Steroids Sources for your Essay

Steroids Among Athletes Steroids Are

, but they are available over the counter in other countries (Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence). The American College of Sports Medicine observed that the use of anabolic steroids had gone up in the last decade (Rose 2000)

Steroids Among Athletes Steroids Are

Five other subjects exhibited psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations of voices (Science News). To many persons, professional sports involves numbers or statistics (Santora 2005), Those who heavily indulge in sports get paid for their performance

Steroids Among Athletes Steroids Are

Opinion Athletes and other individuals should avoid the use of steroids despite the hard drive to professional success. Sports directors and other officials can do a lot to effect this ban and stop the abusive use of the substances (Svare 2006)

Steroids Among Athletes Steroids Are

Massive response of support is needed from fans of all major sports through boycotts and other activities before a change can take effect (Nutrition Health Review). Some enhancements do not contribute to better performance or may appear like improving it but actually devalue performance (Will 2004)

Anabolic Steroids on Teenagers the

¶ … Anabolic Steroids on Teenagers The Effects of Anabolic Steroids on Teenagers: Article Review and Critique Although many of the current media reports and the increased attention from governing bodies where sports are concerned may seem to imply otherwise, the use of performance-enhancing drugs (generally steroids) by athletes is not really seen to be a new phenomenon, and many of these steroids have very adverse psychological effects on those that take them (Kindlundh, Hagekull, Isacson, & Nyberg, 2001)

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

.while anabolic-androgenic steroids have been used since the early 1950s to enhance athletic performance, the incidence of use appears to have increased considerably in recent years" (Burnett, and Kleiman 81)

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

While all of the above impact on the normal body functions and chemical balance, one of the most worrying aspects noted in the literature with regard to the use of anabolic steroids and nutrition is the way that the image or perception of this substance is projected in society as an alternative to normal, healthy nutritional development. (Jenkins) Taking into account the wide range of ways that anabolic steroids can upset and seriously undermine the healthy teenager discussed above, it is of increasing concern among the medical fraternity that steroids are often seen as a more effective means of achieving good body tone and performance levels

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

This figure is supported by other studies;" a 1988 nationwide survey showed that 6.6% of male high school students reported having used steroids" (Reese, and Exum 238)

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

It is also significant that the perception in society is often than steroids are beneficial in terms of the performance value that they represent. "Unfortunately, many young men feel that the immediate benefits of steroids are worth the long-term damage to their livers, sexuality, cardiovascular systems, and longevity" (Samaras 26)

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

"Supplements are often used by adolescent athletes as ergogenic aids to improve physical performance. While there are risks associated with vitamin/mineral supplement use, other ergogenic aids such as steroids, amphetamines, and human growth hormone present even greater risks for adolescents involved in athletics" (Sobal, and Marquart 835) This is also referred to as the "stepping-stone" pattern of substance abuse

Nutritional Effects of Anabolic Steroids

positive skeletal muscle-enhancing effect"; although this aspect has not been conclusively proven. (Wichstrom, and Pedersen 5) More controversially, the use of steroids, especially among teenagers or adolescents, has been shown to have possible negative health implications

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

Some of the most common long-term causes of steroids are quick weight gain, stunted growth, extreme behavioral changes, skin rashand acne, loss of appetite and risk of infectious disease like HIV or Hepatitis due to sharing needles. Study shows that normal hormone production system of human body is completely disrupted due to the use of steroids (Bahrke, Yesalis-III, & Wright, 1990)

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

Anabolic are made from male sex hormones and have been used in a limited dosage medically to enhance muscle strength of those patients who have little or no potential of natural recovery. This type of steroid ha the highest potential of being misused (Clayton, 1998)

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

" World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was formed by the collaboration of International Olympic Committee (IOC) and United States Olympic Committee (USOC) on uproar against steroids; John McCain's hearing on doping case was a primary part of this. Also, National Football League and National basketball Association have their own anti-doping programs implemented similar WADA (Coleman & Coleman, 2008)

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

When the parents are educated then there are better chances for improved parent-child relationship. Parents will monitor the activities of their children when they are better aware about what they are looking for (Hanson, Venturelli, & Fleckenstein, 2011)

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

Other reports show that 6.6% high school students whereas 3% college level students showed abuse of steroids related to sports (Mottram, 2003)

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

Anabolic steroids travel through bloodstream and work their way into muscle tissue. The cell growth is stimulated when steroid interacts with the muscle cell's DNA once it is received by Andersen receptor of muscle cell (Peterson, 2009)

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

Along with all that, psychological evaluation is very important to assess dual diagnosis such as anxiety or depression as an underlying cause for abuse. Individual as well as family counseling should be provided in order to get a full and healthy recovery and future prevention from such abuse (Ries, Ries, Miller, & Fiellin, 2009)

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

Studies also show that verbal communication to students about steroids is not very effective in discouraging them from its use. But if both the risks and benefits of steroids are presented to youngsters then it will have a much pronounced effect because they perceive it to be a more credible approach (Smith & Bar-Eli, 2007)

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses

Anabolic steroids have been stated to cause other behavioral effects such as euphoria, increased energy, sexual arousal, mood swings, distractibility, forgetfulness, and confusion. These users can also become a threat to themselves if they take very high dosage of anabolic steroids (Taylor, 2002)