Opinion Sources for your Essay

Tacitus Bias Opinions the Roman

Tacitus reveals the first difference between Nero and his predecessors at the public funeral held for Claudius, Nero's stepfather, whose wife, Agrippina was priesthood of. Tacitus mentions that Nero speech on the given occasion was written by Seneca and writes that "Nero was the first ruler to need borrowed eloquence" (Tacitus, p

Leonard Michaels\' \"Murderers\" in My Opinion, the

Phillip expresses he wants to escape death. This is implied in his statement that he "didn't want to wait for it" (Carver 339) and it also indicates that he is eager to explore life

Opinion Leaders

Opinion leaders are becoming important in marketing campaigns because they allow marketers to tap into the sometimes difficult to reach world of word-of-mouth advertising. Opinion leaders provide marketers with an opportunity to reach influential community leaders who will hopefully provide others with an influential 'recommendation' for a product, based on the marketer's campaign (Frost)

Political Science Opinions

It is interesting that in a country built by immigrants that many people have negative attitudes toward immigrants that are perpetuated by stereotypes and prejudice against racial groups. Stereotypes are widely used to generalize about the characteristics of groups of people through the assignment of simple labels alleged to represent group traits which are frequently based upon perceived wrongs of one group by another (Burns and Gimpal, 2000)

Political Science Opinions

C. Automation of Political Attitudes Once a political opinion is formed, people appear unable to break free of their prior sentiments when evaluating arguments on political issues, even when they are motivated to be impartial (Lodge and Tabor, 2005)

Political Science Opinions

And other countries. For example, perceptions of welfare recipients' motivation to work are a universal driver of personal and public support for welfare across different nations and different welfare systems (Peterson et al

Foreign Policy in My Opinion,

The policy framers had good intentions but the policy has failed to deliver on its objective. It has instead caused many problems for the European fishing industry than was anticipated (Riley, 2012)

Foreign Policy in My Opinion,

Policy myopia is when politicians come up with quick fixes to address a difficult economic problem like the fishing industry undertakings. These politicians never stop to look at the long-term considerations of the policies they pass (Stone, 1975)

Project Manager, What Is Your Opinion About

"Taking big risks can be beneficial to a firm that is able to accept them because it enables opportunity. For this reason, risk must be defined as including the probability of both good and bad outcomes" (Kwak & LaPlace 2005: 691)

Philosophers\' Ethos Thomas Hobbes\'s Opinion

With no one to be in charge of society, individuals would only be interested in behaving selfishly, with no regard to other people. From Hobbes' perspective, altruism does not exist, as it is only an attempt that people make with the purpose of covering their egocentricity (Hobbes, 104)

Philosophers\' Ethos Thomas Hobbes\'s Opinion

Thus, morality can be understood differently by two individuals, depending on the convictions each of them has. The general public cannot act in conformity to a standard reason because it involves a series of individuals that are unlikely to have the exact same beliefs (Hume's Moral Philosophy)

Presidents in My Opinion My

In the words of President Carter himself, the Americans were facing "a crisis of confidence" and most commentators were calling the state of affairs as, "America in Retreat."(Busch, 1997)

Presidents in My Opinion My

Like Reagan, Ike was also a great believer in delegation of powers to competent assistants as he realized that the job of a President had become far too complex for one individual to direct all its details. (Kengor, 1998)

Presidents in My Opinion My

He served his country well in his official capacity as the Secretary of State under George Washington when he fought against the Hamiltonian policies favoring the moneyed elite; as the Vice President in John Adam's Federalist government when he opposed the "Alien and Sedition Acts" that severely restricted the individual freedoms and freedom of the press; and during his two terms as the President when he sought to unite the country by moderating his policies, and gained for his country a huge territory stretching from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains through his skilful handling of the "Louisiana Purchase" with France. (Peterson, 1975) At the end of his two-term Presidency, he chose to follow the "sound precedent" set by George Washington, by declining to run for another term, as he did not wish to see the presidency become "an inheritance

Presidents in My Opinion My

He implemented his New Deal program through a series of legislation during the first 5 years of his presidency, which was unprecedented in its scope and effect. (Rozell and Pederson, 1997) Apart from providing urgent relief and initiating recovery measures, Roosevelt introduced far reaching reform measures that made U

Personal Opinion Play. Kamau Is a Play

Alika's role as being central to the representation of this conflict is underscored by the following quotation, in which the hard-drinking young man begins his job by seeming to embrace American tourist patronage of Hawaii. "We at Aloha Tours are here to serve you, so if you have any questions at all, just ask!" (Apio 19)

Supreme Court and Public Opinion the Supreme

The popular view, however, that the Court is sharply divided under political or ideological lines (conservative, moderate, liberal) is more of a preconception or caricature. For instance, in 2009, half the cases that were decided were unanimous, 20% with a 5-to-4 vote and less than 10 total cases fit the liberal/conservative divide (Goldstein, 2010)

Supreme Court and Public Opinion the Supreme

) the more the Court seems to influence public opinion. One study found that a conditional response hypothesis was the best way to explain the general way the Court affected public opinion -- certain highlight issues like Roe v Wade, for instance, even have decade long affects that influence ancillary topics and even institutions (Johnson & Martin, 1998)

Supreme Court and Public Opinion the Supreme

Each side is putting forward only ideological purists." The Judges seem far more likely to hire clerks who worked for either conservative or liberal judges, or those appointed by more partisan lines (Liptak, 2010)

Supreme Court and Public Opinion the Supreme

Since the Court is a lifetime appointment, however, sometimes these views are mitigated based on age -- Justices that came of age during the turbulence of the 1960s, for instance, may view societal trends differenty than those brought up during the 1970s. In any case, using empircal models, there are influences moving back and forth between the public and the Court (McGuire & Stimson, 2004) Research shows that the Supreme Court can and does influence public opinion toward a number of influential and controversial issues