Native Americans Sources for your Essay

Native Americans and Black Slaves Corporation and Confrontations

Around the same time that concern about the slaves' growing familiarity with the Cherokee dialect was discussed, a Spanish commission landed at Coweta, the chief town of the Lower Creeks, accompanied by an ex-Carolina slave whose main purpose was to translate between the Creeks and the Spanish. He vouched for the semantic capacity of a percentage of the runaway slaves and their capacity to acclimatize into the other cultures of European countries and additionally into Yamasee, Cherokess, or Creek social orders (Taylor, 77-78)

The Truth About Native Americans

However, there are other Eurocentric Americans (namely Sam), who wish for Old Shatterhand to actually kill Tangua. Sam believes that it is "imprudent" (May 488)

The Native Americans

Year : 1994

Science or Sacrilege: Native Americans, Archaeology, and the Law

Year : 1996

Native Americans of the Civil War

Year : 2006