Nursing Philosophy Sources for your Essay

Nursing Philosophy

These lower salaried employees will then afford more management opportunities for the nurse. Another current trend is that many nurses don't remain employed in nursing positions for their working life, and instead use it as a stepping stone (Duffield et al

Nursing Philosophy

Nurses are critical to a patient's satisfaction. A positive evaluation of a nurse usually leads to a patient being satisfied with their hospital environment (Gotlieb, 2002)

Nursing Philosophy

Because of this, the future of nursing is going to open up even more opportunities for nurses to take the lead in healthcare. As an example, today, hospitals are using Clinical Nurse Specialists to cost-effectively improve patient outcomes (Lyon, 2005)

Nursing Philosophy

This is because labor costs are one of the largest expenditures an organization faces. In the example of a hospital, labor is approximately 50% of their operating costs (Perla, 2002)

Nursing Philosophy

As an example, today, hospitals are using Clinical Nurse Specialists to cost-effectively improve patient outcomes (Lyon, 2005). The demand for knowledgeable and skilled nursing leaders is on the rise (Scoble & Russell, 2003)

Nursing Philosophy

Today, because of managed care and capitation, nurses have become much more. Currently, "registered nurses constitute the largest group of health care providers in the United States" (Stevenson, 2003)

Nursing Philosophy and Metaparadigm the

Nurses are providers of care, not a stiff singular concept where everyone gets the same type of care, but a movable, flexible notion of care that works to fit every individual in need. As such, "nursing is caring for people and their environment in ordered to maintain well-being in individual, family, and/or community using therapeutic techniques" (Long, 2012)

Nursing Philosophy Emerging and Developing

Nursing Philosophy Emerging and Developing Philosophies of Nursing The formalization and solidification of nursing as a scientific and scholarly discipline is certainly one of the most important concepts in the development of nursing practice. Nursing in the form known today would be impossible without this now-obvious-seeming innovation of Florence Nightingale's, who was the first to design and insist on a formalized plan of study and practice in the field of nursing (Chinn & Kramer 2004, pp

Nursing Philosophy Emerging and Developing

The formalization of nursing allowed for inquiry and investigation on a scientific basis, allowing for new discoveries and decisions to be made. Tat being said, one of the most essential recent developments in the formalized discipline of nursing has been the recognition by many scholars of the integrated nature of nursing (Dobson et al

Nursing - Nursing Philosophy Nursing

Patients whose families are directly involved in their medical care are less likely to suffer depression before and after discharge; they are also more likely to follow medical directions closely. Holistic incorporation of idiosyncratic differences among patients requires a commitment to better understanding cultural norms and culturally-oriented patient perspectives as well; in fact, failure to do so can compromise patient cooperation virtually at the outset of the nurse-patient relationship (Clark & Robinson, 2000)

Nursing - Nursing Philosophy Nursing

Multiculturalism in Holistic Nursing: Multiculturalism and the increasing age of the American population present two other fundamental components of the holistic approach to nursing that emphasizes treating the whole person in conjunction with clinical therapeutics. Patient outcomes have been clearly demonstrated to improve, both in studies of higher rates of symptom resolution attributed to social support focusing on cultural bridging (Steefle, 2002), as well as reduced reliance on medication for palliative relief attributable to cultural sensitivity on the part of treating staff (Miller & Chandler, 2002)

Nursing - Nursing Philosophy Nursing

from hospital acquired infections unrelated to the initial hospitalization (Tong, 2007). Anecdotal evidence, to a large extent, implicates hospital staff (including RNs as well as physicians) in breakdowns in basic hygienic protocols and common sense (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2004)

Nursing - Nursing Philosophy Nursing

Nursing - Nursing Philosophy NURSING PHILOSOPHY and PROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVE Without a doubt, the first extraordinarily important new era of medicine began shortly after the close of the American Civil War, with Joseph Lister's introduction of the Germ Theory of disease, because it led directly to the understanding of the critical importance of asepsis in patient morbidity and mortality. However, increasingly aseptic hospital environments had already saved hundreds of thousands of lives in hospitals receiving battlefield casualties toward the end of the war, a full two years before Lister's historic announcement in 1867 (Starr, 1984)

Nursing - Nursing Philosophy Nursing

That is truly unfortunate. Holistic concerns in nursing are more than merely "compatible" with an evidence-based perspective; in fact, the holistic emphasis is an expansion of available treatment modalities that has been demonstrated empirically to bolster clinical success rather than competing with it or contradicting it (Stetler, 2001)

Nursing - Nursing Philosophy Nursing

S. from hospital acquired infections unrelated to the initial hospitalization (Tong, 2007)

Nursing Philosophy the Author of This Report

As with many meta-related topics, health is a fairly wide-ranging subject and can take on many forms and sub-forms. Both clinicians and the subjects themselves would describe their health and well-being in very different terms, even for the same state of affairs or situation (Basford, 2003)

Nursing Philosophy the Author of This Report

Professional ethics can vary a bit from place to place, but these would be the ethics that drive the particular employer or organization that is administering medical care. Governmental ethics would be standards or even laws passed down by the federal or even the states in many instances (Butts & Rich, 2010)

Nursing Philosophy the Author of This Report

Third, the author would posit that state/federal health initiatives or law frameworks like the Affordable Care Act or others should not be rolled out and made available until they are ready for their reveal. The current rollout of ObamaCare is a debacle and the idea that people can be fined for not signing up when the website that they are to use for the same is basically unusable is a joke (Lovett, 2013)

Nursing Philosophy the Author of This Report

As the years and decades change, the medications and practices used to treat disease may very well change but the underlying ethics and standards that nurses and doctors are held to should change very little unless there is an overarching reason for it. Religion and politics are both noble pursuits and subjects in their own right, but the influence they bear on medical and nursing ethics should be scant to none in most cases (Stone, 2012)

Nursing Philosophy the Author of This Report

Too often, people get their nose too high in the air, get their personal ethics confused with what should be their professional ethics and/or are just operating in a sloppy or ham-handed fashion. This is not to say that doctors and nurses should throw everything plus the kitchen sink at a sick patient for fear of not solving the patient's malady, fear of lawsuit or just a fear of the patient getting incensed and coming back for another round of diagnosis (Whitlock, Orleans, Pender, & Allan, 2002)