Music Therapy Sources for your Essay

Music Therapy

Depression is in fact an area in which music therapy is proving especially effective. Recent research shows that even just listening to music in a structured way via music therapy can reduce symptoms in people diagnosed with clinical depression (Erkkila, et al

Music Therapy

Music therapy has been used on specific patient populations such as children with terminal illnesses. In one study, pediatric patients with terminal cancer were offered music therapy, and it was found that a variety of music therapy interventions including composition, playing, and listening helped to alleviate emotions like fear and anxiety (Fagen, 1982)

Music Therapy

Lowered heart rate and improved cardiac health may result from using music therapy. Research shows that music therapy is as effective as relaxation exercises in reducing the incidence of cardiac complications (Guzzetta, 1989)

Music Therapy

Nearly every patient population seems to respond to music therapy, including animals. Music has been shown to have anti-anxiety, pro-immunity properties and can raise dopamine levels in the brain (Landau, 2013)

Music Therapy

The elderly have responded well to music therapy, too, and so too have patients with Alzheimer's disease. Music therapy even has an impact on unborn babies and neonates, as well as their anxious mothers (Schlez, Litmanovitz, Dolfin, Regev & Arnon, 2011)

Music Therapy in the Reading

What our senses show us is a part of the outside world and, as such, belongs in the closed context of physical nature. The nonphysical- thoughts exist only in a consciousness, in an inner world, my own or that of some other living creature; it can never be the object of direct sensory perception (Zuckerkandl, 1956)

Music Therapy According to Gary

The medium levels the playing field and loosens up possible areas of intimidation, mistrust, or shyness. Furthermore, the role of the therapist differs sharply from the role of the music critic, for which the "distinction between good and bad" is foremost (Langer 207)

Music Therapy: Music Has Been

For example, sometimes patient's life stories are ineffectual, like 'I am a failure' or 'my mother never loved me.' (Hart, p

Effects of Music Therapy on Psychiatric Patients

¶ … Music Therapy on Psych Patients Effects of Music Therapy on Psychiatric Patients Music therapy can be defined as such: "the controlled use of the influence of music on the human being to aid in physiological, psychological, and emotional integration of the individual during the treatment of an illness or disease" (Choi, Lee, & Lim 2008)

Effects of Music Therapy on Psychiatric Patients

In looking at patients with schizophrenia with symptoms such as social isolation, hallucinations, delusions and/or episodes of aggression or emotional outbursts, medicine is normally the course of therapy that practitioners take. However, specifically in patients with schizophrenia, there are residual symptoms that are not helped by medication alone (De Sousa & De Sousa 2010)

Effects of Music Therapy on Psychiatric Patients

Music is sometimes a motivating enough event (whether listening or playing) and patients can really benefit from its healing purposes, which have been proven to have beneficial effects on patients with anxiety, tension, stress, and mood disorders (2008). It is, of course, a very distinct form of treatment that moves away from the typical forms of treatment -- like psychotherapy (however, as a side note, music therapy can also be used in conjunction with psychotherapy), but it has been proven to work very well in psychiatric patients with a very low level of motivation when it comes to therapy (Gold 2009)

Effects of Music Therapy on Psychiatric Patients

Music is sometimes a motivating enough event (whether listening or playing) and patients can really benefit from its healing purposes, which have been proven to have beneficial effects on patients with anxiety, tension, stress, and mood disorders (2008). It is, of course, a very distinct form of treatment that moves away from the typical forms of treatment -- like psychotherapy (however, as a side note, music therapy can also be used in conjunction with psychotherapy), but it has been proven to work very well in psychiatric patients with a very low level of motivation when it comes to therapy (Gold 2009)

Music Therapy, 101

Year : 2004

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