Racial Profiling Sources for your Essay

Racial Profiling Racial and Religious

An article found in the journal Ethnic and Racial Studies "Police services in racially hierarchical and ethnically conflictual societies increasingly incorporate citizens from historically stigmatized groups as officers or administrators. But, paradoxically, in many of these same societies, levels of police violence and racial targeting of ethnic and caste groups are increasing just as police are implementing diversity and desegregation goals (Amar, 577-578 )

Racial Profiling Racial and Religious

Because extra procedural protections occur after the revocation or suspension of the transportation-sector activity that has resulted in the threat assessment, the commitment to civil liberties and constitutionality does not conflict with the government's primary interest in security. And finally, members of Congress, no less than federal judges, have an obligation to protect and uphold the Constitution (Florence, 2181)

Racial Profiling Racial and Religious

For instance, "Operation Pipeline training programs suggest that the profile included indications of race, age, and gender characteristics of potential traffickers. The DEA's drug courier profile was promoted as a technique for identifying individuals or vehicles on which officers should do more investigation (Ramirez et al

Racial Profiling Racial and Religious

The Supreme Court also ruled that "once a citizen is arrested, the police may conduct a full-blown search of his person and property. Moreover, the Court held in 1996 that the police may stop citizens on a pretext -- using an arrest for a minor offense as an excuse for investigating a more serious one (Rosen, 26)

Police and Racial Profiling

There are countless incidents of racial profiling. In Reynoldsburg, Ohio, an African-American secured a settlement after he was arrested by a group of officers who called themselves the Special Nigger Arrest Team (Trende Pp)

Police and Racial Profiling

Using data profided by sixty-five Minnesota police departments during 2002, researchers at the University of Minnesota Law School's Institute on Race and Poverty reported that police "searched Blacks, Latinos, and American Indians at greater rates than White drivers, and found contraband as a result of searches of Blacks, Latinos, and American Indians at lower rates than in searches of White drivers" (Lundman Pp). Yet, investigations of the New Jersey Turnpike show a pattern of profiling and substantial evidence that stops and searches were highly disproportionate based on race (Rudovsky Pp)

Police and Racial Profiling

" In practical terms, an officer's subjective motivation in conducting a traffic stop can no longer be the subject of federal constitutional inquiry -- and even though race-based stops remain constitutionally impermissible, this is of little benefit to defendants who now have no mechanism for proving that such motivation exists (Edelstein Pp). Although preliminary data indicate minority motorists are searched more often than white motorists, the hit rates for whites are generally higher than hit rates for drivers of color (Lundman Pp)

Police and Racial Profiling

" In practical terms, an officer's subjective motivation in conducting a traffic stop can no longer be the subject of federal constitutional inquiry -- and even though race-based stops remain constitutionally impermissible, this is of little benefit to defendants who now have no mechanism for proving that such motivation exists (Edelstein Pp). Although preliminary data indicate minority motorists are searched more often than white motorists, the hit rates for whites are generally higher than hit rates for drivers of color (Lundman Pp)

Police and Racial Profiling

In fact polls show strong majorities favor extra scrutiny of those of Arab decent at airports, and interestingly, blacks and Arab-Americans were even more likely than whites to favor such policies (Lund Pp). According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, "racial profiling is blatantly objectionable and indefensible" (Carrick Pp)

Police and Racial Profiling

Police and Racial Profiling Racial profiling, the practice by law enforcement of targeting people for police and security stops based on their race or ethnicity, has become a topic of concern and debate across the country. Many refer to this practice as DWB -- "driving while black," however, many other minorities feel that they too are singled out unnecessarily by law enforcement in public areas due simply to the color of their skin (Porter Pp)

Police and Racial Profiling

Many refer to this practice as DWB -- "driving while black," however, many other minorities feel that they too are singled out unnecessarily by law enforcement in public areas due simply to the color of their skin (Porter Pp). Numerous studies suggest that law enforcement does appear to practice racial profiling (Banks Pp)

Police and Racial Profiling

Numerous studies suggest that law enforcement does appear to practice racial profiling (Banks Pp). In 1999 the foundations of law enforcement were shaken after New Jersey state police commanders admitted to using "drug-courier profiles" to stop motorists on the state's main turnpikes, the New Jersey Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway (Edelstein Pp)

Police and Racial Profiling

And according to a recent survey of the Congressional Black Caucus, eighteen of the thirty-nine members claimed "they or someone in their immediate family had been stopped for no reason other than the color of their skin" (Trende Pp). The core of racial profiling is a judgement that the targeted group is more prone to crime in general or to a certain type of crime than other ethnic or racial groups (Barnes Pp)

Is Stop and Frisk Racial Profiling?

According to the district court judge the policy was "discriminatory, and showed little regard for the requirement that stops be based on rational grounds. It had led repeatedly to violations of the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments" (Bergner 1)

Racial Profiling, the War on

Although African-Americans and Hispanics have been the targeted victims of racial profiling, since the September 11th attacks, Arab-Americans and visitors from Middle Eastern countries also find themselves the target of racial profiling due to their ethnicity and the global profile of terrorists (Barnes Pp). Many believe that racial profiling is an appropriate tool for the war on terrorism and polls indicate a strong majority favor "subjecting those of Arab decent to extra scrutiny at airports" (Lund Pp)

Racial Profiling, the War on

In March 2001, the New York Times reported that a 1997 investigation by New Jersey police of their own practices found that "turnpike drivers who agreed to have their cars searched by the state police were overwhelmingly black and Hispanic" (Anderson Pp). Although African-Americans and Hispanics have been the targeted victims of racial profiling, since the September 11th attacks, Arab-Americans and visitors from Middle Eastern countries also find themselves the target of racial profiling due to their ethnicity and the global profile of terrorists (Barnes Pp)

Racial Profiling, the War on

Racial Profiling, The War on Drugs and Urban Poverty Everyday, throughout the country, unmotivated searches occur, especially on the nation's highways (Anderson Pp)

Racial Profiling in Airports

One writer notes, "One need not consider race to the exclusion of all other factors to be engaged in racial profiling. Rather, a 'profile' will often contain a variety of factors: If one or more of them is race, then we have a racial profile" (Colb)

Racial Profiling in Airports

Racial profiling often comes under criticism as a violation of rights, but as one proponent of the practice writes, it is not illegal to use racial profiling. "Despite the hue and cry, there is nothing illegal about using race as one factor among others in assessing criminal suspiciousness" (Mac Donald)

Racial Profiling in Airports

His name is Aquil Abdullah. Aquil Abdullah thinks his name is on a list somewhere of suspect people" (Schlesinger)