Sickle Cell Anemia Sources for your Essay

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle cell anemia is defined as being a severe form of the illness anemia, where not enough healthy red blood cells are present to carry the necessary oxygen to the rest of the body (Hwang & Shaparin 2003)

Anatomy and Physiology Sickle Cell Anemia Is

There is also no absolute cure for this illness; there are only treatment methods (Harris 2001). Hope for a cure does come from bone marrow transplants, but due to the danger associated with the procedure, which can include death, that is not really seen as an option (Jordan 2011)

Sickle Cell Anemia Definition and

self-treatment at home with bed rest, oral analgesia, and hydration is possible." (Anemia, Sickle Cell) However if the situation worsens and the patient has to be transported by EMS, "

Sickle Cell Anemia Definition and

Taliafero and Huck first recognized that the sickling phenomenon was an inherited condition in 1923. (Ingram 38) In 1927, Hahn and Gillespie showed that sickling of the red cells was related to low oxygen

Sickle Cell Anemia Definition and

chronic anemia, jaundice, severe pain, poor resistance to infection and sometimes an early death." (Pines 40) This disease has genetic origans and parameters and "