Observation Sources for your Essay

Anthropological Observations Walking Downtown Is

This is why analyzing body movement became such an important anthropological tool to understand how the members of different subcultures interacted with each other. This is under the field of semiotics, which focuses on the understanding signs and signals that people give (Engel 2004)

Anthropological Observations Walking Downtown Is

Different actions show allegiances to different subgroups within the larger society. Thus, the research states that "The shared cultural traits of subcultures set them apart from the rest of their society," (O'Neil 2006)

Psychology Personality Albert Bandura\'s Observational Learning Theory,

behaved violently. (Feist & Feist, 2009) The second concept which is important to this theory is that the mental state of a person is very important when it come to learning

Natural Resource Curse Several Observations

The control of resources by governments and the vested interest parties is what results in the instability that we observe in these developing nations. The natural resources that present the chief source of conflicts and retrogressive development pace are quite diverse (Haber, Stephen & Victor 17)

Natural Resource Curse Several Observations

This is what later came to be known as 'the Dutch disease'. This is because, after the gas discovery, though there were no conflicts witnessed, the export process boomed so fast (Petrovsky 35)

Natural Resource Curse Several Observations

The most significant and prevalent reason why the country with plenty of natural resource will not prosper is conflicts. Conflicts among the ethnic groups, religious divisions, and the government and rebel groups are mostly driven and funded by the natural resource (Vatansever 21)

Participant Observation Can, for Purposes of Simplicity,

Observations of professional conduct in the classroom by the student author of a course evaluation guide The complete participant strategy works best in this case; the observer ought to act like a full member of the group and not reveal his research intentions because any suspicions by members of the observed group could lead them to display bias in an attempt to make the evaluation go a certain way. Observation of retail shoppers by a researcher who is interested in determining customer purchase time by type of goods purchased The participant-as-observer technique; the investigator reveals his research intentions from the onset, and is therefore, not regarded as a member of the group (Biggemann, 2010)

Participant Observation Can, for Purposes of Simplicity,

Participant observation can, for purposes of simplicity, "be placed on a continuum with 'passive' participant observation at one end of the continuum, and 'active' participant observation at the other" (Burgess, 2003, p

Criminology Inaccurate and Selective Observations Are Common

Thus, an eye witness to a crime needs to be vetted to prevent the inclusion of inaccurate observations as evidence in a case. Inaccurate observations "often occur in casual conversation and in everyday observation of the world around us" primarily because our perceptions are not as reliable as we may think (Schutt, 2010, p

Psychology - Human Observation Human

Psychology - Human Observation HUMAN OBSERVATION Gathering Baseline Information Attractiveness plays a fundamental role in the way that humans respond to one another and can even compromise security functions in law enforcement and private- sector physical security maintenance. Numerous previous studies have documented the influence of relative attractiveness on the friendliness of strangers, vocational interview assessment (Macionis, 2003), and on the generosity and helpfulness of passersby in situations where there assistance would obviously have been appreciated but were not necessitated by emergency, such as the dropping of paperwork by a cohort in an elevator next to research subjects (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2007)

Psychology - Human Observation Human

Hypothesis: The experimental hypothesis is that where physical security agents are responsible for adhering to technical rules without exception, they are more likely to suspend those rules in innocuous security situations (such as involving individuals they recognize first- hand) when the cohort is an attractive female than for both unattractive females and males. For the purpose of this experiment, "attractiveness" was determined by (1) objective measurement of facial symmetry known to be a strong determinant of physical attractiveness in humans and myriad other animal species (LeVay, 1994; Zuk, 2002) and (2) subjective responses of independent test subjects rating the physical attractiveness of still photographs of the cohorts

Psychology - Human Observation Human

Psychology - Human Observation HUMAN OBSERVATION Gathering Baseline Information Attractiveness plays a fundamental role in the way that humans respond to one another and can even compromise security functions in law enforcement and private- sector physical security maintenance. Numerous previous studies have documented the influence of relative attractiveness on the friendliness of strangers, vocational interview assessment (Macionis, 2003), and on the generosity and helpfulness of passersby in situations where there assistance would obviously have been appreciated but were not necessitated by emergency, such as the dropping of paperwork by a cohort in an elevator next to research subjects (Gerrig & Zimbardo, 2007)

Video Observation of Young Children

It was also compelling to see the children readily talking, although it was not always possible to understand them, which implies that they are still developing in this area of cognition. The part of the video that is primarily about preschoolers is important because "one third of children are under 5 years of age" (Britto & Ulkuer, 2012, p

Developmental Assessment Observational Notes Year-Old

Her imaginative play with the Barbies showed a great capacity for cooperative play. Though she did not have any playmates over at the time, her use of two Barbie dolls with their own separate (all but indistinguishable, admittedly, but separate nonetheless) was itself an example of the type of play associated with appropriate interactions and organized play activities seen in cooperative play (Snowman & Biehler 2004)

Team Development Group Process Observation

Was it high or low? Did the group members seem excited or exhausted, and did these emotional states seem justified? How did the energy level change when the groups were integrated? Participation must be gauged, as to whether it is equal, or if certain members dominate the discussion ("Process observer guidelines," 2008). Do certain group members play traditional roles in the group dynamic, like that of an initiator, a follower, blocker, etcetera (Richardson, 2004)? Do people have clear roles and a sense of responsibility to the group as well as to their own duties? How does this change when the composition of the group changes? Above all, a group process observer should regard the quality of participant interaction, particularly how well the participants listen to one other, engage in constructive or destructive conflict, and engage in problem-solving activities

Sociology Observational Analysis of Cultural

This typically meant other Asian students with whom they could identify with. It appears many consider themselves a victim of "cultural bias" as many students appear outnumbered in class, which may result in fears of discrimination or stereotyping (Andersen & Taylor, 2006; Shostak & McKay, (1971)

Sociology Observational Analysis of Cultural

To accomplish these goals the researcher will engage in an ethnographic-type analysis of the sub-culture and culture on campus. To identify a sub-type or the normative type or class on campus, one must first apply the sociological concept of "culture" and "society" (Shostak, 1971; Andersen & Taylor, 2006)

Community Race Relations Observations of

My first-hand experiences are, by definition, hardly "objective" in the clinical sense; and they are, necessarily, limited to interactions where one party involved is a Caucasian male. Interracial Interactions Involving a Non-racist Caucasian Male in My Community: realize that many people who consider themselves to be non-racist are genuinely unaware that they harbor elements of passive racist sentiments, assumptions, and expectations about others in their communities (Perreault & (Bourhis, 1999)

Community Race Relations Observations of

One could characterize it as a feeling that victims of racism are entitled to greater leeway in terms of what conduct can fairly be considered racist. For just one very timely example in the national media involving Isiah Tomas, I cannot help but try to imagine the intensity of the public outcry if a white man in the exact same position expressed the same idea, that he would be more offended hearing a black man refer to a white woman as a "*****" than he would hearing another white man do the same (Ridley, 2007)

Observation of Various Life Stages

So I am not sure I fully buy the disease model theory and that total abstinence is the only solution; however, I am sure that other variables interact with one's addiction and total sobriety may be right for a certain subset of addicts. Nonetheless despite the disease model and very formal program, the recovery rates for AA members do not differ from other treatment programs or people quitting without help (Kelly Magill & Stout, 2009)