Prostitution Sources for your Essay

Prostitution Mexico the World\'s Oldest Profession Is

Just as Mexican prostitution is linked to prostitution rings that are transnational, the problems these organizations spread belong to the entire globe. Prostitution occurs openly in Mexico, although brothels, massage parlors, and sex bars sometimes go in and out of business rapidly due to occasional crackdowns or sudden losses of revenue (Penick, 2009)

Prostitution Mexico the World\'s Oldest Profession Is

Instead of finding themselves on a farm in California, they find themselves in a brothel or in apartments established purposely for the trade. The prostitution "corridor" extends from Mexico all the way to Canada (Ugarte, Zarate & Farley, 2003)

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

In Europe, prostitution is legal and regulated in Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Hungary, Austria, Latvia, and Greece. In these countries, the legalization of consensual prostitution among adults has proven effective at reducing violent crime and STDs, and at supporting government through taxation (Archibald, 2000)

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

or, in other words, as long as sexual urges and money exist, there will be a market for sex (Bovard, 1995). Prostitutes can be arrested and brothels shut down, but "they are often back in business within a matter of days; perhaps even less" (Berry, 2009, p

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

Today many people consider the legalization of prostitution to be a liberal, progressive idea, yet it was recognized as inevitable back in 1858. In that year, San Francisco Police Chief Martin Burke stated: "It is impossible to suppress prostitution altogether, yet it can, and ought to be regulated so as to limit the injury done to society, as much as possible" (Bovard, 1995, p

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

Cundiff's research also reinforces other studies claiming that the legalization of prostitution reduces the incidence of rape. In fact, Cundiff states that with a population of roughly 300 million, the United States could expect a "decrease of approximately 25,000 rapes per year" as a result of decriminalizing prostitution (Cundiff, 2004, p

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

S. Mill, prostitution is considered by many to be harmless to any third party, therefore government and law enforcement should have no right to outlaw it (Dripps, 1998)

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

. research illustrates that those involved in prostitution advocacy represent a very small minority of the prostitute population" (Farley, 2005, p

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

In addition, in 1977, the California Senate Committee on the Judiciary gave their support for a legalized sex trade (Rio, 1991). So why, more than thirty years later, has no progress been made in this arena? Particularly from a criminal justice perspective, what is the current rationale for criminalizing this activity? If the point of criminal justice is to control and prevent crime and maintain justice (Gaines & Miller, 2008), how are attempts at the prohibition of prostitution any wiser than attempts at prohibiting the sale and use of alcohol? Morality vs

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

Finally, literature from the past regarding issues surrounding the legalization of prostitution cites many statistics related to global sex trafficking. Some experts believe sex trafficking is increasing as a result of fewer global laws against prostitution (Kloer, 2010), while others believe forced sex trafficking has always been a significant underworld problem that is only now being recognized and addressed as a result of more realistic approaches to prostitution in general

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

Opponents of decriminalization have argued for years that a prostitute cannot maintain a sense of autonomy and protect her own well-being when regularly placed in situations where she is extremely vulnerable to violence or other forms of crime or abuse. But again, this argument is weakened by the fact that legalizing prostitution would actually remove women from those dangerous situations by taking them off the streets and away from other "criminals" (Kohm, 2006)

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

Chapter II: Literature Review California's Economic Demise Recent news is filled with dire predictions for California's economy. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has thrown up his hands and declared his state akin to the failed economies of Greece and Ireland (Lubin, 2010)

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

(Sanati, 2010) This is frightening to many residents because it means cuts in everything ranging from education to state worker salaries to basic welfare programs. In fact, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has discussed such drastic measures as "cutting health care for more than a million children, cash grants for 77,000 college students, 5% of salaries for all state workers and seven days from the school year" (Quach, 2009, p

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

" Rio also cites evidence from several studies in support of a legalized sex trade, including reductions in other crimes such as rape, as well as significant government fiscal gains. As far back as 1959, the United Nations recognized the logic and benefits of decriminalizing prostitution, and organizations supporting this decriminalization include the "American Civil Liberties Union, the National Organization of Women, and various prostitute 'unions', the most famous of which is COYOTE (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics)" (Rio, 1991, p

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

One of the major problems identified in California is the fact that a huge percentage of its debt is in the form of "general obligation bonds," which must be paid before anything and everything else -- no matter what. (Sanati, 2010) This is frightening to many residents because it means cuts in everything ranging from education to state worker salaries to basic welfare programs

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

This suggests that prostitutes are just easy targets for policemen who would rather not get their hands dirty with more violent criminals. Furthermore, police officers themselves will admit that it's "more fun" to "nail" a group of naked women "frollicking" in a hotel room, than to arrest a burly, aggressive man committing a violent robbery (Sills, 2010)

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

Further attempts at constraint, however, were easily sidestepped by prostitutes and patrons. As this fight became ugly, it "snowballed" into the complete criminalization of prostitution and the "negative social labeling of prostitutes" so common today (Smith, 2000)

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

One common argument for legalization revolves around safety issues for female sex workers. For example, police officers recognize that the physical abuse and serial killing of prostitutes would be reduced or eliminated by bringing the operation indoors where security cameras and other protections could be offered (Stamper & Flores, 2009)

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

Equating criminal justice with the fight against immoral behavior is a plight doomed to failure. As one blogger recently said: "There will always be guys who are too horny, and girls who are desperate for money to make ends meet" (Reyes, 2009, p

Legalizing Prostitution in California This

But evidence shows that legalizing prostitution works to reduce, rather than exascerbate, these problems. Attempting to deny that the sale of sex is a prominent, pervasive, and permanent aspect of human society by criminalizing it does nothing to inhibit or prevent it (Tabbash, 1993)