Photography Sources for your Essay

Analyzing Realism Impressionism and Nineteenth Century Photography

Its focus is on what's happening at present rather than in the past. Courbet has captured what his sisters were doing at the very same moment in time (Galbreat, 2014)

Analyzing Realism Impressionism and Nineteenth Century Photography

No much variation exists between stroke size in the background and foreground for suggesting depth. However, more uniform and straight horizontal brushstrokes and pastel shading on the far-off water gives an impression of recession and depth (Pioch, 2002)

The History of Realism Photography and Impressionism

This trend however changed in the late 19th Century when with the advancement in photography and better cameras, more photographers began to use photography as a form of art. Artists like Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Steichen were very instrumental in revolutionizing photography into fine art almost a decade after it had been invented (Ireland C., 2010)

The History of Realism Photography and Impressionism

An example of such works is the Gustava Courbet "The Stone Breakers" painting that was done between1849-50. This painting depicts a realist view of poverty in the everyday life with the irony of poverty inflicting both the young and old who are confined to breaking stones for a living (The Art Story, 2016)

The History of Realism Photography and Impressionism

Impressionist pieces of art were not allowed space for display in the exhibitions of the 1860s and 1870s, indeed they had to form their own exhibition of impressionists. Some of the now famous impressionist paintings are Poppy field by Musee d'Orsay, the blue dancers by Edgar Degas and Lady in Blue by Paul Cezanne among others (Webexhibits, 2016)

Long Distance Wireless Photography

Year : 1908

The Genius of Photography

Year : 2007


Year : 1973

Rock 'N' Roll Exposed: The Photography of Bob Gruen

Year : 2011

The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman's Portrait Photography

Year : 2016

Eugène and Berenice - Pioneers of Urban Photography

Year : 2008

American Photography: A Century of Images

Year : 1999

Big Lebowski: Jeff Bridges' Photography

Year : 2005

Going Where I've Never Been: The Photography of Diane Arbus

Year : 1972

Eye on the Sixties: The Iconic Photography of Rowland Scherman

Year : 2013