Political Science Sources for your Essay

Political Science - International Relations

However, Stein (1983) has argued that it will be easier for countries to coordinate than to collaborate their problems in order to solve them (Stein 1983). On the other hand, Fearon (1998) revealed that negotiating and bargaining can be as troublesome as coordinating, for states that are cooperating to solve their problems (Fearon 1998)

Political Science - International Relations

. As predicting that problems of collective action could easily be overcome in international politics through bargaining and mutual adjustment," (Keohane 1984, p

Political Science - International Relations

. As predicting that problems of collective action could easily be overcome in international politics through bargaining and mutual adjustment," (Keohane 1984, p

Political Science - International Relations

Review of Related Literature The contractual theory presented by Krasner (1983), Keohane (1984) and Goldstein (1996) propose that countries that confront the dilemma of individual irrational behavior, such as that of criminals, robbers, thieves and murderers, leave all segments of the society unhappy and discontent with the workings of the government. The identical situation in economics is referred to as market failure because markets that function correctly do not give rise to second-class results (Krasner, 1983; Keohane, 1984; and Goldstein, 1996)

Political Science - International Relations

Review of Related Literature The contractual theory presented by Krasner (1983), Keohane (1984) and Goldstein (1996) propose that countries that confront the dilemma of individual irrational behavior, such as that of criminals, robbers, thieves and murderers, leave all segments of the society unhappy and discontent with the workings of the government. The identical situation in economics is referred to as market failure because markets that function correctly do not give rise to second-class results (Krasner, 1983; Keohane, 1984; and Goldstein, 1996)

Political Science - International Relations

This stage is referred as "Pareto frontier." At "Pareto frontier," one country profits at the expense of another country, which means that collective gains are no more available and each country has got to protect its own individual interests (Martin, 1992; Snidal, 1985; and Stein 1983)

Political Science - International Relations

This stage is referred as "Pareto frontier." At "Pareto frontier," one country profits at the expense of another country, which means that collective gains are no more available and each country has got to protect its own individual interests (Martin, 1992; Snidal, 1985; and Stein 1983)

Political Science - International Relations

Krasner (1991) and Fearon (1998) assert that the modes, scope and level of cooperation and coordination depend solely on the interests of each nation; that all nations should have the liberty to agree or disagree with the agreements proposed by other countries (Krasner 1991; Fearon 1998). However, Stein (1983) has argued that it will be easier for countries to coordinate than to collaborate their problems in order to solve them (Stein 1983)

Plato Political Science: American Executive

Hence the contention that: "Truman was quite right when he declared that presidential power is the power to persuade. Command is but a method of persuasion, not a substitute, and not a method suitable for everyday employment" (Neustadt 28)

Political Science Inequality, Voting and American Democracy.

Factors Related to Selecting and Nominating Supreme Court Justices. The first Supreme Court Justice nominee that was denied confirmation by the Senate was John Rutledge, who was nominated by President Washington in 1795 to be chief justice of the United States; therefore, nominees should be selected with a view to passing the rigors of the Senate confirmation process, which will usually relate to both how the potential Justice might vote on hot political issues in the future but to any political "baggage" that the candidate might have as well (Gross 39)

Political Science Inequality, Voting and American Democracy.

These and other constitutional scholars have disagreed, though, about precisely what comprises consistency with democratic rule. "One approach," he says, "which takes different forms in Bickel's and Ackerman's writings, insists that the Court's consistency with democracy depends on the connection between the content of its decisions and the will of a majority of citizens" (Stack 2236)

Political Science Comparison of Leadership

In a powerful speech, given just after the spectacular victory over the Spanish Armada, she proclaimed, have always believed myself that, under God, I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and good will of my subjects; and therefore am come amongst you, as you see, at this time, not for my recreation and disport, but being resolved, in the midst and heat of the battle, to live or die amongst you all, and to lay down for God, for my kingdom and for my people, my honour and my blood, even in the dust. (Bassnett, 1988, p

Political Science Comparison of Leadership

In ordinary circumstances as well as when practicing martial arts, let there be no change at all -- with the mind open and direct, neither tense nor lax, centering the mind so that there is no imbalance, calmly relax your mind, and savor this moment of ease thoroughly so that the relaxation does not stop its relaxation for even an instant. (Hanh, 2000, p

Political Science Comparison of Leadership

Therefore, swadeshi relates to things pertaining to one's own community and culture and not necessarily to the ideology of nationalism. (Jahanbegloo, 2005) In fact, Gandhi's life's work appears to lay the foundations for a truly universal human experience and society, one in which the rights of each individual woman, man, and child are respected, and in which each group can makes its own way and formulate its own goals

Political Science Comparison of Leadership

He made his case so eloquently that for a transfixing moment in American history many agreed with him. (Lischer, 1997, p

Political Science Comparison of Leadership

Badly used are those cruelties which, although being few at the outset, grow with the passing of time instead of disappearing. (Machiavelli, 1998, p

Political Science Comparison of Leadership

Hierarchically arranged, when all were put into practice they reflected and sustained a perfect cosmos: In terms of their separate functions, the closeness between father and son is based on humanheartedness; the righteous relation between ruler and subjects is based on righteousness; the hierarchy of the old and young is based on propriety; the difference between husband and wife is based on intelligence; the trust between friends is based on trustworthiness. (Ng, 1994, p

Political Science Comparison of Leadership

Chief Executive Officer of General Electric from 1981 to 2001, Welch demonstrated a genius for modern business. Joining the company's Plastics Division, immediately after receiving his PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Illinois in 1960, he rose through the ranks based on his marvelous abilities (Strohmeier, 1998, p

Political Science Comparison of Leadership

They move as directly as possible towards our preservation and happiness; yet, soon lacking the strength to pursue their initial direction through so much resistance, they allow themselves to be deflected by a thousand obstacles, which turn them away from the true goal and send them along oblique paths where man forgets his original destination. (Vernes, 2006) Rousseau's beliefs seem particularly to shape many modern political movements, including many of the programs of politicians in America, Europe, and even such nations as China that do not otherwise appear to be western-style democracies

International Relations -Political Science the

The bipolar world made it impossible for administration throughout the world not to take into account the threats facing the two poles of power. However, the neorealist view on the era described the issue of security as being the most important aim of the national policy (Nye, 2005)