Professional Development Sources for your Essay

Lesson Plan for Professional Development Teaching Plan/Objective:

In the elementary classroom they can help students with basic subject matter and explain relevance; in middle and high school they can bring insights into historical and social events never found in texts. Programs in multicultural awareness may also be enhanced with presentations and interviews from older adults (Newman & Brummel, 1989; (Bage, 1999)

Lesson Plan for Professional Development Teaching Plan/Objective:

In the elementary classroom they can help students with basic subject matter and explain relevance; in middle and high school they can bring insights into historical and social events never found in texts. Programs in multicultural awareness may also be enhanced with presentations and interviews from older adults (Newman & Brummel, 1989; (Bage, 1999)

Lesson Plan for Professional Development Teaching Plan/Objective:

The discussion will likely allow for robust interaction and debate.). (See: (Tyndale, 2005)

Promoting Leadership Professional Development One of the

Four of the more salient elements of leadership that have been described by leadership expert, John C. Maxwell are influence, empowerment, process, and inner circle (Adamek, 2007)

Therapist Awareness and Professional Development

Awareness can lead to insights regarding how we can be of better service to our clients, while also preventing problems for ourselves such as burnout. Specific methods of tracking personal development, which have also been empirically tested, include the various types of feedback mechanisms, the Healing Involvement model, and also the process of cumulative career development (CCD), all of which reveal concrete ways of improving therapeutic outcomes (Duncan, 2010, Chapter 4)

Detailed Overview of My Professional Development Plan

For example, the use of electronic medical record is one of the effective ways where the technology has improved the nursing practice. (Bates, 2010)

Differentiated Coaching as a Professional Development Tool

Because differentiated coaching remains untested in our school, it remains unclear whether the strategy will receive support from the school's administration, especially given the amount of time required on the part of two teachers to achieve one coaching outcome. It will therefore be important for sponsoring teachers to present a solid case in support of the differentiated coaching model and its potential for improving academic outcomes in order to garner administration approval and ongoing support (Hall & Simera, 2008)

Differentiated Coaching as a Professional Development Tool

52). It will also be important to emphasize that both the coach and the invited teacher can benefit from the collaboration that is the hallmark of differentiated coaching (Robbins, 2015) as discussed further below

Differentiated Coaching as a Professional Development Tool

501). Culturally responsive coaching Videotapes of reading teachers provide a cost-effective method of helping them identify their strengths and weaknesses in culturally diverse classrooms (Stover et al

Differentiated Coaching as a Professional Development Tool

114). Fortunately, and notwithstanding the current lack of collaboration between teachers, there is a high degree of mutual trust that will facilitate the implementation and administration of a differentiated coaching initiative at my school (Yendol-Hoppey & Dana, 2010)

TESOL Professional Development Activity

The conference related to the discussions and content studied in this course by highlighting the significance of networking in enhancing competence and improving teaching practice. Conferences are basically opportunities that make positive contributions to an individual's professional development and work, especially TESOL professionals (Borg, 2014, p

TESOL Professional Development Activity

Joining a professional association will not only help me network but also act a means for accessing relevant information and resources towards a satisfying career in teaching. Moreover, involvement in a relevant professional association will provide the basis for assessing language and content through exchanging ideas with other professionals (Gottlieb, 2006, p

TESOL Professional Development Activity

Learning communities need to establish associations and conduct workshops or conferences that help teachers learn from each other and discuss pertinent issues. This is primarily because such events that are organized based on academic disciplines provide a direct link to subject-specific information that helps in professional development (Tomaszewski & MacDonald, 2009, p

Analysis of Lifelong Learning for Professional Development

As a professional, it is imperative that I should not make suppositions that I know it all or that majority of the other individuals have little or nothing to contribute. Most importantly, it should open myself to understand that I can learn from just about anyone and from just about any situation (Kotter, 2012)

Analysis of Lifelong Learning for Professional Development

As a professional, it is imperative that I should not make suppositions that I know it all or that majority of the other individuals have little or nothing to contribute. Most importantly, it should open myself to understand that I can learn from just about anyone and from just about any situation (Kotter, 2012)

Analysis of Lifelong Learning for Professional Development

More so, whether it is regulated or not by the law, the aspect of continuing education will be mandatory. In addition, there will be the evolvement of knowledge from the intensity of the prevailing information development so that we will gain accessibility to content with its meaning and also the application for our work (Yoder-Wise, 2011)

Professional Development

Year : 2011

The Professional Development Review

Year : 2012