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Investigations Workplace Violence

Although these risk factors were significant to this sample of nursing personnel, the study concludes that adult and childhood abuse histories have not been examined in prior investigations. These factors were significant with other previously identified risk factors, and should be considered in future large-scale investigations to be substantiated as legitimate risk factors for workplace violence (Campbell, 2011)

Investigations Workplace Violence

The investigation studied sixty-two heterosexual couples, with all partners employed part-time and working for different supervisors. This sample showed that higher levels of perceived injustices by supervisors predicted higher supervisor-directed aggression, however when workers experienced higher levels of perceived injustices by romantic partners, supervisor-directed aggression was lower (Dupre, 2010)

Investigations Workplace Violence

The results of the investigation showed a decrease risk of physical assault with the presence of policies that described how to report sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and threat. The education institutions that ensured confidential reporting of events and insisted zero-tolerance for violence were also at the lowest risk for physical assault (Feda, 2010)

Investigations Workplace Violence

The perpetrator was Patrick H. Sherrill, a part-time letter carrier, who walked into the Edmond, Oklahoma, post office where he worked and shot fourteen people to death before taking his own life (Isaacs, 2001)

Investigations Workplace Violence

The events were categorized into one of five categories: fatalities, rapes, aggravated assaults, threats, and acts of harassment. The results of the investigation estimated that workplace violence measured a $36 billion annual cost to businesses (Morris, 2010)

Investigations Workplace Violence

The motivation behind the commencement of OSHA was to protect workers from harm on the job, including job-related death, injury, and illness. It was the first federal program aimed at protecting the entire workforce from the hazards of job requirements (U.S. Department of Labor, 2007)

Investigations Workplace Violence

The motivation behind the commencement of OSHA was to protect workers from harm on the job, including job-related death, injury, and illness. It was the first federal program aimed at protecting the entire workforce from the hazards of job requirements (U.S. Department of Labor, 2007)

Investigations Workplace Violence

The motivation behind the commencement of OSHA was to protect workers from harm on the job, including job-related death, injury, and illness. It was the first federal program aimed at protecting the entire workforce from the hazards of job requirements (U.S. Department of Labor, 2007)

Investigations Workplace Violence

Potential explanations for the high incident rate of threats, assaults, and robberies present for taxi drivers include: the power dynamic between the driver and the customer as an exploitation of the weak, racism as indicated between foreign and non-foreign drivers, and the prevalence in high crime and high tourism areas. The study indicated there was a limited amount of statistical significance regarding the exploitation of power in these social roles, however there was increased incidence of workplace violence with native-born taxi drivers (Schwer, 2010)

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

Handle it." (Austin, 2007) at first, the claims from Pasternak were denied as unfounded accusations, yet an independent investigation revealed that such behavior was being directed at him

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

The EEOC was found guilty of discriminating under the same statutes it was enforcing." (Berlau, 1997) After this decision, the official hiring quotas at the EEOC were abandoned

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

Then to make matters worse, the city claimed that it is not discriminating against the Latino and white firefighters, when clearly it was. (Mears, 2009) However, to fully understand how the quota system is only fueling the overall amounts of reverse discrimination cases; requires that you look at series of Supreme Court and Federal Court decisions that have shaped how the law is applied

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

And you want us to say this isn't using race to decide (who should be hired) I have trouble with this argument." (Richey, 2009) What this shows, is that the quotas system was in place with the best of intentions

Reverse Discrimination in the Workplace

They would use one of the mechanisms (racial hiring quotas), to force various instances of discrimination to end. (Skog, 2007) However, this system would spark counter claims from the majority, who believe that these laws discriminate against them, based on the fact that someone is in the minority

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The next important step is that of setting your own boundary. This is usually a new idea to many individuals but is very important thus when need be the victim should get assistance from "conflict resolution specialists" (Mullen 1999)

Workplace Violence

The primary reason for bullying is simply unsocial behavior on the part of the bully. Many times, bullies are unfamiliar with the proper way to act in a professional setting and so they become either too friendly or too ridged with their coworkers (Murray, 2009)

Workplace Violence

Many times, bullies are unfamiliar with the proper way to act in a professional setting and so they become either too friendly or too ridged with their coworkers (Murray, 2009). Additionally, bullying can happen when there is a culture or age gap between two nurses (Stanley, 2010)

Database in the Workplace Databases

There are several advantages of using Microsoft Access. It makes it convenient to model and analyze current data processing needs and make querying those data (Kroenke, 2003)

Database in the Workplace Databases

The company is also recognizing that presently the applications that the company is using are full of security holes. Anyone can browse and download confidential data about customers and their transactions (McFadden, Hoffer, and Prescott, 1999)

Professionalism in the Workplace Appropriate and Inappropriate

Body language can be one of the most important aspects to communication and for that reason many people actually practice it to increase their ability to negotiate. Some of the tips given are (Goman, 2014): • When making a formal presentation, move then pause