Workforce Sources for your Essay

Analyzing Management of a Culturally Diverse Workforce

i. Creating an Environment for Change Culture can only be effective if it is used in a relevant area that requires some sort of change or if it is tied to an organizational issue (Runy, 2007)

Managing Intergenerational Workforces Effectively

There are genuine opportunities for mentoring and other intergenerational relationship-building that can help to transition cultures and allow for the skill sets of each generation to be appreciated (Dols, Landum and Wieck, 2010). Mentoring Another issue with an intergenerational workforce is to promote the transfer of information between generations, something that has been found to be inhibited by having a high level of intergenerational diversity (Legas & Sims, 2011)

Managing Intergenerational Workforces Effectively

It is evident this multigenerational workforce can be powerful because of the different types of knowledge each generation possesses, but there are also going to be considerable frictions that are worked out, many of which touch directly on the human resources domain. In the 1990s people were writing about how to manage conflict between Gen Xers and their boomer managers, and now there is an entirely new generation inserted into this dynamic (Stroul, 1998)

Managing Intergenerational Workforces Effectively

Identifying potential problems before they arise is one of the things that can help to reduce conflict where things like direct communication are concerned. Having people from different generations communicate with each other can also help to resolve conflict -- there is evidence that sharing success stories about intergenerational cooperation in the workplace can have a positive influence on employee perceptions about working in an intergenerational workforce (Sudheimer, 2009)

Looking Into Workforce Challenges

Support your position on the challenge selected. Shortage of healthcare workforce in the United States was first observed in the year 2000 when the American Hospital Association together with the Association of American Medical Colleges first started looking into the effect of demographic changes such as growth in population, increase of chronic disease, and aging of baby boomers (Zywiak, 2013)

Multigenerational and Multicultural Program for a Nursing Workforce

These newly hired registered nurses by Pacific Regional Hospital will be empowered based on their specific roles and responsibilities in nursing practice within the facility. Regardless of their age and cultural differences, the hospital will ensure the nurses engage in the affairs and practices of the hospital environment (Manojlovich, 2007)

Multigenerational and Multicultural Program for a Nursing Workforce

These generational cohorts and cultures have different work-related characteristics, especially communication techniques. Consequently, developing effective communication strategies and techniques is a major challenge (Sherman, 2006)


Year : 2004

Changes: Women in the Workforce

Year : 1979

Redesigning MN: Educating the Workforce

Year : 2013


Year : 2013

Female Workforce in the War Factories

Year : 1916

Today's Students Tomorrow's Workforce

Year : 2014