One - Austria-Hungary 2009) (Price

Post World War II Art

These shifts occurred in locations where there was a sense of openness and creativity. (Adams) Moreover, European artists after World War I became interested in Abstract Expressionism to discuss unique ways of representing colors and depicting ideas differently

Anti-War World War II Bertolt

Give me that knife, You, hag! You admit you live off the war, what else would you live off? Tell me: how can we have a war without soldiers? MOTHER COURAGE Do they have to be mine? SERGEANT So that's it. The war should swallow the pits and spit out of the peach, Huh? (Brecht, p

Anti-War World War II Bertolt

Wilfred Owen wrote numerous intense poems based on his personal experience as a soldier. Owen aspired to be a poet since he was a teenager and immersed himself in poetry, especially poems by Keats and Shelley (Roberts, 1998)

Effects of the Post World War II Occupation on Japan\'s Government and Politics

16) Stalin himself agreed at the Potsdam Conference that the American Supreme Commander should act as the sole executive authority for the Allies in Japan. (Bell, pp