Personality Sources for your Essay

Realm of Abnormal Psychology: Cluster B Personality Disorder

In the DSM's original version there were many concepts and Emil Kraepelin's structure of mental disorders' classifications was used. In comparison to the previous revisions, a 'one disease-one diagnosis' model was used by the DSM-I and DSM-II according to which the clinician made use of the qualifying phases in order to try and assign one all-encompassing diagnosis like "with psychotic reaction" and "with neurotic reaction" (Pincus, 2004)

Realm of Abnormal Psychology: Cluster B Personality Disorder

Cause of the Illness In the light of this argument, the present diagnostic criteria for DSM, it is not possible to identify the Cluster B Personality Disorders without the proper use of moral notions and terms (Charland 2006, 119). Therefore, these disorders are moral instead of mental (Reimer, 2013) The patients who suffer from the personality disorders have deep seated pathological patterns of behavior, thought and feeling which can be traced all the way back to early adulthood or adolescence

Personality Traits: Psychology-Personality

Costa and Robert McCrae's Baltimore Study is perhaps the most definitive study involving personality traits. The researchers observed the personalities of sampled individuals aged between 19 and 80, over a period of twelve years, specifically measuring their conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness to experience, extroversion, and neuroticism levels -- in an attempt to determine whether these remained stable or changed during the course of an individual's life (Santrock, 2010)

Personality Psychological Perspectives in Psychology: Individual and

. experiences that occur during the first five years of life" take precedence in shaping and developing the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of the individual (Atkinson et

Personality Psychological Perspectives in Psychology: Individual and

This perspective, although it takes into account the influence of the social environment, mainly acknowledges the individual's personal choice to discover and eventually realize his/her 'true self,' the kind of person s/he wants to become. Understanding and discussing each perspective of the psychology of personality does not create confusion and conflicting explanations about human personality; instead, these perspectives offer a complementing discussions on how people can possibly explain what human personality is and how it develops over time (Nairne, 2003:411)

Children and the Shaping of Personality

Norms are the acts or behaviors normally considered to be appropriate as held or practiced by the members of a particular community. This process of being socialized into a given culture is also referred to as enculturation by anthropologists (Merriam Webster, 2014)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

There is an increasing number of professionals who buy into the explanation fronted by the biospychosocial model of causation. This approach indicates that this personality is mainly due to the biological and the genetic factors, as well as the social factors which include the way the person was brought up and the interactions that he had during the childhood stages, and also the psychological factors that the person is predisposed to like the personality of the individual, the temperament as modeled by environment and the coping methods that they were taught (Psych Central, 2012)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

More often than not, they will preoccupy themselves with feats that are not achievable like fame and at times feel they are worth being treated as famous people even if that is not the case. It is a case that is closely related to antisocial personality, borderline personality disorder as well as histrionic personality disorder (Psychology Today, 2012)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Symptoms There are various symptoms that are associated with people having the narcissistic personality disorder. These may include all or some of the following (MNT, 2004); This category of people will react to criticism with a lot of anger and even be ready to fight, or may display extreme shame or even get humiliated extremely

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

It has been noted that many people with personality disorders rarely seek attention and help in time. They often delay till they can no longer cope with the situation or until the resources to cope with the disorder are absolutely stretched (The Roadshow for Therapists, 2011)

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

There are instances where medication and hospitalization may be prescribed especially fro those patients that are self-destructive and quite impulsive. These are the patients with severe narcissistic disorder and the hospitalization should be briefed at the treatment targeted at the particular symptom displayed by the patient since medical treatment of the disorder has been noted to be ineffective in correcting the personality disorder in general (MedicineNet, 2014)

Unconscious Determinants of Personality

A Problematic Aspect of Personality One of the more interesting problematic aspects of human personality development concerns the issue of attachment theory first elucidated by Bowlby and Ainsworth in the mid twentieth century in relation to the importance of the earliest relationship between infants and their mothers. In particular, Bowlby and Ainsworth illustrated that mothers could substantially influence the degree to which their children developed secure or insecure maternal attachments through the character and nature of their interactions with their infants (Bretherton, 1992 p

Unconscious Determinants of Personality

e. between 15 and 32%) tend to exhibit what Bowlby and Ainsworth originally characterized as "insecure/avoidant" maternal attachment (Byng-Hall, 1995 p

Comparing and Contrasting the Key Personality Theories and Theorists of Psychology

Such beliefs produce these diverse effects through four major processes. They include cognitive, motivational, affective and selection processes" (Bandura, 1994, para

Comparing and Contrasting the Key Personality Theories and Theorists of Psychology

While Digman did not develop the Five Factor model, he did do a great job of synthesizing prior research and describing the model. Digman's describes the historical Five Factors and labels them as five different dimensions: (i) extraversion/introversion; (ii) friendliness/hostility (agreeableness); (iii) conscientiousness (will); (iv) neuroticism/emotional stability; and (v) intellect (openness) (Digman, 1990, p

Comparing and Contrasting the Key Personality Theories and Theorists of Psychology

In fact, to Erikson, the goal a person's development over their lifespan was to develop and maintain a personal identity. According to Erikson, "Ego identity, then, in its subjective aspect, is the awareness of the fact that there is a selfsameness and continuity to the ego's synthesizing methods and that these methods are effective in safeguarding the sameness and continuity of one's meaning for others" (Erikson, 1994, p

Comparing and Contrasting the Key Personality Theories and Theorists of Psychology

The economic, or, if you prefer, quantitative factor, which is intimately linked to the pleasure principle, dominates all its processes. Instinctual cathexes seeking discharge- that, in our view, is all there is in the id" (Freud, 1989, p

Comparing and Contrasting the Key Personality Theories and Theorists of Psychology

George Kelly's social learning theory built upon ideas of traditional behaviorism, but established an entirely new theory: the theory of personal constructs. At the heart of Kelly's theory was the idea that "a person's processes are psychologically channelized by the ways in which he anticipates events" (Kelly, 1991, p

Comparing and Contrasting the Key Personality Theories and Theorists of Psychology

Many people envision Maslow's hierarchy of needs as pyramid, with the most basic needs appearing at the bottom and supporting the development of the higher needs. According to Maslow, "Our godlike qualities rest upon and need our animal qualities" (Maslow, 1991, p

Comparing and Contrasting the Key Personality Theories and Theorists of Psychology

However, he also incorporates the use of stages in his work, in a way that makes his existentialism more about personality than about philosophy. He discusses the emptiness of modern man and how this emptiness is the major psychological and philosophical crises of modern times (May, 2009, p