Pathophysiology Sources for your Essay

Pathophysiology of Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid

Consider the similarities and differences of the disorders. The condition of osteoarthritis is marked by the loss of cartilage in the joints that causes in pain and a loss of functioning, primarily in the knees and hips (Woolf & Pleger, 2003)

Stroke Case Study Pathophysiology: In the Present

We hypothesized that dichotomized ASPECTS predicts response to intravenous thrombolysis and incidence of secondary hemorrhage within 6 hours of stroke onset." (Dzialowski et al

Stroke Case Study Pathophysiology: In the Present

According to Slater (2013), "middle cerebral artery stroke describes the sudden onset of focal neurologic deficit resulting from brain infarction or ischemia in the territory supplied by the middle cerebral artery (MCA)." (Slater, p

Stroke Case Study Pathophysiology: In the Present

The MCA has a main stem and several branches arising from it. Occlusion of the main stem affects the entire territory of brain supplied by the MCA" (Tocco, p

Pathophysiology Interrelatedness Case Study: Delusion

Thus, delusions can be placed on a continuum reflecting the availability of evidence that would confirm or disconfirm them." (Franklin, 1) In the case of the subject of our discussion, this is especially problematic because the patient has selectively determine that it was appropriate to cease taking her blood pressure medication

Pathophysiology Interrelatedness Case Study: Delusion

According to the source provided by Klatt, the risk of myocardial infarction is increased by the implications of hypertension, indicating that withdraw from one's medication as in the case of the patient in our case study can lead to the pairing of "increased intraventricular pressure and myocardial contraction." (Klatt, 1) These, in turn, can lead to the type of constricted bloodflow that is likely to invoke heart failure

Lung Cancer: Pathophysiology the Pathophysiology

Lung Cancer: Pathophysiology The pathophysiology of lung cancer development is complex and incompletely understood" (Mazzone 2004)

Pathophysiology: Alterations in Breathing, Work/Leisure

Decisions such as the administering of an intravenous thrombolytic or performing precautious coronary intervention (PCI) are many times made upon the categorization of cardiac markers such as ST-elevation. (Fenton, 2010) The work of Javed et al

Pathophysiology: Alterations in Breathing, Work/Leisure

(2010) entitled "Unusual towering elevation of troponin I after ST-elevation myocardial infarction and intensive monitoring with echocardiography post-percutaneous coronary intervention: a case report" states that the elevation of troponin levels directly corresponds to the extent of myocardial injury." (Javed, et al

Pathophysiology: Alterations in Breathing, Work/Leisure

The medications given Mrs. Gray are appropriate as it is reported that the use of clopidogrel (Plavix), an inhibitor of adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelet aggregation, has been proven to reduce ischemic events in cardiovascular patients…" (Tanaka, et al

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

Pathophysiology The molecular mechanism of breast cancer progression is a linear multi-step development which involves multiple cellular processes. There are two proposed models that account for the cell origin of breast cancer: the sporadic clonal evolution model and the cancer stem cell model (Bombonati, & Sgroi, 2010)

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

In the United States alone, one in eight women will develop breast cancer within their lifetime (Khanna et al., 2011), and cancer is the leading cause of death among women 35-54 years of age (Brody, & Rudel, 2003)

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

In the cancer stem cell model, current research is working towards the identification of specific cell markers that denote the presence of cancer stem cells. Using established cell lines in vitro, CD44 and CD133 cell markers have been identified as indicators of stem cell populations (Charafe-Jauffret et al

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

, 2007). Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Findings Initially, breast cancer may not cause any clinically apparent symptoms (Eberl et al

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

Treatment for breast cancer often involves invasive interventions; the future of breast cancer treatment is concentrated within genomic targeted therapies and the identification of cancer stem cell biomarkers as a preventative treatment method. Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer for women worldwide (Edwards et al

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

Hormonal factors have been identified within the context of molecular etiology of breast cancer. Exposure to estrogens is a risk for breast cancer, and specific oxidative metabolites of estrogens can react with DNA, resulting in endogenous chemical carcinogens (Gaikwad et al

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

The amplification of specific chromosome regions has been identified as frequent events in carcinomas. The amplification of a region on chromosome 8q24 is one of the highest occurring events in ovarian and breast cancers (Guan et al

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

, 2006). The progression of breast cancer calls for a patient to continuously adhere to the psychosocial adaptation of their illness (Heim et al

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

The precise pathological stages of breast cancer are understood, however the molecular differences among the stages are not. Mesenchymal stem cells have been described as localized to breast carcinomas, however their involvement in tumor pathophysiology has not fully been examined (Karnoub et al

Breast Cancer Pathophysiology

, 2009). In the United States alone, one in eight women will develop breast cancer within their lifetime (Khanna et al