Poverty Sources for your Essay

Poverty and Race in America

Many companies that used to be located in cities have moved to the suburbs. As a result, disenfranchised city residents have diminished access to good jobs with the resulting economic opportunities such jobs provide (Furdell, 1993)

Poverty and Race in America

The poorest-performing schools served poor, minority students. The paper looked at other possible explanations, such as teacher experience, but found little correlation (Mitchell, 2001)

Poverty and Race in America

In one neighborhood, almost 4% of babies born in the previous 25 years died during infancy. In other neighborhoods, more than 30 out of every thousand babies born died before their first birthdays (Petrie, 1997)

Poverty and Race in America

These numbers are even more shocking when compared with poverty rates in other First World countries. For instance, in Denmark only 2% of the children live in poverty (Walzer, 1999)

Poverty, Welfare and Sociology Poverty:

Thus the views of individuals are an important component of the political process that establishes the institutions that govern the distribution of economic resources, though the channels and strength of this influence vary among countries. (Levison, 2002)

Poverty, Welfare and Sociology Poverty:

Because they are working and everyone around them is working, they make the assumption that the only people who aren't working are the people who don't want to. A sociological explanations relating to the perspective David Marsland and Charles Murry are prominent spokesmen for the idea that, people, when they are functioning "properly," not lazy or in some way chemically impaired are driven "by rational self-interest and self-maximising behavior" (Martin, 2004) Other sociologists use the term rational choice to discuss "social order as the consequences of rational thought

Poverty, Welfare and Sociology Poverty:

Alice O'Conner writes: More recently, scholars working in the "new institutionalist" tradition have developed the argument further, focusing on how the courts (Bussiere 1997), federal administrative agencies (Lieberman 1998), and political regimes at the subnational level (Amenta 1998) played a powerful role in shaping social relations and limiting the scope of anti-poverty policy. (O'Connor, 2000, p

Poverty, Welfare and Sociology Poverty:

At least in its idealized form, socialists argued that a democratically controlled, centrally planned economy would eliminate poverty and greatly reduce inequality, enhance the democratic capacity of the local and national state, reduce alienation by giving workers greater control within the process of production, and strengthen values of community over individualistic competition. (Wright, 1995, p

Canadian Feminization Poverty While Society Has Experienced

With the contemporary economic crisis affecting a great deal of individuals, it is very difficult for governments to employ an attitude that would provide women with a system meant to guarantee that they would not feel the full hit of the crisis. However, it appears that the Canadian government does not express any interest in women's condition and it generally prefers to consider that this particular group is no different from men when considering its vulnerability to poverty (Townson, 5)

Poverty and Obesity Povery and Obesity the

If we consider the above causal factors we would have to conclude that environmental factors are the most important factors that contribute to the dramatic rise in the prevalence of obesity over the last decade. Specifically, increased food consumption or the consumption of the certain types of food over others are the two key factors that explain the rise in obesity (Block, Scribner, & DeSalvo, 2004; Bray, 2004)

Poverty and Obesity Povery and Obesity the

There is research to indicate that a good number of health disparities in the United States can be linked to differences in socioeconomic status (SES). There have been a number of studies done in different industrialized countries that have found a relationship between household income and quality of diet (Drewnowski, 2004; Pollan, 2006)

Poverty and Obesity Povery and Obesity the

National data collected during the years 1999-2002 indicated that one adult in three had a BMI of 30 or higher. Comparing this figure to previous data collected in 1994 (23% of adults in 1994 with a BMI of greater than 30) the results indicate a trend of rising obesity (Flegal, Carroll, Ogden, & Curtin, 2010)

Poverty and Obesity Povery and Obesity the

The insinuation from these authors is that being in a lower income bracket is a cause of obesity and this type of inference needs to be questioned. Being poor makes you fat? Does that make conceptual sense at all? Moreover, correlational studies examine the relationships or associations between different variables and do not explain cause and effect relation (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994)

Poverty and Obesity Povery and Obesity the

6. Between the years 1988 to 1994 and 2007 to 2008 the prevalence of obesity increased for adults at all income levels and education levels (Ogden, Lamb, Carroll, & Flegal, 2010)

Poverty and Obesity Povery and Obesity the

Bodyweight had substantially increased over the past decade in all groups. The prevalence of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease was higher in blacks, individuals with lower education, and consequently in the lower SES group (Paeratakul, Lovejoy, Ryan, & Bray, 2002)

Poverty Education Problems at Present, an African

However, it was observed that in the past too debt servicing led to a decline in public spending on education in 1980s. (Buchmann, 2010) Hence, an overall impact of economic restructuring is that the poorest groups become unable to afford extra costs

Poverty Education Problems at Present, an African

A variety of reasons, from the international to national level and from neighborhood to domestic level, contribute to sub-Saharan Africa's soaring rates of education and poverty. (Crabtree and Pugliese, 2012) It should be considered that for majority of African countries, monetary-based financial institutions and a proper system of education are fairly new developments that, for most of the African countries, only introduced after getting freedom from colonialism in the 1960s and 1970s

Poverty Education Problems at Present, an African

In the constinent, 81% of boys attend primary school education while thhis percentage is merely 67% for females. (Flower, Hayes, Carey, Schriver and Stratman, 2012) These figures are indicators of the major difference existing among states of the world with regards to education facilities and represent the huge educational challenges faced by sub-Saharan Africa

Poverty Education Problems at Present, an African

According to an estimate, 40 to 50% population residing in sub-Saharan Africa is below the poverty line. (Psacharopoulos, 2011) This percentage is much greater than in any other part of the world excepting South Asia

Poverty Education Problems at Present, an African

The debt payments assert almost 4% of the constituency's gross domestic product and create a burden that obviously is a great problem. (Tilak, 2009) To maintain debt repayment and stay entitled for further loans in future, African states need to follow structural adjustment policies (SAPs), which are agreed between every indebted state and global economic institution, like the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank