Ph Sources for your Essay

Philosophy of Law B (A)

Martin Luther King, Jr. For instance, champion of civil rights and the voice of many, believed that it would be through peaceful change, dialog and using both Gandhi and Thoreau as templates, that would change society (Halberstram, 1993, Chapters )

Spike Lee Filmography Spike Lee\'s

But they do not. Lee uses them rather as points of access to that segment of the (fictional) world that is Nola" (Bollag 12)

Spike Lee Filmography Spike Lee\'s

Unlike racial discrimination, athletic iconography establishes social divides based on team allegiances or preferences. It has been argued that "Lee's characters thrive on stereotypes, but they assume masks in order to place themselves within the marketplace, to have access to redefining the stereotypes they're playing with" (Diawara & Kolbowski 67)

Spike Lee Filmography Spike Lee\'s

Additionally, through their aggressive behaviors, they instigate conflict, which in turn escalates to full-blown violence. At the time that Do the Right Thing was released, Lee was criticized for "injecting the militant rhetoric of the 1960s into films of the 1980s and 1990s" (Hanson 49)

Spike Lee Filmography Spike Lee\'s

In Lee's films, athletic iconography points "in part to the close relation-ship between Lee's visual style and contemporary urban fashion. Air Jordans and Laker jerseys, after all, are not unique to Spike Lee joints; they were common sights on New York streets in the late 1980s" (Houston 637)

Spike Lee Filmography Spike Lee\'s

While these viewpoints may be uniquely Lee's, there is criticism against Lee that contends that his socio-political viewpoints may be problematic. For instance, Wahneema Lubiano contends, "The Spike Lee discourse and his production offer a site for examining possibilities of oppositional, resistant, or subversive cultural production as well as the problems of productions that are considered oppositional, resistant, or subversive without accompanying analysis sustaining such evaluation" (Lubiano 254)

Spike Lee Filmography Spike Lee\'s

. he most famous is what's referred to in the screenplay for Do the Right Thing as "The Racial Slur Montage," during which Lee's character calls Italians "dago, wop, garlic breath," an Italian calls blacks "gold-chain- wearing, fried- chicken-and-biscuit-eating monkeys," and a Latino guy calls Koreans "slanty-eyed, me-no-speak- American, own every fruit and vegetable stand in New York" (Levy)

Literary Analysis of Phaedra

The letter of the law upon which Billy Budd is hung is read by Vere: "In wartime at sea a man-of-war's man strikes his superior in grade, and the blow kills. Apart from its effect the blow itself is, according to the Articles of War, a capital crime" (Melville 363)

Literary Analysis of Phaedra

This paper will analyze Phaedra and the triple theme of origin, innocence, and sin, and show how it compares to Blake's poem and Melville's novella. The difficulty of dissecting Phaedra in any language other than the original French is something that has plagued translators of Racine, as Robert Lowell demonstrated in 1961 (Ricks 44)

Meno & Phaedo What it

In that respect, Woolf is able to address the implications of a female's sexual identity that is alluded to in "A Room of One's Own" through the androgyny of Orlando, who is able to experience facets of the identity of both a man and a woman. Woolf details a great number of the limitations that women experience as part of their gender identity in this text, such as their inherent poverty (Bimberg 2002, p

Meno & Phaedo What it

Still, it is rather obvious that Woolf conceives of such instability in the perceived identity that androgyny produces from a favorable viewpoint, one which is related to a greater degree of satisfaction and happiness. The musings of the narrator -- Mary Betton -- (Fernald 1994, p

Phantom; I Am a Rat. -Julian Sands

By and large, feral children did not like human company and would go at lengths to avoid it." (Ward) This is certainly indicated in this character

Modernism in Art Modern Philosophies

For instance, Greenburg paints, no pun intended, Manet as kind of a neo-Andy Warhol, as Manet "became the first Modernist" as he created "pictures by virtue of the frankness with which they declared the flat surfaces on which they were painted." (Greenburg, 195) Greenberg's statement of modern art as a self-critique is echoed in some of the words of modern artists themselves

Modernism in Art Modern Philosophies

But Duchamp stresses that since "the tubes of paint used by an artist are manufactured and readymade products we must conclude that all the paintings in the world are Readymades aided' and also works of assemblage." (Duchamp, 83) How can art be so unique, asks Duchamp, within any particular context, when all individuals are using the same modalities of plastic production

Worlds of Phaedo and the

The ancients called them elemental spirits. (Archetypes as Defined by Carl Jung) October 9, 2004

Worlds of Phaedo and the

It often guards the entrance to a cave or a pool of water, which is the collective unconscious." (Boeree, G

Worlds of Phaedo and the

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Jentch's paper hypothesized that "the essential factor responsible for the production of uncanny feelings is intellectual uncertainty, those doubts and confusions that are liable to arise when we come across something completely unfamiliar in a foreign ("alien") environment." (Masschelein: A homeless concept) Freud proceeded to develop the concept of the uncanny by using the secondary and contradictory meanings of the term, which are "concealed; "kept from sight," and "withheld from others

Worlds of Phaedo and the

(WordiQ) This relates to the distinction made in the Republic between "to horaton (the visible realm) and to noeton (the intelligible realm)." (Rezendes, P

Worlds of Phaedo and the

"The "merkstave" rune means "dark stick" and implies a "dark" meaning." (Runes, Alphabet of Mystery) In terms of the theoretical perspective in this study, the film expresses a sense of wonder and mystery and hints at a much larger and more mysterious undercurrent to reality than is normally given to us in ordinary life or in the world of 'particulars'

Exegesis of Philippians Christians Throughout

Far from representing an abandonment of his commitment to God or God's commitment to him, Paul's hardships are a way for God to continually work through him. By framing his hardships in this way, Paul reveals that "it is the gospel, rather than [himself], which is on trial and needs defense," because our individual circumstances only matter inasmuch as they relate to our enactment of God's will (Fowl 41)