Second Language Acquisition Sources for your Essay

Second Language Acquisition Metacognitive Listening

These authors state that some limitations have been reported by investigators in relation to 'think aloud' protocols during listening as follows: 1) Only conscious strategies can be reported; 2) Verbalization needs to take place as soon as possible after the event to limit forgetting; 3) the phase of the task will influence the type of strategy reported as will the difficulty of the task; 4) Researcher 'prompting' may affect elicitation; and 5) Triangulation methods (such as combining think-aloud with retrospective interviews) might provide more reliable data. (Cohen and Macaro, 2007) In relation to use of strategy and the relationship that strategy has with other variables, Cohen and Macaro (2007) state that the relationship between variables that has garnered the most attention is that existing "between strategy use and successful listening comprehension

Second Language Acquisition Metacognitive Listening

" (Anderson, 2005) The work of Fang Lv (2005) entitled: "Research into Effects of Fostering Metacognition Awareness upon the Listening Comprehension" relates an investigation of the effect of "fostering metacognition awareness upon listening comprehension on a passage level among college students of science and engineering" for the purpose of: 1) detecting ways to increase listener's metacognition awareness; and 2) finding out the correlation between listeners' metacognitive awareness and their listening proficiency." (Lv, 2005) The work of Cheng-Yi Kelly Chang entitled: "Intuitive-Analysis and EFL Listening Strategies" (2005) reports the investigation of the relationship between learning styles and listening strategies using revised version of the Cognition Style Index and the Strategy Inventory of Learning Strategies

Second Language Acquisition Metacognitive Listening

To place speaking before listening, as advocated by the audio-lingual method is to 'put the cart before the horse." (Vandergrift, 1999) the processing and decoding of input that is auditory in nature makes a requirement of recognition knowledge however, encoding and speech generation output makes a requirement of retrieval knowledge

Second Language Acquisition Metacognitive Listening

To place speaking before listening, as advocated by the audio-lingual method is to 'put the cart before the horse." (Vandergrift, 1999) the processing and decoding of input that is auditory in nature makes a requirement of recognition knowledge however, encoding and speech generation output makes a requirement of retrieval knowledge

Second Language Acquisition Theories of

According to Eun and Lim, this perspective highlights the integrated nature of the individual and social elements in the learning process (14). The sociocultural perspective is based on the work of Vygotsky who asserted that the mechanism underlying development, including linguistic development, occurs through social interaction (Eun and Lim 17)

Second Language Acquisition Theories of

Lightbown and Spada liken this model to a computer (38). According to the information processing model, second language acquisition is seen as the "building up of knowledge that can eventually be called on automatically for speaking and understanding" (Lightbown and Spada 39)

Goal of Second Language Acquisition

We didn't have supper. I didn't went there. (Lightbown and Spada, 85-86)

Report on Get it Right From the Beginning Proposal in Second Language Acquisition

Students were divided into three groups for an additional hour of instruction. One group, the communicative group, was provided with the opportunity to spend the hour on communicative tasks in order to practice the language in "meaningful, spontaneous, and creative ways" (Lightbown and Spada, 142)

Report on Get it Right From the Beginning Proposal in Second Language Acquisition

" Schwab asserts that this method is most successful with highly motivated adult learners with a good basis of knowledge of the grammar of their first language and also with students at the rote-beginner level "for forming a basic foundation on which recognition and meaning can be developed." However, the method is less successful in classroom environments where motivation may be a problem, where correctness may not be highly valued, and where the inability to actually communicate real messages and intentions often results (Schwab)