Short Sources for your Essay

Cora Unashamed This Short Story by Langston

However, Hughes turned that around, Gillette writes; indeed "Cora Unashamed' assumes a markedly black subject position" and as a result the short story "evaluates white families by their approximation to black" (Gillette, 127). In this story Hughes sets the reader up to believe that it will be yet another depiction of a dysfunctional black family -- the racist stereotype that unfortunately is attached to too many media depictions and too much of American literature with reference to the black family in America -- because Cora's father is "a drunkard" who tended to spend "…what little money he made from closet-cleaning, ash-hauling, and junk-dealing […] on the stuff that makes you forget you have eight kids" (Hughes)

Chronic Shortage of Special Education

Chronic Shortage of Special Education Teachers "If teachers are well-prepared in both content and pedagogy, 'it makes an enormous difference not only to their effectiveness in the classroom but also whether they're likely to enter and stay in teaching'… [and] it is 'more expensive to under-prepare people, and let them spin out again, than it is to prepare people more effectively and keep them in the profession…'" (Billingsley, 2004, p

Chronic Shortage of Special Education

Erling E. Boe has published an article referencing "Long-Term Trends in the National Demand, Supply, and Shortage of Special Education Teachers" (Boe, 2006, p

Chronic Shortage of Special Education

A good example of the negative things that happen to special education teachers in some school districts is presented in an article published in the Journal of Instructional Psychology. One of the main problems in teacher attrition is a high burnout rate, according to the authors, and the "key variables causing burnout and attrition" (according to a nationwide survey of 4,500 teachers referenced by the authors) include: "job stress, weak support by administrators, unreasonable caseloads," class sizes that are unwieldy and "ineffective in-service programs" (Kaufhold, et al

Chronic Shortage of Special Education

An article published in 2004 reports that "Ninety-eight percent of the nation's school districts" in the U.S. report "special education teacher shortages" (McLeskey, et al

Chronic Shortage of Special Education

None of the 228 indicated they had plentiful supplies and materials (Kaufhold, 2006). Why are there shortages of teachers (more specifics)? A 2007 article in The Clearing House journal updates the number of teachers freshly trained for the special education field; to wit, annually colleges and universities graduate "…nearly 22,000 special education teachers," which amounts to "about half number required to fill vacant positions" (Thornton, et al

Leslie Vryenhoek\'s \"Longing\" Leslie Vyenhoek\'s Short Poem

¶ … Leslie Vryenhoek's "Longing" Leslie Vyenhoek's short poem "Longing" expresses the manner in which the breakdown of family can divide both the physical and emotional. The poet's use of figurative language, strong imagery, and word choice illustrates the "backlit yearning" (Vryenhoek 8) which resides deep within a girl who is "straddling the continent" (1) as she is shuttled back and forth between parents who live on opposite ends of the country

Kafka\'s Short Story: Metamorphosis

In the beginning of the story, as Gregor awakens and the rain is falling, he is apparently vaguely aware that he has been transformed from a man to a large insect. Among the first glances he takes around his bedroom is a magazine photo he had cut out and put in a "pretty gilt frame," which is an interesting juxtaposition: a cheap magazine photo of a woman whose arm has disappeared into a fur muff, the photo placed in a gold frame and the woman "sat erect" in the photo (Kafka, 3)

Cultural Competence in This Short

The project idea of this author may need to be altered the needs of elderly patients with dementia in the light of Purnell and other models of cultural competence in nursing, especially in the two domains of the Purnell model which deal with the health care profession and practioner. According to Purnell, "A culturally competent health care provider develops an awareness of his or her existence, sensations, thoughts, and environment without letting these factors have an undue effect on those for whom care is provided (Purnell 2002, 193)

Hum/105 -- World Mythology Foundations Mythology Short

" This concept involved a divine being or someone who simply held supernatural powers -- someone who was different from them and whom they needed to provide with special attention on account of the benefits that they could reap from the enterprise. However, "even some of the most backward savages make a perhaps half-conscious distinction between their mythology and their religion" (Lang 5)

Projected Labor Shortages: Build a Bear Workshop

This trend would create an overall U.S. labor shortage of 35 million workers" (Atwater & Jones, 2004)

Projected Labor Shortages: Build a Bear Workshop

Census Bureau and the United Nations assert that the supply of workers 25 to 44 years old will decline 15% over the current decade. That means there will be far fewer prospects to recruit for midlevel jobs- the core of the workforce" (Gibbon, 2004)

Projected Labor Shortages: Build a Bear Workshop

Trends One of the ways to understand how to recruit the appropriate workers is to understand the trends that impact the available workforce. According to Hankin, there are five major emerging workforce trends: longevity more varied household types, generations, diversity, and trust, respect and ethics (Hankin, 2005)

Projected Labor Shortages: Build a Bear Workshop

Training should be a recurring effort, and the outcome should be monitored. Diversity management programs with accountability are most successful" (Hoover, Will, & Milligan, 2007)

Projected Labor Shortages: Build a Bear Workshop

This is akin to the growing trend for companies to pay employees for their volunteer service. Jones discovered that employees respond favorably to companies that promote volunteerism in the community, so that one would expect these existing programs, and any expansion to those programs, to increase Build a Bear's employee retention rates (Jones, 2010)

Projected Labor Shortages: Build a Bear Workshop

As the aging workforce moves closer to retirement, the younger generations are quickly becoming the majority of the prime-age workforce. This generational shift is going to reshape the numbers, values, and norms of the workforce in ways that every business leader focused on staffing strategy must consider" (Tulgan, 2004)

Projected Labor Shortages: Build a Bear Workshop

Focus on relationships and candidate experience to build talent pools or communities. 6. Measure the impact of what they do" (Wheeler, 2004)

Shortage of Physicians Overall, or Only in

But the number of medical-school students entering family medicine fell more than a quarter between 2002 and 2007" (Sataline & Wang 2010). Only about half of all physicians go into primary care, compared to what is necessary to meet the current level of demand (Halsey 2009)

Shortage of Physicians Overall, or Only in

Physicians cite a preference for living in an urban environment, lower reimbursement rates from insurance companies, and greater administrative hassles for their reluctance to practice in rural locations. Even doctors with origins in these communities seldom return after medical school (Kavilanz 2009)

Shortage of Physicians Overall, or Only in

Because primary care physicians receive lower reimbursement rates for the treatments they offer, patients suffer as well. According to one patient: "many of the doctors I tried to see would not take my insurance because the payments were so low" (Pear 2009)