Nutrition Sources for your Essay

Healthy Nutrition: A Chemistry View Point Chemistry

Various enzymes and body chemicals are required to transform food into energy. A healthy diet has numerous healthy effects on human body including disease resistance, appropriate energy balance, and normal functioning of all body organs (Papadopolus, 2008)

Healthy Nutrition: A Chemistry View Point Chemistry

A number of case control studies confirm the tendency of reaction and interaction of vitamins. Exercise: A healthy human being requires an appropriate balance of physical, physiological, and mental capabilities in order to perform its natural functions (Sladyk & O'Sullivan, 2010)

Healthy Nutrition: A Chemistry View Point Chemistry

Nutrition: The nutritious value of food is dependent on multiple factors including the quality, quantity, preparation process, and consumption. The chemistry of nutrition can also be defined in terms of the food composition (Willett, 2012)

Sports Nutrition the Stuff of

Sports Nutrition THE STUFF of CHAMPIONS With a vast array of appealing foods and all kinds of information on foods, coaches should diligently seek out true information and disseminate it (Mannie, 2001)

Sports Nutrition the Stuff of

Athletes who ingest accurate calories are likely to ingest sufficient vitamin requirements for their activity needs (Mannie). A decrease in muscle glycogen or energy stores and an increase in muscle protein breakdown follow an intense football workout or competition (Wellman, 2003)

Legalities of Being a Nutritional Consultant

Similar to other parts in the United States, working as a nutritional consultant in the state of California basically involves evaluating signs of nutritional deficiency in an individual and recommending supplements, food, and lifestyle changes for the client. Throughout the United States, a nutritional consultant does not possess a license and is not normally registered since there is no national credentialing board approved by the government (Peattie, n

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

According to a Northwestern University study, individuals' ratings of the pleasantness of eating chocolate were associated with increased blood flow in areas of the brain, particularly in the orbital frontal cortex and midbrain, that are also activated by addictive drugs such as cocaine. (Small, 2001) The researchers of the study gave 15 study participants, who classified themselves as "chocoholics," between 16 to 74 squares of chocolate (or about 40 to 170 grams) that had to melt slowly in the mouth

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

However, recent research is slowly unraveling the hidden truth about chocolate - that it might actually be beneficial to a balanced diet. (Bloom, Mustad) Despite its name, a typical "milk" chocolate bar provides less than 10% of the daily recommended amount of calcium

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

The chart below shows the top favorite "unhealthy" foods of the respondents. (Speak Out) Favorite "Unhealthy" Foods Food Frequency Percent* Chocolate Chips Candy Ice Cream Fried foods Soda Fast food Cookies Cake/baked goods Pizza Breakfast foods Everything research report titled "Chocolate: Food or Drug?" says that although addictive behavior is generally associated with drug and alcohol abuse or compulsive sexual activity, chocolate may evoke similar psychopharmacologic and behavioral reactions in susceptible persons

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

Instead, it is a fat that the body changes, through a series of biochemical reactions, into oleic acid. (Waterhouse) Most studies generalize chocolate, failing to provide specific details about how much and what type of chocolates are involved in the studies

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

" Seen as a food with a distinctive and tempting flavor that was resisted by health-conscious individuals, this reputation can be seen in the fact that chocolate cake is often called "devil's food." (Coe, 1996) There are many reasons that chocolate was seen as an unhealthy food

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

There is also evidence that hints that cocoa can be a digestive aid that boosts blood flow to the heart and is useful in helping victims of chest congestion breathe easier. (Young, 1994) Tests performed by a professor of nutrition and internal medicine on more than 100 volunteers who ate either small amounts of chocolate or who consumed flavonoid-rich cocoa beverages, indicated that the flavonoids in chocolate -- compounds that naturally occur in many fruits and vegetables, but are particularly plentiful in cocoa beans -- confer helpful effects similar to those produced by low doses of aspirin

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

Neil Martin, a senior lecturer in neuropsychology, the sweet smell "may remind people of certain things that are relaxing - or something could be tapping into the sub-cortical emotional centre." (Vinson, 2001) Researchers at Dundee University suspect the "craving" is simply due to the deep-rooted pleasure of eating chocolate, a combination of sweet taste and creamy texture

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

Still, it also contains higher levels of zinc, potassium, copper and magnesium. (Steinberg, 2001) Solid chocolate is a major source of copper, which helps the body use iron and aids in the development of connective tissue, blood vessels, and skin, and magnesium, which is part of the bone structure and plays an important role in the nervous system and in the break down of protein

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

American adults ranked chocolate as the most-craved food and as their favorite flavor by a three-to-one margin. (Mustad, 2001) Throughout the world, exists a society of chocolate lovers

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

Chocolate and Endorphins According to recent studies at New York University, chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins, natural body hormones that generate feelings of pleasure and well-being. (Piotrowski) There are also many chemical elements specific to chocolate that may help to stimulate cravings

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

In addition, behavioral studies show us that craving for a particular food is a learned activity and therefore can be unlearned. (Rozin, 1991) Chocolate: Behind Its Bad Rap Chapter Three - Design of the Study Design of the Study There are several factors that were taken into consideration when designing the methodology for the study

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

And several universities shows that less than two percent of fat in the average diet is actually contributed to fat in most developed countries. (Edmondson, 1996) In these countries, most of the fat comes from meat and dairy products

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap

It emphasizes that dietetics professionals must be aware that chocolate cravings are real. (Kurzer, 1999) The psychopharmacologic and chemosensory effects of chocolate must be considered when formulating recommendations for overall healthful eating and for treatment of nutritionally related health issues

Role of Nutrition in Health

There was no check in place to ensure that parts of the information is accurate since the person may have altered some of the facts or misrepresented certain aspects of his/her eating behaviors. Results and Nutritional Adequacy: The evaluation of the nutritional adequacy of each individual's diets is performed using the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGTHE) consumer brochure (Ageing, 1998)