Nursing Research Sources for your Essay

Nursing Research

Seen by some as a symbol of social progressivism, the endorsement of doctoral education for advanced practice nursing has many potentially positive outcomes. Among them, better parity with other practice disciplines" (Bellini 2012: 6)

Nursing Research Conducting Research for

Professionally, an ethically-sound nursing research is a manifestation of how the nursing profession consistently applies its ethics and discipline not only in nursing practice, but in research as well. Personally, nurses must acknowledge the need to be sensitive to the nature and needs of their participants when conducting research, taking into consideration their health condition, anonymity of their identifies (if necessary), and confidentiality of information provided to them for research purposes (Douglas, 2009:257)

Nursing Research Conducting Research for

One of the challenges presented to nurses is how research results are translated into practice, specifically, how reliable or applicable these results are when applied to a specific group or population with different views about medical/health care? It is in this kind of cases that a culturally-sound nursing research is critical and necessary. Deliberate consideration for a culturally-sound or -- applicable results or evidence would result to greater appreciation and support for nursing research, not to mention the benefits for nurses and patients alike as results/evidence are applied in practice to develop responsive and appropriate healthcare interventions (Kitson, 2008:2)

Nursing Researchers This Is a

Through provision of information on acceptability, adequacy, suitability, appropriateness, intervention fidelity, intervention retention rate and safety of the intervention, there is effectiveness in research for development of information for use in making a subsequent research for the generation of practical information for nursing. Literature Review The experience of choosing the best research method to use for a study Qualitative and quantitative researches are important to the field of research because they fit into studies of nursing sciences and practice for the development of best practices in the nursing field (Berman, Snyder, Kozier & Erb, 2008)

Nursing Researchers This Is a

Triangulation used in qualitative research, however, uses multiple data fro discussions, participants and observation for developing an understanding of a phenomenon (Law, Stewart, Letts, Pollack, Bosch, & Westmorland, 1998). In quantitative research, there is the use of randomness in elimination of biases while in qualitative research there is the use of preference (Black, 2009)

Nursing Researchers This Is a

They also use validity to verify the results of study to shoe that the research study has evidence of assertion of the used methods, as well as vesting on the quality of the independent variables like the researching skills capacity. Any researcher in doing a nursing study must have an understanding of the differences of the different research methods to decide on the best for his or her practice (Law, Stewart, Letts, Pollack, Bosch, & Westmorland, 1998)

Nursing Researchers This Is a

The study also has no comparison to another or any outcome predictions made because of other research. It adheres to qualitative research requirements by focusing on existing knowledge of the possibility of difficulties on conducting research without adequate knowledge and ease for the skilled researchers (Lilley, Harrington, & Snyder, 2007)

Nursing Researchers This Is a

Reliability is the measure of consistency and accuracy within research methods for measuring research variables in a study. Reliability helps in the interpretation of statistical analysis results to find out the reliability of the results of studying a wide group (Polit & Beck, 2008)

Nursing Researchers This Is a

Reliability is the measure of consistency and accuracy within research methods for measuring research variables in a study. Reliability helps in the interpretation of statistical analysis results to find out the reliability of the results of studying a wide group (Polit & Beck, 2008)

Nursing Researchers This Is a

Integration of quantitative and qualitative research data within a study helps in offsetting shortcomings and challenges of the research approaches, as well as enhancing the validity of the results. Nurses who have undergone adequate training on how to use the research methods find it easy using either methods or integrating them into their research practice (Schelbred & Nord, 2007)

Nursing Research

The study was also done at a smaller scale using two primary care clinics which make it not possible to generalize the findings to the larger populations. Compared to the qualitative design, the evaluation of the two points of care, primary and hospital-based care could only be done with the quantitative design since it was aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of primary care (Banks, Sharp, Hunt, & Shield, 2012) ADDIN EN

Nursing Research

The study was also done at a smaller scale using two primary care clinics which make it not possible to generalize the findings to the larger populations. Compared to the qualitative design, the evaluation of the two points of care, primary and hospital-based care could only be done with the quantitative design since it was aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of primary care (Banks, Sharp, Hunt, & Shield, 2012) ADDIN EN

Nursing Research

This reduces bias related to interpretation of results and therefore the research personnel are not able to behave in a way that influences their interpretation. It decreases the effects of the research personnel on the study results thus improving the validity of the study (Brewer, 2000)

Nursing Research

To test the theories, the researcher should do a search of literature to see other studies that have tested these assumptions or conduct a simple study to test these assumptions. Another way to ensure the theory is a good fit is to pit two theories that make opposite predictions and try to see which is a better fit for their study (Groves et al

Nursing Research

Quantitative research, on the other hand, is aimed at describing the phenomenon. Data is often collected through questionnaires and survey tools and analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentages, mean, mode, and median (Miller & Salkind, 2002)

Nursing Research

It is also important to discuss the data that needs to be collected in order to create a tool that meets this need. Tools available on the Internet or present in the hospital may not meet the needs of the organization (Oppenheim, 2000)

Nursing Research

Procedural or systematic bias occurs when the researcher administers the research items under adverse conditions such as paying subjects or promising items such as course credits for students. For qualitative studies, researcher bias is when the researcher allows their personal bias to influence how the data is collected and analyzed to reflect their personal values or opinion (Pannucci & Wilkins, 2010)

Nursing Research

For studies such as randomized trials, demographic data helps to understand differences between the baseline data for the recruited groups and helps to show the robustness of the randomization procedures used in the trial and thus improve the validity and reliability of the results. Furthermore, in certain studies, interesting trends may emerge that can only be described by subgrouping the data by the demographic characteristics (Peck & Devore, 2011)

Nursing Research

Missing information is where the respondent may decide not to answer a question or give a "don't know" response while in clinical data collection, often the patient is required to answer a question even when it is sensitive or uncomfortable if it pertains to their care. In sample control, the researcher has to check that the person to be interviewed are the intended respondent while in data collection, this is not often the case (Polit & Beck, 2012)

Nursing Research

When using the mixed-methods, it is also difficult for the researcher to learn multiple methods and be able to use both effectively. The interpretation of conflicting results is also difficult and analysis of quantitative data qualitatively is also difficult (Ponterotto, Matthew, & Raughley, 2013)