Physical Education Sources for your Essay

Physical Education the Importance of a Good

To demonstrate the need for intensive physical activity programs in schools, we will first examine just a few of the many relevant statistics that have been released by government organizations such as the Center for Disease Control, and professional publications such as the Journal of Pediatrics. Some reports have found that up to 40% of children between ages five and eight have health conditions that could significantly increase their changes of having heart disease early in life (Maier 2001)

Physical Education the Importance of a Good

inactive children are more likely to become inactive adults, and, subsequently be at a higher risk for obesity, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke." (Sweeney 2001) There is statistical evidence proving that American children are not getting enough physical activity and that there are many potential dangers to the inactivity levels, such as obesity, and that both the benefits of healthy activity and the costs of inactivity that are developed during the school years will have a strong effect on the adult condition

Physical Therapy: Measurement Evaluation Physical Education Exercise

Physical therapists may perform assessments to determine if a patient is capable of returning to work, or if an employee is capable of specific job-related tasks. However, for a patient undergoing a standard course of physical therapy after an injury or an illness, "a professional team, including a physician, rehabilitation nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, psychologist and medical social worker, completes a comprehensive assessment and sets a treatment program in motion" (Millehan 2011)

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

¶ … Girls' Perceptions of Physical Education Bruce Yockey Credibility and Trustworthiness Ethics When properly balanced with other educational and life objectives, physical education can play an important role in prompting lifelong health and activity. However, some recent research has suggested that many young women in the Canadian secondary education system do not choose to enroll in physical education beyond the point required to fulfill mandatory course expectations (Friedman, 2002; Gibbons et al

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

In this study the researcher assumes that the students are trustworthy and answer questions honestly. Parental consent will be acquired prior to commencing the research (Gall, Gall & Borg, 2003)

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

Unfortunately, abundance research exists which shows that this is not the case. Specifically, the treatment and perception of girls in the physical education system has been questioned, since female participation seems to taper off in later school years (Gibbons and Humbert, 2008)

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

Unfortunately, abundance research exists which shows that this is not the case. Specifically, the treatment and perception of girls in the physical education system has been questioned, since female participation seems to taper off in later school years (Gibbons and Humbert, 2008)

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

A greater understanding and focus on the remaining detractors for females will ensue. The role that school-based physical education programs can play in the development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be active for a lifetime is well documented (Mandigo, 2004; McGraw et al

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

All participants and parents will complete an informed consent form prior to the initiation of the study. A maximum variation sampling strategy (Patton, 2002) will be conducted to determine socio-economic status, and ethnic composition

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

The effects of physical education and activity, therefore, seem to be clearly linked to health concerns such as obesity and lifelong physical activity. As a response to this link, physical educators have been asked to consider the role that their programs play in public health generally (Sallis and McKenzie, 1991)

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

Gibbons and Humbert report further that, although young girls (for example) could articulate the need for physical education and its links to weight control and physical health, they did not think they got enough exercise in their physical education classes and elsewhere to achieve the goals they knew to be important. Physical activity seems to be on the decline as students spend their time playing video games, surfing the internet and watching TV (Tremblay and Willms, 2001), and this has important implications for adolescent health

Girls\' Perceptions of Physical Education

Definitions The primary academic concept considered in the research is physical literacy. A physically literate person is defined as someone who has, "the motivation, confidence, physical competence, understanding and knowledge to maintain physical activity at an individually appropriate level, throughout life" (Whitehead, 2007, p

Physical Education We All Remember

The primary strategy Henniger and Coleman present in the case of large classes and misbehaving students is that of de-escalation. According to the article itself, "De-escalation consists of two skill sets, proactive and reactive techniques designed to minimize or detract from the energy that disruptive situations add to the classroom," (Henniger & Coleman 2008:13)

Adapted Physical Education

How was the study conducted (Who were the participants? What did the participants do?) The researchers sent a questionnaire out to 138 paraeducators in 34 schools in the Midwest. The researchers (Davis, et al

PE Central - The Health and Physical Education Web site ...

PE Central is a web site that provides information about developmentatally appropriate physical education practices and programs.

Physical education - Wikipedia

Physical education, also known as Phys Ed., PE, Gym or Gym class, and known in many Commonwealth countries as physical training or PT, is an educational course ...

Physical Education - Curriculum & Instruction (CA Dept of ...

Resources for developing quality physical education programs designed to provide students with knowledge and ability needed to maintain active, healthy lifestyles.

Physical Education | Definition of Physical Education by ...

Physical education has existed since ancient times, but it wasn’t until several hundred years ago that the term itself (abbreviated as phys ed or PE) came into being.

K-12 Physical Education Programs, & Elementary School PE ...

SPARK provides research and standards based physical education curriculum and PE programs for elementary & secondary schools across the country.

Physical education - definition of physical education by ...

physical education n. Abbr. PE Education in the care and development of the human body, stressing athletics and including hygiene. physical education n (Education ...