Single Parent Sources for your Essay

Effects of Single Parenting on the Academic Achievement of Children

It is also necessary for us to find a way to provide children and parents from this type of home the help they need. So their children can reach their academic goals without a constant struggle Research on the impact of single parenting to children has followed one of two models: the Family Deficit Model or the Risk and Protective Factor Model (Donahoo, 2003)

Effects of Single Parenting on the Academic Achievement of Children

It is a long-held belief that an optimal child-rearing environment occurs within the context of a two-parent structure; however, there have been researchers that propose that well-adjusted and competent children can and do develop in a variety family contexts (Bornstein, 1995). Moreover, many of these deficit-based studies fail to investigate mediating or moderating variables such as parent and child characteristics or potential family processes that might be considered protective factors and could significantly contribute to outcomes (Hetherington & Stanley-Hagan, 1999)

Effects of Single Parenting on the Academic Achievement of Children

It is a long-held belief that an optimal child-rearing environment occurs within the context of a two-parent structure; however, there have been researchers that propose that well-adjusted and competent children can and do develop in a variety family contexts (Bornstein, 1995). Moreover, many of these deficit-based studies fail to investigate mediating or moderating variables such as parent and child characteristics or potential family processes that might be considered protective factors and could significantly contribute to outcomes (Hetherington & Stanley-Hagan, 1999)

Effects of Single Parenting on the Academic Achievement of Children

Single-parent families more commonly occur in urban environments, but can be found at every socioeconomic level. In terms of the effect on the child's education it has been long known that adolescents from a lower socioeconomic status are more likely to withdraw from high school before graduating and those that do graduate are less likely to attend college (Lambert, 1988)

Effects of Single Parenting on the Academic Achievement of Children

¶ … Parenting on the Academic Achievement of Children Single parenting effects The term family refers to a group of at least two people who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption and who share resources, responsibility for decisions, values and goals, and have a commitment to one another over time (Nelson, 1992)

Effects of Single Parenting on the Academic Achievement of Children

An interesting application of the limited resources notion is that of social dominance theory that states that single-parent families have lower social status and therefore fewer economic resources than intact families. Thus these families face greater social and institutional discrimination which leads to poor academic performance in the children (Van Laar & Sidanius, 2001)

Raising Children in Single Parent Homes and

Children tell stories of watching younger siblings and starting dinner before their parent gets home. While dual parent homes often have two people working outside the home, the dual income allows for help to be hired more often than in a single parent home where finances are statistically tougher (Peters pp 33)

Raising Children in Single Parent Homes and

One of the biggest differences between a single parent and a dual parent household is finances. Most single parent households live on a lower income than dual biological parent households do (Renkl pp 68)

Impact and Cost of Child Care on Single Parents

¶ … Child Care on Single Parents Over the past several years, more single parents with children, mostly women, have joined the workforce (Ford, 1995)

Impact and Cost of Child Care on Single Parents

But it has neglected their childcare needs. Implementation According to a General Accounting Office study, affordable childcare is a decisive factor that encourages or discourages single mothers to seek and maintain employment (Ohl, 2002)

Single Parent Love Life and Influence on Their Children

A single parent may seek another sexual/romantic partner, who might fill in the shoes of the absent parent and assist with numerous demands connected with parenting young kids. On the other hand, dating a single parent having young kid(s) may seem relatively less appealing to potential partners (Goldscheider, Kaufman, & Sassler, 2009), owing to the added demands and responsibilities that the presence of children pose; further, single parents fear potential new partners will not be emotionally attached to their children owing to a lack of genetic relationship (Gray, Garcia, Crosier & Fisher, 2015)

Single Parent Love Life and Influence on Their Children

A single parent may seek another sexual/romantic partner, who might fill in the shoes of the absent parent and assist with numerous demands connected with parenting young kids. On the other hand, dating a single parent having young kid(s) may seem relatively less appealing to potential partners (Goldscheider, Kaufman, & Sassler, 2009), owing to the added demands and responsibilities that the presence of children pose; further, single parents fear potential new partners will not be emotionally attached to their children owing to a lack of genetic relationship (Gray, Garcia, Crosier & Fisher, 2015)

Single Parent Love Life and Influence on Their Children

A single parent may seek another sexual/romantic partner, who might fill in the shoes of the absent parent and assist with numerous demands connected with parenting young kids. On the other hand, dating a single parent having young kid(s) may seem relatively less appealing to potential partners (Goldscheider, Kaufman, & Sassler, 2009), owing to the added demands and responsibilities that the presence of children pose; further, single parents fear potential new partners will not be emotionally attached to their children owing to a lack of genetic relationship (Gray, Garcia, Crosier & Fisher, 2015)

Single Parent Love Life and Influence on Their Children

Trade-off-related difficulties are especially prominent when children are too young and dependent (e.g. toddlers and babies) (Konner, 2010)

Single Parent Love Life and Influence on Their Children

In the same vein, a number of researches depict earlier intercourse onset, and some reveal lesser usage of contraception, among such adolescents. Many researchers have explored further than bivariate relationships, for proving that greater sexual permissibility by divorced or single parents (Luchies & Regnerus, 2006), parents' dating activity and lesser teen supervision by parents explain why some teens from single-parent backgrounds are more liable to getting pregnant

Single Parent Love Life and Influence on Their Children

Many researchers have explored further than bivariate relationships, for proving that greater sexual permissibility by divorced or single parents (Luchies & Regnerus, 2006), parents' dating activity and lesser teen supervision by parents explain why some teens from single-parent backgrounds are more liable to getting pregnant. Some researchers, by defining mechanisms of single-parent structures in a different manner, revealed that frequency of parental shift of romantic partners/spouses, and duration of lifetime spent in single parents' household, are linked to teenagers' pregnancy risks (Miller, 2002; Gray et al - Online Dating Network for Single ...

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Single parent - Wikipedia

A single parent is an uncoupled individual who shoulders most or all of the day-to-day responsibilities for raising a child or children. A mother is more often the ...

Single Parents: Top 6 Tips - WebMD

WebMD talks to parenting experts for their top tips for single parents.

Single parent? Tips for raising a child alone - Mayo Clinic

Single parent — Tips for handling common challenges, including setting limits, seeking support and resisting guilt.