Truancy Sources for your Essay

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

The most important factors in quantitative design is that it meets three criteria. It must be externally developed, independent, reliable and valid (Fashola, 2004)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

Experimental Design and the Problem of Truancy Studies were found that used an incentive program for attendance. However, the results of these programs received mixed results with varying degrees of success in reducing truancy (Gerrard, Burhans, & Fair, 2003)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

For instance, in Michigan, the age of compulsory school attendance is ages 6-16 (Michigan Department of Education, 2002). However, Alabama is considering raising the compulsory school attendance age to 17 or 18 (Goymer, 2007)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

It was obvious that the old system had never worked and that it still did not work. Tougher punishment and stricter enforcement were obviously not the answer (Griggs, 1997)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

A study that involved 28 communities found that truancy was a good predictor of middle school drug use. The same study found that truant 8th graders were more likely to smoke marijuana than those who attended school regularly (Halfors, et al

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

The reason for this lack of information is that many schools do not collect these statistics. Seemingly related statistics indicate that those who do not graduate from high school have reduced chances for employment and a higher chance for committing a crime than those that do not have a high school diploma or GED (Harlow, 2003)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

Among adolescent girls, it was found that a desire to "party," an activity that involves drinking, smoking, and disorderly conduct, was more likely to occur in girls that had one or more of several risk factors. These factors include issues with the parent-child relationship, exposure to peer deviant behaviors, and issues involving romantic involvement (Haynie, 2003)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

In a study that examined common factors among those who engaged in school skipping, it was found that truancy could be attributes to several correlates. The most prevalent factors that effected truancy were poor grades, low self-confidence in their ability to graduate, and drug use (Henry, 2007)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

School health professionals are often asked to evaluate youths who miss school, or attempt to miss school. Few recommendations are available to help school health professional or school counselors in their ability to assess truancy behavior (Kearney & Benasheb, 2008)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

The societal impact of school truancy and drop out rate crept into articles about school truancy. The connection with crime, poverty, mental illness (Kronick, 1994), and substance abuse (Crum, Esniminger, & Ro et al

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

It was also found that these children were more likely to become adults with personality disorder. Second chance programs that gave your at risk for failing a second chance to succeed by participating in alternative school settings (Lange & Lehr, 1999)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

Qualitative methods are more holistic than quantitative methods. Quantitative methods tend to focus on only one detail of the problem (Langhout, 2003)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

While these two items would at first appear to be the same, there is a significant difference in them from the standpoint of human motivation. The truancy/dropout phenomenon is not a single, impulsive act, but rather reflects a slow disintegration that has measurable indicators along the way (Lehr, Hansen, & Sinclair et al

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

In the past, bullying was not considered a serious enough topic to enter into public policy. However, the increase in bullying and its affects on academic performance and truancy have brought the issue to the forefront (Limber & Small, 2003)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

The following will explore stressors and their impact on anxiety in the school setting. School truancy, poor grades and other school related problems have been associated with the presence of emotional, behavioral, and other learning problems (Lopes, 2007)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

The problem is not what punishment the criminal should receive, but how to motivate them to come to school in the future. In truant and low-performing students, a lack of self-confidence in their ability to achieve academically was found to decrease motivation to attend school (Martin, Martin, & Gibson et al

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

A racial gap in truancy was also found. African-Americans were more at-risk than other racial groups for poor grades, truancy and other forms of juvenile delinquency (McCarthy & Hoge, 1987)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

The school counselor often serves as the intermediary between the student, parents, and the criminal justice system. However, it was found that counselors are often at risk for burnout, particularly those who have been on the job for over ten years (Michael, 2005)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

During the 1990s the topic of motivation and its association with truancy also began to creep into this field. Factors such as the role of effective feedback, intrinsic motivation, and a person's self-concept began to serve a role in explaining why juveniles chose to become truant, or engage in other undesirable behaviors (Mill, 1991)

Truancy Rationale, Relevance, Significance Organization

This law mandated that a $50.00 fine would be charged against parents whose children between the ages of five and fifteen were absent from school (Northend, 1853)