Personality Traits Sources for your Essay

Personality Traits Agreeableness Friendly Compassionate vs. Cold Unkind

In terms of workplace effectiveness, agreeableness is helpful in teaming scenarios, but not necessarily in leadership situations that may require objectivity, decisiveness and assertiveness in the face of competing opinions and many viable options. The values that agreeable people bring to working environments include fairness, modesty, honesty, empathy, a sense of morality, trustworthiness and a calming influence in challenging situations (Westerman & Simmons, 2007)

Personality Traits Agreeableness Friendly Compassionate vs. Cold Unkind

Many who fall into this category are highly social and make friends easily. In personality assessments those who score highest for agreeableness respond favorably to statements such I am kind to people, warm and caring, I cooperate with others easily, I consider myself as a high performer, and I usually want to help others who are in need (Zimmerman, 2008)

Prue Alice Munro. 750-1000 Words. Personality Traits

Prue accepts her faith but considers that her condition is not critical, as she believes that she is entitled to fight for her well-being. Her relationship with Gordon, "a helpless, baffled soul, squirming around inside his doughty forties" (Munro, p

Personality Traits A) the Conscientious

b) The types of situations that cause each of these managers stress will vary according to their personality profile. Overall, it is the degree of neuroticism that is the best predictor of stress, rather than the other four dimensions (Cox et al

Personality Traits A) the Conscientious

Even when under pressure, such managers will be calm enough to seek out the information. This task-focused coping mechanism allows them to deflect stress and solve problems (Matthews, et al

Personality Traits A) the Conscientious

In a highly-stressful situation, this type of manager is prone to taking too long to make a decision -- high pressure is not congruent with their managerial style. The need for perfect information and a perfect response is detrimental to self-efficacy among this personality type (Page, Bruch & Haase, 2008)

Personality Traits A) the Conscientious

In the face of uncertainty, this type of manager seeks more information to eliminate the uncertainty. This comes in the form of adjustment from an anchor (Tversky & Kahneman, 1974), which constitutes the known information and an estimate of the unknown information

Personality Traits A) the Conscientious

These managers thrive in high pressure situations, specifically because of their willingness to act impulsively. Their biggest mistake would be to become overly reliant on heuristics and fail to gather all of the pertinent information, as urgency begets impulsivity for this group (Whiteside & Lynam, 2001)

Personality Traits and Violence

Likewise, general anger levels and personality disorders have been repeatedly shown to be prevalent among violent men (Holzworth & Saunders, 2009). It is important to note, though, that there are two fundamentally different types of violence, reactive violence and instrumental violence (Antonius & Sinclair, 2013)

Personality Traits and Violence

A summary of the research and important findings concerning predispositions to violence are provided in the conclusion. Review and Discussion There are a number of factors that can contribute to a predisposition to violence, including gender, personality traits such as impulsive-aggressive behaviors, marital status and various environmental stressors (Kumar & Rajmohan, 2013)

Leadership Theories for Personality Traits

Finally, the level of maturity is determined by the experience of the subordinates and their enthusiasm as well as ability to undertake and assume responsibilities during the course of the project cycle. Consequently, the level of maturity of an individual will impact how the accountability and relationship styles are applied by the leadership to finish or realize an assignment (Arvidsson et al

Leadership Theories for Personality Traits

However, at the same time, these managers are continuously on the lookout for constrictive approaches on how to enhance their level of performance with the business procedure. These outcomes of the personality assessment will be utilized and applied to perceive and determine whether these managers can effectually use their leadership traits in ascertaining the nature of the situation with regards to the determination of this project (James, 2003)

Leadership Theories for Personality Traits

In particular, my style of leadership is keen on ensuring that projects are undertaken in a manner that is structured and systematic. However, there is a bit of transformational style of leadership as I can be visionary and creative when faced with an issue that necessitates innovative thinking (Lai, 2011)

Leadership Theories for Personality Traits

Evaluation of the relationship situational concerns The situational approach places emphasis on the relationship that exists between a certain condition and more often than not the contradictory or differing demands on the managers. It also encompasses whether the managers have the capability of changing their style of leadership to be in tandem with the shifting environment as the project continue to advance throughout its life cycle (Lee-Kelley, 2002)

Leadership Theories for Personality Traits

Think or feeling (T or F) method: an individual that might have a preference for looking at the decision making procedure in a sensible or biased manner iv. Judging or perceiving (J or P) approach: an individual that might have a preference for conducting their self in a planned or impulsive way (Northouse, 2013)

Changing Personality Traits Possible

Mental illness and drug use are also pieces to the puzzle. To state the obvious, these sorts of problems and dilemmas will make good situations bad and bad situations worse (Houchins)