Meditation Sources for your Essay

How Yoga and Meditation Are Holistic

Surya namaskar means "sun salutation," and is a commonly used series of poses in yoga. The Seven Chakras Chakra literally translates to "wheel," and refers to wheel-like energy centers in the body There are seven main chakras in the body Each chakra is a "a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet," (Fondin)

How Yoga and Meditation Are Holistic

It is the transcendental chakra. Foods for Chakras Root -- protein, esp animal, root vegetables, mushrooms, red food (Minich

How Meditation Leads to Healing Process

Meditation Healing Process The Validity of Meditation as a Healing Process according to Jovanov Jovanov's (1995) study seeks to legitimize the role of meditation in the healing process by focusing on the activity of brain processes during meditation using special methodology and software. "Subtle EEG changes" are monitored and characterized according to behavioral patterns based on static and dynamic analysis (Jovanov, 1995)

Meditations and the Brain

Essentially, through meditation, one is able to hypnotize the mind (Self) and achieve a state similar to that experienced in a sensory deprivation chamber; it is, in effect, achieving an altered state via mind control -- or control of the mind. This happens by "focusing attention on a chosen object in a sustained fashion" or by paying attention to the body's thought and emotional patterns "from moment to moment" (Davidson, Lutz, 2008, p

Meditations and the Brain

162). This ability to change inner states has been well documented by researchers who specialize in neurophenomenology (Holroyd, 2003, p

Meditations and the Brain

Life Coaching Meditations, the Mind, and Beneficiaries Mindful and concentrative meditations have been shown to be helpful in relieving body stress and tension as they allow persons to "detect and release…brain and body processes" that create pressure and strain (Smith, 2005, p

Mindfulness Meditation Practice and Stress

When it comes to why mindfulness meditation works well, Teper & Inzlicht (2012) found that meditators tend to experience more "executive control," meaning they feel more in control of their emotions and cognitions after the practice of meditation. Moreover, the researchers found that emotional acceptance is an important result of meditating and why people do tend to feel better overall when they meditate (Teper & Inzlicht, 2012)

Analyzing Meditation for the Soul

Also, it is not a power over which I have control; instead it is a loving presence to which I could safely submit. It never abandons me (Naylor, 2009)

Analyzing Meditation for the Soul

Studies reveal that individuals surrounded by an overflow of data and choices of data venues are now displaying signs of what is referred to as 'brain freeze.' Taking some time to refresh the mind of excess sensory stimulation and domesticating the ego together with its addictive tendencies is now regarded as important for both mental and spiritual welfare (Seaward, 2012)

Meditation on Violence

Year : 1949

Visions in Meditation #3: Plato's Cave

Year : 1990

Visions in Meditation #4: D.H. Lawrence

Year : 1990

Visions in Meditation #1

Year : 1989

Visions in Meditation #2: Mesa Verde

Year : 1989

Meditation, Creativity, Peace

Year : 2012


Year : 1972

Sexual Meditation: Room with View

Year : 1971

Peace Is Every Step: Meditation in Action: The Life and Work of Thich Nhat Hanh

Year : 1998

Sexual Meditation: Office Suite

Year : 1972