Marriage Sources for your Essay

Solution to the Gay Marriage

Marriage licenses are issued to partners of the same gender in only six places in the United States: Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Washington, D.C (Urbina)

Same-Sex Marriage in Sociological Context

In my personal experience, same-sex couples are no different from traditionally married couples and they deserve equal treatment under the law, just as did interracial couples. Apparently, younger Americans of my generation are much less prone to perpetuating traditional stereotypes and prejudices (Bennett, 1996) that militate against the conceptual expansion of the institution of marriage to include genuinely pair-bonded same-sex couples

Same-Sex Marriage in Sociological Context

In principle, the micro-sociological approach might be best-suited for understanding marriage as a contemporary social institution. The social institution of marriage has traditionally fulfilled fundamental social expectations in relation to norms and values about gender roles and the role of nuclear families in society (Henslin, 2008; Macionis, 2007)

Same Sex Marriage

Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized The issue of legalizing same-sex marriages has been the subject of major debate for several years, and was recently brought to the forefront during this past election year. Aside from public support, there are many in the academic world, such as scholars, lawmakers, and commentators who believe that legal status and benefits of marriage should be extended to unions other than traditional marriages (Wardle Pp)

Same Sex Marriage

There is actually no logical reason why unions of same-sex couples should not be granted. Throughout the election campaign, President Bush courted conservatives by promising to push for a constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriages, and now that he has been re-elected, it is believed that he will definitely push for the amendment (Munro Pp)

Same Sex Marriage

Earlier this year the amendment failed in both the House and the Senate, and opinion polls indicate that Americans are evenly split on the question of adding a marriage amendment to the Constitution, although on November 2, voters in eleven states passed state amendments banning same-sex marriages (Munro Pp). President Bush has stated that he believes "marriage is between a man and a woman, and I believe we ought to codify that one way or the other" (Gomes Pp)

Same Sex Marriage

David Moats in "Civil Wars: A Battle for Gay Marriage details the recent battles in Vermont concerning the legalization of gay marriages. He also provides intimate portraits of many of the people to whom this issue effected, such as Lois and Holly, who had through the years taken in some fifteen foster children and in 1994 adopted one of them, thirteen-year-old Kimberly, who had the time of Moats' interview had just finished her first semester in college (Moats Pp 6)

Same Sex Marriage

However, Sullivan also provides historical references to show that same-sex unions are not a modern phenomenon. Sullivan points out that "Same-sex love as Plato's Symposium shows, is as ancient as human love" (Sullivan Pp 3)

Same Sex Marriage

Moreover, in Native American society, marriage between two men was commonplace (Sullivan Pp3). Constitutional law professor Andrew Koppelman, says that discrimination against gays is a form of sex discrimination (Caruso Pp)

Arrange Marriage Among Adolescent

This is the type of marriage where "The individual may only see a photograph or may never meet his or her prospective mate until the day of marriage." (Zaidi, and Shuraydi 2002) Secondly there is marriage that is orchestrated through a delegation of chaperoning situation

Same-Sex Marriage in Defense of

Furthermore, there are countries that currently recognize same-sex marriages, including the Netherlands and two Canadian provinces (Semple). In addition, Denmark has long recognized registered partnerships for same-sex couples (Bartlett 459)

Same-Sex Marriage in Defense of

Not only were polygamous marriages popular in so-called ancient times, but they are still practiced in many countries around the world. Levirate marriage refers to an ancient practice whereby widowed women were required to marry one of their brother-in-law after the death of the woman's husband (Robinson, "Types of Marriage")

Same-Sex Marriage in Defense of

Not only were polygamous marriages popular in so-called ancient times, but they are still practiced in many countries around the world. Levirate marriage refers to an ancient practice whereby widowed women were required to marry one of their brother-in-law after the death of the woman's husband (Robinson, "Types of Marriage")

Same-Sex Marriage in Defense of

Not only were polygamous marriages popular in so-called ancient times, but they are still practiced in many countries around the world. Levirate marriage refers to an ancient practice whereby widowed women were required to marry one of their brother-in-law after the death of the woman's husband (Robinson, "Types of Marriage")

Same-Sex Marriage in Defense of

The most seemingly innocuous argument of those opposed to gay marriage is that marriage has historically been a union between one man and one woman. That position is gaining support from many people, from small-town American voters, to Vatican City (Semple)

Marriage and Divorce in Matthew

Jesus was speaking to the people of his time who now were expected to be more advanced than the former slaves who had just left Egypt. They had lived under God's law form more than a thousand years and with uplifted souls could be expected to fulfill the higher precepts of what the law was initially meant to be-union once and for all for good ("Jesus Discusses Marriage,," )

Marriage and Divorce in Matthew

Marriage and Divorce In Matthew 19:1-16, Jesus began by referring the Pharisees back to the Book of Genesis where God at the beginning made them male and female ("Matthew 19: Divorce,," )

Gay Marriage the Overwhelming Passage

The issue of gay marriage and resulting legalities surrounding the institution of marriage itself has been debated for many years. In 1996 a state court in Hawaii dismissed the states laws against same-sex marriage thus destroying what was considered the traditional definition of marriage (Hagelin, 2004)

Gay Marriage the Overwhelming Passage

America was built and founded on the grounds and fundamental principle that church and state should be separate; thus people have the right to worship or not as they choose, live their life as they choose and practice beliefs as they see fit. Further, the American government and political system was built on multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-denominational principles (Marcel, 2004)

Geoffrey Chaucer\'s Tales of Marriage

For always busy as bees Are they, us simple men thus to deceive, And from the truth they turn aside and leave (Chaucer, 2004)" Chaucer shows his readers, through the previous two tales, what marriage really is, when he presents the Franklin to his audience. In this story, the Franklin's decision, which was based on love and respect for his wife, resulted in 'quiet and rest' for both Arveragus and Dorigen (Kittredge, 2000)