Process Sources for your Essay

Business Process Management

Indeed, their answer says clearly that while any high-process models need to be scaled and structured based on the size and needs of a business, there is indeed massive benefits to be realized so long as it is done prudently and wisely ("Do Small Firms," 2012). The next academic work authored found that regardless of where the business process function is housed, it needs to be done in an unified way that aligns with the strategic directions of the company (He et al

Business Process Management

, 2006). Also important is knowing the influences and vantage points of stakeholders and thus wielding and organizing the business process management function properly (Ostadi, Aghdasi & Alibabaei, 2011)

Process of Strategic Management

The process of strategic management, according to Alkhafaji (2013), is made up of four key components: environmental scanning, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and evaluation and control. Environmental scanning, in the words of the author, "consists of analyzing internal and external factors that may affect the organization and its ability to pursue a given course of action" (Alkhafaji, 2013, p

Appreciative Inquiry, Action Research and Process Consultation,

You can talk issues through with the client, but you cannot anticipate everything that they might embed in their psychological contract. The voluntary, subjective, dynamic and informal nature of the psychological contract (Hiltrop, 1996) means that you cannot take a step-by-step approach to creating it, but you must instead understand the nature of the psychological contract and work within that framework to ensure that both yourself and the company are on the same page

Change Process Approaches

One of the change process models that explain the change is the teleological motor. This model describes organizational change as a by-product of purposeful social construction through organizational members (Austin & Bartunek, p

Change Process Approaches

Secondly, The Human Rights Campaign changed its name and logo based on the social evolutionary model of strategic choice. As an external environment factor, the strategic choice for organizational change is influenced by adaptation, which results in new structures and processes (Kezar, 2001, p

Divorce Process Variables and the

Generalization This study was conducted in Israel and focused on a sample of 50 former couples, which were randomly selected from the registers of the social service departments of several cities in the central region of Israel. All of the couples shared the following conditions: both living in Israel, divorced for at least 1 1/2 years, at least one child between 2 and 16 years of age, and the mother having custody (Nehami, 2003)

Process of Strategy Mapping

Therefore, the crisis is attributed to the lack or poor execution of good strategies that are formulated by managers. In essence, while the creation of a robust and meaningful strategy is a vital part for the success of a business process, the implementation and execution of the strategy is crucial in achieving desired outcomes (Armitage & Scholey, 2007)

Process of Strategy Mapping

The establishment of value propositions in organization is based on strategy mapping, which offers direction for organizational initiatives. According to the findings or recent studies, more than 80% of the value created in modern organizations emanates from an organization's intangible assets (Niven, n

Influences on the Communication Process

There are three main purposes for communication; information, persuasion, and motivation. Although each of the different purposes will be examined separately, it should be remembered that in many cases a single message may include more than one purpose as the processes are not mutually exclusive (Rosengren, 1999)

Influences on the Communication Process

Motivation communication is undertaken to direct or stimulate action being taken, it is also one of the most difficult forms of communication as different people will be motivated by different factors. Motivation communication may include the demonstrations of trust and handing over of responsibility to employees to enhance performance or the offering of incentives for specific courses of action (Thompson, 2011)

Importance of Process Improvement in Logistics

In essence, process improvement helps in ensuring that a business' or company's functional segments work together seamlessly to constantly provide outcome-centered service. Process improvement needs that logistics department and personnel to be flexible to an extent that they look beyond the operations of logistics and supply chain (Biondo, 2013)

Importance of Process Improvement in Logistics

Therefore, there is need for reconstruction of companies in the current business world for future success and financial survival. The situations in this competitive business environment have contributed to the development of process improvement philosophies and methodologies (Rodrigues, Alexandrino, Carvalho, 2013, p

Hiring Process Evaluation

This is especially true for entry positions, like the ice cream makers that Randy would be hiring to service his customers. In these tests, there are cognitive, psychological, and physical assessments that are possible for Randy to observe (Bryan, 2013)

Basic Helping Process

But from here on out good planning must precede all helping processes. Raymond Fox writes that a social worker should "educate the client about the helping process itself" and also the social worker should "provide practical information" (Fox, 2001, p

Basic Helping Process

But assuming he is rehabilitated and is now drug-free, the social worker's job is to keep up with his movements, be in his life as a support system, and help him get a job. In conclusion, it is vital going into a helping process with the Chinese man in this instance that there be "thoughtful reflection," "sensitivity" to the client's culture and familial issues, and, as Carel Bailey Germain explains, a social worker should never "unconsciously project" part of himself or herself on the other person (Germain, 2001)

Basic Helping Process

Hepworth and colleagues suggest a slightly different approach to the helping process. Their first phase entails "exploration, engagement, assessment and planning…"; their second phase is "implementation and goal attainment"; and their third phase is simply "termination" (Hepworth, et al

Basic Helping Process

Exploration, Engagement, Assessment and Planning In Hepworth's first phase the issues here with this homeless man should be fully explored. For example, in the Chinese culture (not always followed exactly within the Chinese immigrant community) drinking alcohol can cause "flushing and other vasomotor symptoms" because of "acetaldehyde dehydrogenase type I deficiency" (Tom, University of Hawaii, 2005)

Basic Helping Process

According to a book written by Marianne Woodside and Tricia McClam, both affiliated with mental health counseling services, the three phases of the helping process are assessment, planning, and implementation. Those helping professionals "…need an extensive repertoire of knowledge, skills, techniques, and strategies" in order to effectively serve those whose needs are great (Woodside, et al

Shale Gas Production Processes

The occurrence may also occur in a combination of all of the above mechanisms. The formation of shale gas occurs through a complex process that takes years (Andrews, 2013)