Race And Arrest Rates Sources for your Essay

Is There a Relationship Between Race and Arrest Rates?

Variables Independent Variable: Race Dimension #1: Self-identification Attributes: Black Black + Hispanic or Brazilian Black Caribbean Black African Black "other" Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial Dimension #2: Identification of race by arresting officer Attributes: Black Black + Hispanic or Brazilian Black Caribbean Black African Black "other" Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial Dimension #3: Self-Perception of How Others Perceive Attributes: Black Black + Hispanic or Brazilian Black Caribbean Black African Black "other" Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial Dependent Variable: Arrest Rates Dimension #1: Type of Crime Attributes: Domestic Offense Drug Offense Property Offense Violent Offense (Assault) Rape Dimension #2: Level of Crime Attributes: Misdemeanor Felony Parole Revocation Dimension #3: Geographic Location Attributes: Urban Suburban Rural Statement of the Problem Prior research has suggested that African-Americans are disproportionately arrested vs. whites (Kochel, Wilson & Mastrofski, 2011)

Is There a Relationship Between Race and Arrest Rates?

According to Walker, Spohn & DeLone (2011), half of all arrests for murder were African-Americans, 32% of rapes, and an unfathomable 546% of all arrests for robbery were African-Americans. It is important to point out that arrest rates do not account for the total number of crimes reported or committed; many crimes go unreported, and others are reported but no arrest was made (Walker, Spohn & DeLone, 2011)