Security Sources for your Essay

Information Security Ethical Situation

Ethics in Selling the Information In light of rapid technology advancements and increased use of technology in business processes, privacy has emerged as one of the major issues and topics in information security. Many organizations and businesses gather, swap, and sell personal information, which has resulted in the increased search for suitable and effective ways to protect privacy (Whitman & Mattord, 2011, p

Information Technology (IT) Security Systems

The IDS and IPS are the computer security tools to detect and prevent unauthorized access to the network system. (Abdel-Aziz, 2009)

Information Technology (IT) Security Systems

One of benefits of the cryptographic technique is that the data transferred from one location to other location will change to nonsense text thereby preventing unauthorized individuals to read the data. (Osterhage, 2011)

Information Technology (IT) Security Systems

Organizations also face a (DoS) denial of service attack to prevent legitimate users to get access to their computer services.(Stallings, 2011)

Information Technology (IT) Security Systems

If intruders are able to break through the firewall, they will have unlimited access to the organizational network systems. (Young, 2008)

Online Data Security

Not everything can be prevented or planned for but all reasonable and proper contingencies need to be laid out before things go south and not just after. Being proactive rather than reactive is key and will prevent a company from having to explain a lot of egg on its face rather than just settling people down when something minor happens but the people involved are stopped or caught (Davis, 2013)

Online Data Security

Neither is perfect but it is much easier to control a local workstation or server rather than an always-online system. The brain drain that is occurring with skilled information technology and programming jobs is certainly not helping the cloud computing revolution (Gross, 2013)

Online Data Security

Most cloud computing giants have avoided such problems and scandals. However, it is only a matter of time and any careless user of even the most rock-solid cloud computing companies can get their account compromised due to a weak password or something else careless (Samson, 2013)

Online Data Security

While it may seem like common sense to secure networks and such, many companies (even before the cloud computing revolution) did some very obtuse things when it came to data security (Samson, 2013). For example, the TJX hack that occurred years ago was due to a combination of the fact that they were using wireless technology to transmit credit card information when they really did not need to and they were doing so with WEP encryption, a standard that was exploited long before TJX stopped using it (Zetter, 2010)

Security Issues Created by a

's iPads and iPhones. Based on the ignorance of the organizations at both ends, the article has mentioned that there have been two blasts in the factory causing the deaths of many workers at the factory (Duhigg, and Barboza, 2012)

Security Issues Created by a

Based on an increase in the fuel prices, there has been a great increase in transportation prices. The article has mentioned that more than 23% of the goods move between countries that are joined by land-based borders (Durdu, Mendoza, and International Monetary Fund

Security Issues Created by a

A cost of transportation is the main issue and there is a need that the issue is resolved by finding alternatives to more costly options as ocean transportation. An important issue that has been raised by the article is to be taken into consideration by the World Trade Organizations (Hummels, 2007, p

Security Issues Created by a

Globalization and International Trade The second chosen article has been taken from a journal of trade. The article "Transportation Costs and International Trade in the Second Era of Globalization" written by David Hummels has mentioned the importance of trade in the modern days (Weiss, 2010, p

Probation Social Security Number the

For shock probation to work, a judge has to be selective and really consider the merits of each individual defendant prior to determining whether shock probation is a valid option. Judges already do and should engage in cost-benefit analysis when making sentencing decisions; the scarcity of resources in the criminal justice system dictates that they do so (Branham, 2012)

Probation Social Security Number the

"The typical amount of time spent in a correctional facility varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and case to case. A typical term of incarceration in a shock probation sentence is 30 days or less" (Broemmel, 2012)

Probation Social Security Number the

Shock probation began in Ohio in 1965. This pilot program involved 4,014 prisoners who served only the initial 60 to 90 days of their original sentences (Pasquesi, 2012)

Social Security in the U.S.:

S.: Better than CPP and OAS? According to a 2009 poll by the National Academy for Social Insurances, 2/3 of Americans would choose to strengthen the United States' Social Security System over using its revenues to balance the national deficit (Leigh, 2010)

Cybersecurity Vulnerability Issues

As opposite to time bombs, this type of backdoor needs a second attack vector, the "cheat code." (Broggi, 2014) Because the hardware is not sound enough, the attacker could deliver "cheat codes" which send a sole data value enclosing the entire code (single-shot "cheat codes") or a large cheat code in multiple pieces (consecutive "cheat codes

Cybersecurity Vulnerability Issues

The introduction of hardware Trojans could occur in each stage of the supply chain, reliant on the methods accepted by attackers and on the technology utilized for hacking. Common hardware attacks because of vulnerabilities are the following: Manufacturing backdoors, for malware or other piercing resolves; backdoors are not limited to hardware and software, nevertheless they also affect embedded radio-frequency identification (RFID) memory and chips Listen in by getting access to protected memory deprived of opening other hardware Producing faults, affecting the break of normal behavior Hardware modification interfering with aggressive operations; hardware or jail broken software (Carr, 2010) Backdoor creation; the attendance of hidden approaches for bypassing usual computer verification systems Counterfeiting product resources that can produce unusual operations, and those made to gain malicious admission to systems Also many experts argue that because hardware weaknesses attacks relate to the following devices: Access control systems for instance verification tokens Network piece of equipment Industrial control systems Surveillance systems Sections of communication structure Because of the hardware liabilities, attackers could likewise act at lower levels to affect the work of microcircuits, fundamental sections of any electronic device

Cybersecurity Vulnerability Issues

Hardware Data modification / injection Some experts have argued that by perceiving the pattern of data write-backs to RAM, an attacker is able to figure out the location of the runtime stack, as commonly used software stack structures are usually simple. From the time when the attacker has physical admission to the device, stack data can be inoculated and, even though the data will be decrypted into a random stream, the effect on program behavior can be witnessed (Chen, 2009)